"Mr. Dell, said that when I heard that your company, I felt amazing. I didn't expect to have a company in the ocean, and the concept of the idea of ​​thinking. It was born in the past few years. I have previously spent a lot. When people communicate, everyone is very vague of the concept of Captain, I don't know how Dell thinks about doing such a thing? "

"I am actually in convinced, firmly believed that the country is built by curiosity, fearless amateur inventors, is the creation of the creation in their bones, which has stimulated a great field. But many things these years In changing, I am very difficult to describe this is what kind of concept.

I remember that when I was a child, my friends liked to go to some interesting things, but now this era is not that everyone is not interested, but I will slowly realize that many things hinder everyone's interest.

What about Meng? Why would you want to enter the field of Captain. "

"I understand this industry understanding and prospecting, which is completely the pure land plan."

"Pure land plan!" Dell is a little excited. The pure land plan has been more and more fire this year.

"Mr. Dell may not know, the pure land laboratory that I created personally, now I am ridicule the wind group every day."

"Oh? Is this why?" Dell did not help but feel curious.

"I have always thought that it is a smart and proud person, but I found that I was wrong, the pure land laboratory was a group of love players, this guy used to play, I didn't play, I played, Now, the Pure land laboratory provides them with platforms, providing tools, funds, and they are not happy.

Every day, there are some messy things, interesting is that they can really take some fresh things, so they often ridicule the wind group, they feel that the wind group is such a strong company to innovate one day, It's better to dissolve it early ... "

"Haha." Dell's smile, "it is really a bit like a game."

"Yeah, they let me not help but think of this concept heard in the past few years, and in the pure land laboratory in the Pure land laboratory, why do you have a passive consumer, not happy to create the products you want."

Dell thought for a moment. "For this reason, the Pure Land Lab did a very good platform for Correspondents. When I exchanged the relevant scholars, everyone mentioned that everyone can be a athlete. Become a musician, become the author, becoming someone you want, but not everyone can get the most basic support.

Slum children want to be a musician, but can't afford the piano, I want to be an engineer, but I can't afford a computer. If you can create a chance to learn, everyone can create their own life, everyone is a game. "

"I may care more about that the real Church is to share, they are willing to share their knowledge and experience to others. At the same time, they will also get the sharing of others, when the Corporator is large enough It will produce huge wealth, this wealth can be left to the world. "

"Since the pure land plan is achieving such a circle, Meng always wants to pick up the game alone, it seems that there is something to create alone?"

"Because I just said, the phenomenon of the Pure Land Laboratory is in my expectation, the purpose of building the pure land laboratory is to support scientific research, support the open source, in my opinion, between the open source and the creation different."

"How do you always look at this difference?" Dell has some careful asking, in fact, he is always careful from the beginning to end, after all, when he is in front of Meng Qian, it is a small role.

Meng Qian is also too lazy to hide, let alone Meng Qian's people are the privileges, "There are two core differences, objectives and objectives, the purpose of the open source is more tend to cooperate with sharing. The way returned to promote the development of technology development, so it is often necessary to determine open source projects first. This is why I often describe open source and business is a tire on both sides of a car. When more, open source is also for this car service.

Creator is more inclined to create, they don't serve, and don't want to promote anything. It is fun, it is interesting, it is to create, there are many things created by Corporate do not necessarily have business value, but Creator is a kind of Thinking is a kind of thinking of learning, breaking through imprisonment. This thinking brings the value of individuals and society is not limited to a certain product or a certain technology. "

Dell is busy nodding, and he is really recognized by Meng Qian's statement.

"To talk about the goal, what I said is the target population, open source target people will be more powerful to the technical school, academic, but the game is different, a sixty-year-old child can also become a wenthouse, he created A unique painting, he is a game.

So why do you have to pick up a Great Vacancy, because everyone can become a wenthouse, the pure land laboratory is more preferred to serve the open source, not enough to serve the game, can not pass such laboratory to serve the existence Each corner of the game, so I decided to start from being a Captain website, promoting the Caicale culture, in the near future, slowly achieve the value of Corporate education, popularizing the value of the ginsenger, providing a Great Manager, let more people Be your own life. "

"Meng always truly understands the people of the game!" Dell looked at Meng Qian at this moment, and there was a clear worship in the eyes.

Meng Qian also saw it, so he would not be nonsense. "Mr. Dell, you are more good at the operation of traditional media, we are more good at the Internet operation, you are in the country, we are not as good as us to cross the ocean. how is it?"

"Don't you have any good ideas?"

"My thoughts are like this, the wind group has set up a subsidiary focusing on the game, and we have a integration on both sides. We will open the promotion in the same brand at the same time in the country and Huaxia."

Meng Qian said very polite, in fact, it is integrated, in fact, it is mergers and acquisition, but Meng Qian is willing to do it on the face, the company is still so, Dell is still a hand, Meng Qian guarantees his shareholder location And the chairman of the company's company, but the company's Great Breeze Group in Miki will reach 51%, and the surface looks integrated. In fact, the company is already a wind group.

Even so, Dell is still willing, here there are many reasons, on the one hand, because the company has just founded it can be, Dell did not find the wind, no one can see, and no one understands, and Dell can't think of it. But after a few years, this will be fire.

On the other hand, Dell is very smart and realized that if you nod today, then Meng Qian is to give goodwill. If you don't nake it today, it is not to face it.

The wind group is also doing a game, if you don't have the merger of the Great Wind Group, then everyone is an opponent.

Think about Oracle, think about Microsoft, Dell is asking, what to do with the wind group?

Meng Qian gave his face, and also visited himself such a small company, and then did not have the spirit, then wait until you.

In the end, it is that Meng Qian has indeed a deep understanding of the gamer.

Let's talk about the acquisition, then cooperate with the people who have set themselves, this set of roads is not bad.

As for the acquisition itself, it naturally has no obstacles, this Maker Media Bitesla is still not eye-catching.

If Andrew means, Meng Qian completed the third investment goal in Miki.


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