The boy eventually did not want to have any answers, but the old man did not show any disappointment expressions. After all, it is a teenage child. "You have mentioned that the economic development of Huaxia is a miracle, you can say Huaxia in front. Two stages, including this stage, indeed creating the economic miracle, has been completing the goals in advance, but the economy is too fast, can it explain everything?

Everything is to comply with the law. Sometimes I have achieved a goal too early, it looks very good, but it is likely to be in violation of the law. A benign economic development requires all aspects, we still analyze the economic export development of Huaxia, and the economic export development wants to expand, and eventually, it must be a product of high added value of technology. Is it possible to lay a good foundation for industrial upgrading?

From the current point of view, there is no, because the industrial upgrade requires knowledge reserves, experience reserves, talent reserves, etc. If you want to go out of the country, there is also a need for international financial position, international market status and international public opinion status. "

"I can understand the international market position, why will I have an international financial position and international public opinion status?" I have issued a problem under the boy.

"When China has traded in Africa, what is the biggest problem encountered, is your mother saying?"


The old man nodded and continued to ask. "When we go to Europe, how many Chinese high-tech products have you seen?"

"It seems that there is no."

"Europe is now close to one-third of the country, even the products of the wind group can't enter, why? Because under their public opinion, Huaxia manufacturing is a nominal name, Huaxia's low-end products can be smooth. Selling to Europe, but the high-end products of Huaxia are afraid that you really do it very well, it is difficult to enter the European market. "

"It turned out to be the case, then I understand, I will take the talent problem, it is the economic development of Huaxia. The following talent training is not followed. The economy of Huaxia has developed to enter the economic export development. The advanced stage, the ability of the people's talent reserves and talent training capacity is also in general stage.

When the country hopes that more high-tech companies can appear, there is no talent, there is no knowledge reserve, and it will not be true. In the first two stages, China can also rely on the hard top of the population, but to the third stage, due to the high demand for talents, due to the high demand of Talents, the value of the population dividend will significantly decrease. "

"It's right, this is why Huaxia has to engage in colleges and universities in these years, why provide a large number of welfare policies for overseas students, and even start targeted talent training programs in the semiconductor field, but talent training is time, no hurry In addition to a very small number of geniuses, Huaxia is impossible to rely on a group of 20 years old to fight with people in a group of four or five years old. "

"So, Huaxia is actually not ready, why don't I wait for a few years?"

"Because the external environment does not give Huaxia chance." The old eyes have a subtle change. "You just mentioned foreign investment penetration, and in the early years, Huaxia is really influenced by this problem, and foreign capital is not a fool. They help build Huaxia is Reported, in the 1980s, foreign investment likes to enter the high return industry. In the 1990s, foreign investment began to invade Huaxia's core industry, which has had a big impact on the development of Huaxia.

However, in the year of development, Huaxia has been very clear, and it is very clear to develop high-end technology as soon as possible, the future Huaxia will encounter more troubles, the Western cold war thinking has continued until now, the current point of view is definitely Continue to continue, this is reality, Huaxia does have a little bit of duck to put the shelves.

But I really have to do this, because Huaxia wants to revive! "

When I heard Huaxia Want to revive, "I understand, when Huaxia wants to develop high-end technology, it can be strength and not allowed, when I am fighting, the wind group appeared!"

"The emergence of the wind is clearly a huge surprise to Huaxia. We can see that the wind group not only has magically has the ability to create high-end technology, but it is more difficult to have the responsibility of driving China's overall technology development. .

Second, the development of the Great Breeze Group has always positioned the target in overseas, helping Huaxia to open the outside market, and even helped Huaxia to establish a reputation outside.

But in turn, the wind group is also fortunate, because he happens to be born in 2000, happening in 2001, just caught up with the advanced stage of China's wanted to hit the economy, this time, many basic people have been The wind group has created, and the country just needs such a business.

Therefore, everything that the wind group is doing, from the development time, to the development strategy, to the development result, all in sync with Huaxia Government. This is the Great Breeze Group's Tianti and. "

"Migrant, then if the Great Breeze Group is born in 1990, there will be no such a achievement."

"If the wind group is established in 1990, it is also such a development strategy. He does not necessarily fail, and he can only say that he will encounter more, the most basic, taxation problem, export barrier, international voice problem, Omi's technical exports to Huaxia's technical exports, coupled with domestic environment, thinner talent reserves, Huaxia's contradiction between private enterprises in state-owned enterprises, the tightening policy of semiconductor, is what he wants to face.

I will tell you the simplest example, you will understand that when Meng Qian went to Changluo and other institutions to cooperate, the wind group was only a non-eye-catching game company, and finally why can this cooperation ? It is really the sincerity of Meng Qian, it is really because of the shares giving them?

When studying Huaxia, you will always remember a fundamental question. Huaxia is the main social society, and the smart people in Huaxia understand a truth and follow the country.

So if the wind group is enough to stick enough, even if it was established in 1980, he will succeed, but it is said that there are Tianshi and the success will come more smoothly. "

The boy has benefited a lot, "The grandfather, then you said, will it be the Great Breeze Group's Meng Qian also understand this era background, so will he take such a development idea?"

"Nor does not exclude this possibility." The old man laughed, "I can determine that Meng Qian is very smart, maybe he thinks from the beginning, this is reasonable."

"Migrant, now there is a big wind group, how do you think that Huaxia is in the third phase of the third stage."

"High-tech development takes time to precipitate, and it is impossible to rely on a company. I am afraid that I can't see too much change in the past few years, but it can be determined that if Huaxia can use the wind group, the wind group can also Keep the current innovation capabilities and expansion capabilities, wind groups and the future of Huaxia, full of infinite possibilities. "

Since the two are afraid of being arguing that others have been pressing the sound, Meng Qian is very concentrated to listen to it, causing him that the little girl comes to him again.

When he heard the last sentence of the old man, he noticed that there was a personal shadow on the side. The first reaction was unconsciously scared, and he saw it was a little girl to easily alleviating the mood. Sun Man is handed over Meng Qian's chair I looked at Meng Qian.

Meng Qian asked to Sun Mang, "Is the old gentleman?"

Sun Mumi nodded.

"What is your name?"

"My grandfather called Sun Qicheng."

"Sun Qicheng" Meng Qian's eyes are moving, "It turned out to be him"


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