Liu Qicheng, the founder of the National Treasure Bank of Mi, the famous Overseas Chinese leader, known as the friendly bridge of Huami.

Liu Qicheng founded Guobao Bank in 84 years. The affection of love is that it is dedicated to helping to help in the rice overseas Chinese, such as the early provision of legal aid. In the early 1990s, Liu Qicheng began to continue to transport funds and technology to Huaxia, 1995. In the year, it founded the first enthusiastic report of overseas economic newspapers, Huaxia Economic Times, in the United States, constantly reported the great achievements of Huaxia, and became a window in China to understand China's window.

At the beginning of the 21st century, as he just said with him, realize the problems of Huaxia Education, set up an educational fund, using the educational resources of rice, to help cultivate China's talents.

He is the only bank adviser in Mi National New York Federal Reserve, but Liu Qicheng began to be understood by the public in China, more because of 2008 things.

In 2008, the financial crisis, Miki did an extremely absurd thing, and the financial crisis is Chinese and hurt, and there is two thousand Bank of China, which is two thousand open banks in the country, the reason is that this bank is Chinese bank.

The New York Chinatown Community Bank, founded by Chinese immigrants, was pushed by the Manhattan prosecution, and became the only financial institution that was criminally prosecuted by the United States.

So, the absurd pod gave Huaxia in the rice in the country, is not the exclusive, some things in the later generation don't have to be strange, this is rice.

It is that an incident, let a movie into the public's vision Guobao Bank: Small to the prison

Through a movie, let everyone see how the rice is how to suppress Liu Qicheng, and more importantly, let the world know that the original Chinese people have encountered such a crazy racial discrimination in the country.

Liu Qicheng has experienced the five years of darkness. The only festive thing is that he won the case, but after this winning case, the movie can only show a small part.

Meng Qian didn't expect him to touch him, but also listened to an economical lesson.

I just thought that I would like to say hello, the plane started to board the plane, and Sun Man was shouted again by his brother again.

Waiting for Meng Qian to pack things, Sun Qicheng has gone.

After the plane, Meng Qian swept a circle, see Liu Qicheng's stay away, and didn't say hello. After a plane flying for a while, Meng Qian took a folder, just to work, Sunman language appeared again. Youside.

Meng Qian couldn't help but touched the girl's face, it was prepared, and a very comfortable voice came behind. "Manman likes you very much."

Meng Qian looked up to see Sun Qicheng, laughing and responded, "Maybe we have a more than it."

Originally, I just finished the toilet to plan Liu Qicheng, who had taken the granddaughter, because he heard Meng Qian's voice, after the upper and lower, asked directly, "Are you Mr. Meng?"

Meng Qian also did not avoid it, nodding directly.

"Mr., please go back to your seat." Sun Qicheng thought what, the flight attendant came over.

Sun Qicheng said sorry, then took out his own business card to handle Meng Qian, Meng Qian courteously closed business card and touched the head of Sun Mannue. "After a while, I went to find you."

Sunmann nodded.

There is a sentence of Meng Qian, Sun Qicheng also understands, no more.

Long-distance flying is very tired, and Meng Qian, who just gave a plane felt very embarrassed, but when Sun Man's little hand took himself, the tiredness did not dissipate half.

I have to say that the child is really a magical species, and the bear gets can't wait to die, and it seems like angels to purify the soul.

Looking at Sunman language Meng Qian can't help but want to have a daughter's idea.

"I really didn't expect to catch up with Meng," Sun Qicheng said to Meng Qian's smile.

Meng Qiao is out of mind, "" Can meet Mr. Sun, is also my pleasure. "

Sun Qi came to heard the words, slightly unexpected, "Meng Chu knows me?"

"Guobao Bank." Meng Qian took out Sun Qicheng's business card "I listened to someone, probably understanding some, Mr. Sun is the hero of Mi overseas Chinese."

"I dare not, everyone gives me the help, far more helpful to everyone." Sun Qicheng is busy and deficient, "Mr. Meng is"

"I will come to my cooperative business to talk about things, by the way, there is no good investment project here, yes, how did Guobao Bank in New York, Mr. Sun come to California?"

"The mother's mother in California, I sent them, and in exchange with the compatriots here."

"It turns out that how long will Sun will stay in California?"

"One month."

"Mr. Sun lives in a few days, I want to visit."

"When you see it, when is the Meng always convenient?"

"After a few days, I will call you at the time."

"Well, wait for a big driving."

Meng Qian is schematic, then look at Sunman language low, "I went to you in two days."


After separation, Meng Qian went to the hotel to rest, the next day, I wentn Tesla, in detail the situation here.

In the afternoon, Meng Qian first met with the founder of the wind group summer camp last year, the future cloud storage giant RPB, Andrew Hellston, he will engage in his new company in Silicon Valley, Andrew is 21 years old, starting to start business, earliest What to do is a network course.

Interestingly, Andrew was still a small fire from the wind group summer camp. At that time, the media specialized to interview the rice country student from the wind group Summer Camp, some people refused to interview, such as Zakberg, some people's interview content It is flat, but Andrew House has received much attention.

Because he said, all the companies all over the world have a common point, that is, when I started to start a business, I don't know what I should do. What can I make money, what can be long, Google, Apple, Amazon At the beginning of the enterprise, it is actually a few or even dozens of projects in development. Which success is increasing, the so-called focus is a lie.

However, the special wind group is particularly in that he only did anything, but if you go to see the Great Breeze Group, the plan will find that he knows what you have to do, and as long as you do it. Can succeed.

Andrew, who once said, has also been similar in public, and he also revealed that there was seven or eight entrepreneurial projects at the same time when he was in college, and later his face was fired, he began to focus on doing face The book, the result is that the legend Zuckerberg is born for social, he felt very much.

A small student in Andrew directly Google Apple, plus high evaluation of the wind group, so that he is a small fire, as for these large companies, it is impossible to meet with a student.

This time, I came to Andrew, Meng Qian mainly came to see what he was going to do.

Andrew told Meng Qi's direction of his new company is big data. Meng Qian probably listened to his entrepreneurial plan, and there was no more statement. He promised to sign millions of investments before leaving, first accounted for a shareholder. Look at Andrew Then the development is said.

After leaving Andrew's company, Meng Qian went to another person, the founder of R, Deldale.

For zero, it is the era of global group began to rise, that is, Captain.

The 2005 R is the leader in the future.

Just created R is now just a small media company, built a magazine called magazine, reporting robots, electronics, computer, metal and woodworking-related production techniques, allowing readers to make various creative inventions with cheap materials.

Deldalei did not think of it. After three years, he actually set off all-in-law, and more than a few years later, it directly triggered the global creative trend.

Unfortunately, the company collapsed after 15 years later. As for the reasons, because there is no money, the characteristics of Yucai is to create the attitude of playing. The pursuit is the happiness that created, the explanation of the word Great Wynn, for interest With hobbies, strive to transform all kinds of ideas into reality.

Dell Dolti hasn't figured out for 15 years, how to make money from such a group

I heard that Meng Qi visited, Deldale is still very important. At this time, the company is not concerned about the attention of large enterprises. Although the wind group is a home Huaxian company, the company is still in the heart of Dell Dolti still of.

Two bats with Oracle and Microsoft have made Meng Qian in the industry's name.

Under Simple communication, Dell learned that the original wind group is promoting the creation culture in Huaxia, and the website named Chuangke Hantaxa this year, spreading the Winning Culture through the Internet.

In this way, why is Meng Qian to visit himself.

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