This evening of the Haili Conference, Zhang Shuxin is rare, although there are many unknown numbers in the future, but she is like a sister, she is like Meng Qian's shoulder, drinking, Meng Qian, and Zhang Shuxin have suffered these years. Too much pressure, wearing the title of Huaxia Internet Enlightenment has not been too big.

But Meng Qiao believes that Haiwei will turn over the search engine, Zhang Shuxin will turn over the search engine, he will also help Zhang Tao's new.

This evening is that Meng Qian saw Zhang Shuxin and drunk, Meng Qian also drank a lot, and fell back to the hotel.

I slept well, the next day Meng Qian got a spirit to today's destination: I am located in the Microsoft Asian Institute of Yanjing.

Although the wind group is now powerful with Microsoft, I heard that Meng Qian is coming to visit, the Microsoft Asian Research Institute is still very welcome.

"Meng Gui, long-term name." At this time, the Dean of the Microsoft Asian Institute of Asia was directly greeted Meng Qian at the door, and whispered on the occasion of the handshake. "Thank Meng Mong's care for Shen Lin.

"I heard that Shen Lin was going to go to Microsoft, and was given up by the wind group, and he still hopes that the depth of the governor should not let."

"Hahaha, Meng Pao, Shen Lin can go to the wind group, I am in a truth." Said Shen Xiangyang began to introduce Meng Qian, "This is a vice president flood, this is Dr. Guo Yinning, this Is Wang and Dr. ... "

Meng Qian shakes hands with everyone, but no one notes, his eyes stay in Wang and and stay a few seconds.

After Shen Xiangyang, I will take Meng Qian to visit the Research Institute. I have dinched at noon. I have reached the session of the session. This is the purpose of Meng Qian to come to Microsoft Asian Institute. Let's discuss the technology, explore the future.

Meng Qian wanted to talk about this time, they didn't know, but they knew Meng Qian, and asked the artificial intelligence.

The Great Wind Group has a mysterious artificial intelligence department. This is a statement that I don't know how to pass in the past two years, and with time, Meng Qian proposed the depth learning algorithm to be recognized and praised by more and more scholars around the world. It also includes the opponent of the wind group.

The Microsoft Asian Research Institute exactly invested a lot of effort to study artificial intelligence, so I want to talk to Meng Qian by this opportunity.

"Meng Zheng, in your opinion, where is the breakthrough of artificial intelligence development?" The vice president flooded directly.

"I think artificial intelligence has broken through the key restrictions of the past, the development of the Internet, the development of algorithms, the upcoming development, will push the artificial intelligence forward, I think that people engaged in artificial intelligence should focus on considering What can artificial intelligence do this problem. "

"The key direction of artificial intelligence should be to liberate the labor." Guo Yining put forward his own views, "The main needs of intelligent development should still be in productive."

"I don't think so." Meng Qian said different opinions. "I think the essence of artificial intelligence is an evolutionary manual interaction."

The king of the side is so good, "Why is it an evolution of human machine?"

"Have you ever thought that the artificial intelligence carrier in the movie is often a robot?"

Everyone shook his head, everyone didn't go deeply, "This is the expectation of artificial intelligence in our human subconscious, in fact, although the development of artificial intelligence is almost impossible to achieve the bridge in the movie Segment, but it is indeed greatly improving human-computer interaction.

A very simple example, I took the time of Yahai Wei's conference. When we use the search engine to search for keywords, what is the answer, we can only passively accept, but with perfect artificial intelligence Once used to search the search engine, the search engine may implement more steps to analyze understanding, this time we can feedback to the answer, such as us inform it that this is not what I want.

After the search engine acquires this information, it will analyze and export different answers. This is our interaction between our computers.

In the same way, we will not be a passive website to recommend anything, but through our usage habits, let the website will gradually recommend more of our favorite works through our usage habits. .

This interaction will change the relationship between humans and machines, which will change human living habits and artificial intelligence, which is to interact with human-machine.

The labor force mentioned by Dr. Guo Ji is just a branch of artificial intelligence affecting human-computer interaction. We make accurate work through constant information input to help us liberate your hands, this is also interaction. "

Meng Qian's statement brings a different ideological impact. Meng Qian is not in the later generations. It can understand which artificial intelligence can understand, not to mention the artificial intelligent researchers of this meeting in 2005. Said, it is still very fresh.

"That said, Meng Mong should have a lot of expectations on the future of artificial intelligence." Shen Xiangyang issued.

"My expectation for the future is eight words, all things smart, all things interconnected. I just said that intelligent core is human-computer interaction, so as long as someone and machine, you can interact, but the machine How to do it in the world? Is it all about our lives? This is what I still don't understand. "Meng Qian deliberately stupid.

"The machine cannot be densely covered by the world, but the network can!" Wang and excited in the side.

Everyone's consciousness looks to Wang and Wang, "" Through the network and software, it is possible to make the machine to cover the world, and then combined with artificial intelligence, this is Meng Hao, you just said, all things, all things, all things! "

Meng Qian continued to be stupid, did not hear Wang and say something, then carefully observe the reactions of others, from the reaction, everyone seems to be very understandable.

In fact, the things that king said that there is a cloud, but in 2005, there are no fewer companies, and the company is good. It is Google, and Microsoft is also lagging behind the cloud.

Probably guess everyone's thoughts, Meng Qian said with Wang and said, "Dr. Wang's meaning is through software to realize the distance of hardware?"

"It can be said, but it is not accurate."

See how the king and how to explain, Meng Qian deliberately interrupted, "I seem to have a bit of understanding of Dr. Wang, if you can realize, then combined with artificial intelligence, it is an era that is expected."

"The purpose of technology development is not to create an era." The sinking in the side is inserted, "But how to land, it is what we should study."

"To be honest, I just found the wind group, I really expected to work with Microsoft. Even if I still think about today, if the wind group can work with Microsoft, I think that it will be a matter of expectation. "

"Although the wind group has some friction with Microsoft, I believe that the future two companies will have cooperation opportunities."

Seeing that everyone has opened the topic, Wang and Wang have not said down, but the inner excitement is not hidden.

When I left the Microsoft Asian laboratory, Meng Qian led a business card with the people. Wait patiently at eight o'clock in the evening, Meng Qian received a phone call to inform him that Wang and have left the research institute, Meng Qian went for more than ten minutes. Give Wang and have a call, "Dr. Wang, are you still studying in the institute?"

"I am already on the way home."

"Where is your home? I have been thinking about the concept of the Internet, I have some things, I will ask you, what is it convenient?"

"Convenient and convenient, my family is in ..."

Meng Qian shed the address and left immediately after the phone was hung.


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