Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 435 Creative District

Speaking of this Posted Games, there is a background that has to be mentioned in China, which is in a very important meeting in China last month, many people mentioned this matter.

Volkswagen innovation is raised in the past, in 2014, Yucai was written in 2015 to the government's work report.

But this will definitely be different, although this time the proposal is focused on the Baojian, but the things of the Corporate truly recognized the national level.

This year, a national level puts forward a thing, called support entrepreneurship, encourages innovation, and actively creates.

The first Global Great Games will be organized in four countries in Huaxia, Miki, Germany, and neon, the conference time is from April 20 to April 23, the first day of the morning, the afternoon and the next day is creation. Passengers show various speeches, the third day is a giant contest, on-site investment, future lookout, etc.

The processes in each country are similar.

Huaxia's event location is in 2001, the Shanghai New International Expo Center, and the opening ceremony of Shanghai is speaking, followed by a video called Chuangguan.

The main purpose of this video is that we have a better foundation now, we should brave innovation, which mentioned the current more learning platforms, more convenient communication environments, more rich funds, and better policies, so good The environment, everyone should be brave as a Captain, bravely create our own future.

At the beginning of the afternoon, Meng Qian did not speech today, and I wanted to see what interesting thing I would like to see what this year's Wucker General will come.

Meng Qian went to the creative district, there are a variety of interesting ideas, some are the physical products that have been designed, and some are just an idea. Meng Qian, who has just progressed, seeing a lot of people, and then make a lively.

I saw that many men were trying to "steal wells", there is a well cover embedded in the ground, and the design looks really different, and each person who wants to try to take the well cover.

Perhaps I saw Meng Qian, the famous man immediately allowed two men to extend the two ends of the two special modeling hooks into the end of the hole, and then hooked hard, he can hear a sound in it, and then two people cover Hooked out.

"With a simple small machine with a special design, it is not necessary to do any changes in the original ground, you can do only the matching hook can make the well cover, which can significantly reduce the probability of the horizontal cover." The wonors looked at Meng Qian explained.

On the other side of the man asked questions, "If the thief will study clearly the shape of the hook, then do two hooks?"

Meng Qi actually recognized this middle-aged man. It is a government in Shanghai. In the past few years, the phenomenon of stealing well cover is very flood, so this design is really a market.

Smile, "As long as you do a shape in each well cover, it is like a door to match a key. After all, the well cover doesn't have to open every day, the official government is not difficult to manage, if the stealing hole can cover Do a well cover to crack and then find a few hundred thousand hooks, then I think this thief is quite admirable. "


On the scene, I sent a laughter, Meng Qian looked slightly, then went to other places to see.

"Is this a boiled kettle?" I walked for a while, Meng Qian stopped in front of a booth, because he saw a water bottle, but the pot has a very cute little bird.

"Yes, this is called a bird's kettle." Designer introduced.

"Bird's kettle? What do you mean?"

"In our Huaxia, most people use this kind of boiled kettle, so I think I have a bird's device in the kettle. If the water is boiled, there will be a good bird, you can give us boring. Life belts to a trace of fun. "

"Is that, can it be changed to other animals?"

"I don't want to be Meng, I have tried more than eight animals, because the gas flow after the boiled kettle is unable to control, I found that only the bird is the most appropriate at all attempts."

Meng Qian nodded, he likes this kind of person who is small design, it seems to be a small design, just like the other party, but can bring a variety of little fun to boring life.

Continue to go, Meng Qian also saw a big guy, a bus display device that simulated, but approached it was two large vendors.

"What is this?" The vending machine is very good, Meng Qian's consciousness went up and saw that the sale of hand was sold to sell the baby.

"Our design is inspired by the boring of the bus, in fact, many people don't know what to do when they are waiting for the bus, so we think that if you can do the bus information display device two vendors?

Especially the products that can stimulate everyone in the heart, maybe waiting for the anxiety of the bus every morning, it will be purified, and more financial revenue can be made to the place, although it may be minimal. "

"Your romant is more attractive than the product itself." Meng Qian said the real idea, "If you are interested, I am willing to help you talk about the official government."

"Really?" A few players were very excited.

"Of course, our city needs more likely to be like this romantic, and change everyone's original boring life and environment." Meng Qian let He Yazing will contact them.

Meng Qian always believes that the real Chuangke is a person who can give this world to feel the feelings, romance and interest.

I walked for a while, Meng Qian saw a bigger guy, a car, but only after approaching, it is not a car, but a balloon. TVHTTPS: //.tv./

According to this creator, because many cars have not been reversing image technology this year, it is a thing that makes many people's headache, and he thinks that such a small design suitable for some parking lots, parking space parking space Place a balloon in front of the white line, with the rope of the car, once the balloon is pressed, the balloon will start to decline, seeing the balloon declines, knowing the location is almost.

"You design a little exhaust gas ball." Meng Qian smiled and ridiched.

This creation laughed and responded. "The money hitting the car is enough to buy thousands of balloons, and put the interesting point of the balloon design, the parking lot of some shopping malls is also a point."

Meng Qian said in nodded.

I was talking here, Meng Qian heard a laughter, and said that he didn't have any big guys, it was a small carpet. Of course, it is not only just the carpet, but it is simple. It is still an alarm clock.

See Meng Qian, this Captor immediately introduced the road, "Meng He, my carpet alarm clock can only be turned off on it, so that I can avoid the bad haniness of the alarm to continue to sleep."

"I put a alarm clock far, isn't this effect?" Meng Qian deliberately picked.

"That's not the same, my blanket alarm clock is more ceremonious, it is also good, more importantly, I have made a heavy sensation, I have to stand enough for one minute, and at least be a normal child."

"You are so anti-human thinking mode ... I don't want to beat it."

"Hahahaha." Everyone is a laughter.

In a laughter, Meng Qian turned his head and looked at He Yiping. "How do you talk to the company? There is no so many people in the future." TV started .tv.

He Yiping looked at Meng Qian, "Meng Zhong ... greatly ..."

Meng Qian is more and more, and he really likes this place until He Yiping reminds that he has wrapped around for more than two hours. Under He Yiping, Meng Qian decided to go to the entrepreneurial area.

"Let's go, go see if there is any interesting entrepreneurial project, we will give the glaciers to speed up."


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