Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 396 Economic Export Development

On August 5th, the Delegation of the Miguo returned to China in batches. On the afternoon of August 8, Meng Qian came to Pudong Airport to go to Miki.

When the VIP is waiting for boarding, Meng Qian with a hat mask takes the computer to prepare for some work, suddenly, a little girl who is about 10 people go to Meng Qian.

Meng Qian was not very concerned, but noted that the little girl stayed at him for a long time, she looked up and looked at Meng Qian, and suddenly turned around and rushed away. When I ran, Meng Qian saw she rushed to a sixty-seven old arms, the old man is watching the newspaper, there is no reaction, continue to read the newspaper.

Meng Qian no longer pays attention to, down, but after one or two minutes, Meng Qian felt that there was a figure around, and he looked up and saw the little girl just now. The little girl looked at Meng Qian, and there was still a curious. The clear eyes let Meng Qian can't help but look few more eyes.

For a while, the little girl is like a courage to get close to Meng Qian, and then look at Meng Qian's computer.

Meng Qian just wanted to reach out to play the girl's head, the little girl ran back, and then rushed to the opposite old arms, the old man lifted his head this time, just with Meng Qian, very Polite smile noddress. Meng Qian retired a smile, although wearing a mask, but it can still be polite from the eyes.

It is not long after it is over, and the little girl is coming again. This time Meng Qian did not reach, but asked, "What is your name?"

"Sun Man". "The little girl had a milk to answer Meng Qian.

Meng Qian slowly reached out, the little girl hesitated, suddenly put the lollipop in his hand in the hands of Meng Qian, showing the innocent smile.

Meng Qian took the lollipop in his hand and continued to ask. "Do you have anything to find?"

The little girl shook his head, at this time, a boy who was probably a fifteen-year-old boy shouted Manoman, and the little girl ran back after hearing the voice, and the boy rushed to Meng Qian. A sorry expression, Meng Qian is nothing.

Meng Qian looked at the lollipop in his hand and received a lollipop in your pocket.

It is preparing to continue working, Meng Qian is not very clear, hear that the little boy suddenly came, "The grandfather, you will tell me the big wind group."

The old man puts down the newspaper in his hand, looking at your own grandson is love, "What do you want to listen?"

"Older, you said that the success of the wind group lies in Tianti and, how to understand this."

The work is stacked on the table, and the old man took his glasses. "You come to Huaxia to see so many information this time. I just examine you, there are several phases of the outer-way development of the Chinese economy?"

"There are three phases." Listening to the foreign public, he wants to test itself, the boy is seriously standing, "The first stage is 1979 to 1992, which belongs to the primary stage of China's economic extroversion. The second stage is 1992 to 2001, belonging to The general stage of the extroversion of the Chinese economy, the third stage is the advanced stage of the China Economic Extroversial of WTO in China in 2001. "

"Then you specifically analyze these three stages."

"From theory, the primary stage of economic export development refers to a country to start breaking the closed state, with an export-oriented strategy instead of imported strategy, and promotes economic growth with exports.

The reform and opening up of Huaxia has opened this stage. At this stage, this stage is characterized by extensive, Huaxia utilizes the opportunity to upgrade international industries. With the huge advantage of demographic dividends, labor costs, actively develop labor-intensive industries for export collection. I remember that the export of China in 1992 was close to 100 billion meters, which was 6 times in 1979, and the proportion of exports in 1992 accounted for approximately 20%.

And what I saw is written, in 1992, China has exported to the export task in 2000 in advance, in advance, almost half of the time, this is China's creation at this stage. miracle.

However, the problem at the time is that Huaxia's exports are mainly primary products, and industrial products are based on resource-intensive and labor-intensive coarse processing products, and there is almost no technical content high value-added products. "

The old man is patience, seeing the head, the boy continues, "After 1992, China entered the next stage, the theoretical explanation of the general development stage of economic exporting is to refer to the premise of a country with a certain number of export enterprises. The implementation of the exit strategy to achieve the export strategy to win, better use foreign capital and technology to go out, so that the export trade has produced the leap in the national economy.

The reason why, in 1992, China has been started in 1992. More importantly, before 1992, Huaxia is always entangled in the issue of the issue, 1992 speech officially touched, solved This issue.

Then, the economic system has changed from the planned economy into a market economy, and the growth mode has been proposed from the extensive type to the intersection, which laid new theory and policy foundation for the reform and opening up of Huaxia reform and economic development.

In 1993, China has repeatedly reducing tariffs for many times. By 2000, the tax payment decreased to 15%, reducing non-tariff direction, using the non-tariff barrier of non-tariff barriers in the world, replacing high tariff protection policies in 1996, 1996 realization under the regular project exchange.

At the same time, China's attraction of China has begun to develop to intensive development. From 1994 to 2001, it has become the world's second largest foreign investment in the world for 7 consecutive years. This stage is also an explosive period of China's foreign investment, 1993 to 2001 In the year, Huaxia's foreign investment exceeded 10 billion meters.

With the reform of all this, in 1992, China's export commodities, the export proportion of high-added value of high added value, I remember that in 2001, the export of China's industrial products is as high as 81%, of which high-tech The export of technical products is 10 years rounded.

Oh is right, this stage is also when China Finance began to globalize the globalization. "

The old man nodded again, nor did you say anything, the boy continues to analyze, "The high-level stage of economic export development is a country's export-oriented product, and can directly invest in large-scale external direct investment, so that the country can enter the world economy And the dominant stage.

In 2001, Huaxia joined WTO is a very important time node. Relying on science and technology to improve core competitiveness has become a new goal of Huaxia, China's foreign trade policy has also changed, and the export of exports will be encouraged to export products under the WTO license. Tax and consumption tax have implemented the tax rebate system.

I didn't remember the wrong, in 2002, China's export volume exceeded 300 billion meters, trade surplus exceeded 40 billion meters, in the past two years, the annual exports should be 30%, more critical is that Huaxia has independent intellectual property rights High-tech products have gradually increased.

In addition, Huaxia's foreign investment has reached the world's first, 2005 latest report show that more than 400 companies in the world's 500 companies have entered Huaxia. At the same time, the foreign investment of Huaxia Enterprises is further expanding, the wind group, Haier, TCL is constantly expanding overseas investment. "

"I have seen your economic research on Huaxia." Seeing the boy does not talk, the old man smiles and praises a sentence, "But you are talking about the data on the desktop, each country is posted on the desktop Everything giving people will have a shame, you come to analyze, the blossoms of Huaxia shame below, what is it hiding? "

The boy thinks seriously, "foreign investment penetration."

The old man is hesitant to nod, "" Calculate a point, is there? "

The boys have not given an answer for a long time after thinking.

At this time, this old didn't notice that Meng Qianzheng sitting opposite them was pretending to work, secretly "eavesdrop" their dialogue.


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