After entering the entrepreneurial area, I will notice that Most of the entrepreneurial projects in today's field is related to the Internet, including three heat, e-commerce, social heat, and 3G concept fever.

The e-commerce and social development have developed a significant development trend in the segment. For example, there have been a lot of e-commerce platforms focusing on furniture, children's products, and second-hand products. At the same time, the concept of group purchase begins to take their heads, there have been many in the scene. Attacks on group purchases.

As for social, it is also a segmentation, and even a bit of bubble feeling, all kinds of social platforms are full, and some social software with clearly hints began to emerge.

In addition to these three hot, more traditional industries have begun to close to the Internet, and Meng Qiao's Internet + era is estimated to be coming in advance.

But because the basic development of the mobile terminal is not enough, the concept of the overall Internet + is very tender.

However, Meng Qian is in the entrepreneurial area to see some of the familiar companies in the later generation, such as Shenzhou car rental, this company that has been found in 2007, it seems to have been in early a year.

What makes Meng Qian are more accidentally, the founder of Shenzhou Car Rental is also an old entrepreneur. In 1994, it began to start a business. This will be willing to appear to be here to appear in the identity of a game. It is the foundation that he lay down, and let him fire, probably Rui cafe, although Rui Wan is in fact, the executive vice president of Shenzhou, but who let Lu Zheng Yao are the chairman of Ruixing.

When I met, Meng Qian naturally wished to talk two, "There is a lot of trouble in this industry, how do you think of entering this area?"

Seeing Meng Qian, Lu Zheng Yao's performance is more attaches more attention, perhaps he has not had much achievements in ten years old, this is not known, "Meng Yong said that his life is true, the industry is really immature, law There is also very protection of the vehicle provider.

But the first product must first be deserved, with the rapid development of the economy in China, the number of car rentals is also greatly increased, and they have a relative, self-driving tourism is an important explosive point of the rental needs. With demand, natural is worth entering As for the industry, we should take these entrepreneurs to consider how to overcome. "

"This starting point is right, then, do you make sense to talk about what your model is there?"

Lu Zheng Yao is very serious, "Or starting from user needs, I spent more than 3 months before I founded 3 months ago, I have been going to go online to go to the user group to do market research, thus excavating the four major needs, prices, convenient and convenient relying on users. Spectrum, service.

Take the price, the rental price of our Shenzhou car rental can basically guarantee the lowest price under the same size brand. "

"The price is low, the profits are low, do you determine how can the company's operating costs? Car Rental is not selling clothes, relying on the small profit, the sale is not necessarily a reasonable strategy." Meng Qian saw the blood.

"Meng always said that there will be other models to guarantee the price. First, through a long time to reduce the cost of buying, at the same time, our company attaches great importance to the docking of the used car sales channel, and our sales department has one third of the employee work. The center of gravity is looking for a more suitable second-hand car sale channel.

By pressing the cost of purchase and improving the cost of the used car, we can use this advantage to improve our vehicle replacement rate, so that we have always maintained more new cars.

Another point, our car purchase strategy is big, so that the price can also be filed. We also have a comfortable, high-grade type, and the last two are compared with the market. It is relatively low, but it is a good profit point. "Lu Zheng Yao is in front of Meng Qian, it is a lot of old out, and he can feel that he is looking forward to Meng Qian's favor. Tv first .tv.

Meng Qiao nodded to show that Lu Zheng Yao continued.

"In the convenience, we have a comprehensive simplification of the car rental process, and use the Internet to launch online car, online booking function, in order to solve the problem of causing the car, I put forward the strategy of fine-selling major cities. According to the analysis of these annual rental data, the largest city is laid in the city's largest city.

For example, we are going to lay the store in the ridiculous ring line of northwest tour. And our scale development can be maximized capital utilization, but also allow users to see our strength, and then cooperate with a certain advertising promotion, improve our brand awareness and brand word of mouth, which is reliable.

As for the service, we have pushed 24-hour service policy in the industry. For car rental users, we can encounter problems at any time. Our 24-hour service can maximize users with the most timely help, solve a lot of worry. "

The introduction of Lu Zheng Yao is very detailed, but Meng Qian has no statement, but it is just to explain it, but just got a few steps, Meng Qian deliberately asked Shao Yibao around him. "How do you think this is the car rental?"

"The model he said is right, but it is too burned. If there is no financial support, I am afraid that I have to serve the user, the company has already collapsed." Shao Yiwang analyzed from his own angle.

"It's because it is too burning, he is willing to tell me so much, you will be such a company as the head of the wind investment, will you invest in such a company?"

Shao Yao is very real, "I need to see more about his company."

Meng Qian shook his head, "If you have just dialogue, you are willing to cast."

Shao Yibang knows that Meng Qian is trying to test himself. "A entrepreneurial entrepreneur can be considered by the enterprise profit model from the user's perspective, and I am at least for me. He has interest. "

"Wow!" Meng Qian just said, not far from the screams of a girl.

Meng Qian just gave the deliberate call for Shao Yao, followed by the sound, and Meng Qian couldn't help but stop, because he saw a very familiar icon, although it is still a bit of the icon with the later generation. Different, but the overall feeling is still a familiar taste.

At least the four words are still the four words, and the beautiful map show, but the whole name is actually the Master Meitu Xiu Xiu. TVHTTPS: //.tv./

Reachable, Meng Qian saw the name of the entrepreneur, Wu Xinghong, is really him.

Wu Xinghong, is the founder of Meitu Xiu Xiu, a label for starting a 32-time label, let him be a comparative fire in the domestic entrepreneurial circle.

He has opened a corporate website service company in 2001, less than two years. In 2003, a dating site was founded in 2003, and the initial group of entrepreneurs entering the social network is also closed.

From 2006 to 2007, Wu Xinhong did nearly 30 products, most of which were websites, stock classes, video classes, and information, but they can't do it.

Until the appearance of Mars, he began to engage in Mars converter, in 2007, the user has exceeded 40 million at the end of 2007.

Then, in 2008, Meitu Xiu Xiu appeared, but this is Wu Xinghong, who once I once, is obviously different from this life history, at least two years in advance.

"Master Meitu Xiu Xiu, can you briefly introduce?" Meng Qian pretended to ask for the first time.

"Hello, Meng, my best idea, because I use a point index to go non-mainstream keyword, I found that the index added with the non-mainstream picture and non-mainstream avatar, more than 200,000 indexes added more than 200,000 per day. This makes me feel very strange, I started to dig all the users who want to do it.

What is first learned is now the current pursuit of non-mainstream, personalized pursuit, and now young people want to make photos more personality, and no longer the usual state.

However, if the result of non-mainstream picture tutorial, the results come out are the wind repair or PS tutorial of the wind group, but almost all users are complaining that the operation is too complicated, the cost is too high, so I will make a non-mainstream picture The idea of ​​software.

What is exciting is that the US Tudo show has gone 5 million users on the line. In our constant contact with users, we slowly discover more demand, such as those that are not particularly pursuit. Personality users, but they at least pursue beauty, now more and more young people like to show themselves in the windmill circle, but people want to appear in front of the public in a better state.

We said that it is vanity, saying that the heart of love is good, this is the true look of human nature, so we have recently upgraded the product, in addition to personality, we will launch more simple, let photos make beautiful functions. "

"It turned out to be a non-mainstream advancement promoted the early arrival of Meitu Xiu Xiu." Meng Qianxin, once the beautiful Tu Xiu, who was in the beginning, was born with non-mainstream, "So, you are digging my user what."

"No, no." Although Meng Qi is in ridicule, Wu Xinghong is still in the context, "My target customer is some people who don't practice, and the customer who repairs is not a group."

Meng Qian smiled and didn't really care. He Yiping, who has never been talking, suddenly refers to a photo of the Wu Xinghong Exhibition area, "This is ..."

Meng Qishun looked at He Yuting, and found a photo of Shen Jiawen on the table of Wu Xinghong.

"Oh, this." Wu Xinghong suddenly smeared, "This is our college classmate, not afraid of Men's jokes, she is our dream of many boys, but recently heard that she seems to find a boyfriend. I don't know where it is inexplicab. "

"Wait, which university are you?"

"The Academy of Australia, the beautiful hospital in Hangzhou."

"How old are you?"

"I am 81 years."

"It's really clever ..."

"Is it true? Oh, I remember that Meng Pei is also 81 years."

Meng Qian took a mouth, "Well, that is also 81 years."


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