Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 437 Education Comparison

The next day, Meng Qian continued to visit the place where the first day did not visit, but also listened to some speeches, but he still did not do any speech, because when he really reached this height, he realized that The importance of the line.

Only from this point of view, now Meng Qian is a bit of a little bit of people. Because this will be Meng Qian really just say something, it will be spread online, and many words are Propagated after being clipped.

For example, Meng Qian said that I support men and women equality, support rights and obligations to peers, and the girls have the right to pursue their lives, but at the same time, girls have to take advantage of their obligations as their wife and mother, boys can say me The career is dominated, but you can't use your busy as a reason to oppress girls, the other person is also a full independent person.

As a result, only one sentence is only passed, Meng Qian said that girls should have obligations as their wife and mother, when Meng Qian almost didn't die online

In fact, this is still good, and more terrible is what is going to Meng Qian head now. Meng Qian clearly didn't say he said. At this time, Meng Qian and Lu Xun are probably this world. The most people are.

Previously a pyramid scheme wrote a motivational manual, all of which were all, Meng Qian said

So when you become a person who is attacked by too many people, especially those admired by many people, I really want to pay more attention, sometimes I am likely to affect a group of people.

Meng Qian doesn't care much now, there are too many public occasions. When you must say it, you will pay attention to your own content.

After two days, the activities have been related to various channels, including comparison of the four countries' Great Poetry Conference, which is inevitable.

When you have dinner, Meng Qian brushed the situation on the Internet in the VIP room.

The domestic network atmosphere is mainly novelty and participating. This time is not a business project. There is 3766 products, although there is no lack of inexplicer design, but most products really make people look bright, and opened a lot of people thinking. In the windmill sector, in the theme of the voyage of the voyage, many people spontaneously carry online brainstorms on the platform of the voyage forum for Sohu.

Countless interesting ideas burst online, let Meng Qian have seen hope in China.

At the same time, the atmosphere of overseas networks is mainly due to accidents.

"The Chinese people have such a big brain?"

"The people in China have always been a nerd in my impression, and I didn't expect the design capabilities."

"My opinion on Huaxia has changed again. I am more and more dare to believe in the media of the country."

Although many foreigners have changed the design and creativity of Huaxia, Meng Qian is still clear, Huaxia is definitely to be improved in the design area and take time.

But it is sure that there is no so unbearable Western media, this Caicale meeting can be a good proof of an external.

"Meng Da, the restaurant is ready."

"Know it." Probably understand the situation, Meng Qian first dinner with entrepreneurs and leaders.

The dinner of the night, I feel that many entrepreneurs have learned online, most of the topics are discussing the impact of this Canto Conference on the Great Poker, especially the impact on the domestic origin environment.

Originally, everyone brainlessly developed and made a good fortune for the development of Huaxia 's Victival, and the chairman of the Practice Home Knowledge Management Group pulled another problem, education reform.

Lin Wei title, Taiwan province, a successful speech master seems to have been very dissatisfied with the education of Huaxia, "Contrast the four countries' birthkeepers, we can still see Huaxia's idea is not as good as foreign countries, this is I have been In the saying, our test education has seriously destroyed our young people's creativity. We should increase our strength in the college entrance examination reform, to learn the Western education model, truly realize quality education. "

Quality education, in 1985, in 1999, in 1999, it failed to fully implement quality education. In the twenty years, the dispute on quality education and the test education will never pay, all kinds of quality education reforms, but the result everyone It is clear, many students even become victims of the reform of a sub-qualified education.

Lin Wei said this at this time, because today is the leader of the Ministry of Education, he said, everyone looked at the leadership, leadership also cooperated. "The education reform is indeed our current focus. What is the proposal? ? "

"My thoughts are very simple, I have always been this concept, since it is reform, avoid can't avoid pain, we need to be unfair to face difficulties, just like a rapid development of many companies in our country because of the use of the West Like the management mode, the excellent education model of the West is in place, we can fully follow. "

The leaders did not respond, others didn't talk, but Meng Qian couldn't help but, this is the bullying leader did not have a country. This year, this year, this situation is still good, and a large number of experts scholars in the decade, the leadership did not have the country, and when they strateched, they did not move about what is good. We learned them, then be a middleman, hang an advisor Title, earn a lot of money.

"The forest is always like a person who is educated."

Meng Qian opened, immediately caught the attention of everyone, Lin Wei's title is also a little unexpected, but it is still very calm. Anyway, he feels that he boycotts the test education is definitely the people's heart, because these years of test education is criticized Very powerful, "What Gao Meng in Meng Mong?"

Meng Qian put down the chopsticks in his hand, "said a few personal ideas, first, I always strongly oppose Westernization, because I am completely different from the national conditions to the environment, I often give an example, from Shanghai to Yan Beijing, everyone knows that the plane is driving more than driving, but if there is no airport in Shanghai and Yanjing in the morning?

A lot of things doing in the West are indeed more efficient, but people have some foundations. We have no roots. We spend a big price to make a plane, what about the results? Can't use it, there is a hard work to repair the highway, and things have been made.

Second, Lin always said that China's fast-growing enterprises use the Western management model. It is not exempted from the use of these two words. From Wahaha to Huawei, from Huawei to our strong wind group, we all spend big The price of the price of Western management models, I admit that there are many of their management model, but we have made local chemical treatment after learning.

I have never heard that a successful company is moving the Western management mode, and it knows that there are many companies that have lost the Western management model.

The third point is still to the education itself, who is the education? Education is definitely prioritizing society, and then feeds back to individual interests through social development, so that a country's education system must be perfectly affected.

I dare to predict that once our Huaxia uses the educational model of rice, the country will fundamentally face collapse. "

When Meng Qian said this, the leaders of the Ministry of Education saw that his eyes have changed. Many people like to look at the problem from the perspective of individuals, but this world is really going to look down from the top, Say that some people will disgust, but no matter which country, no matter which country, no matter how good it is said, when the personal interests and collective interests have conflict, you will see who will really put individuals. Before the interest is placed before collective interest

Even if the country, there is really a country saying that personal interests are higher than the collective interests. You will see that other people in your group will not be used to you.

But human nature is selfish, who wants to see more benefits for themselves, which is also the West to hit Huaxia through self-contained thinking to break the internal unity.

Fortunately, most of the Chinese people have a strong ethnic plot, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable.

Going back to the scene, Meng Qian is still going to express, "Bless the way, Lin always mentioned the superiority of Western education, we will leave other do not say, Western education is really superior? On my understanding, the West is actually the whole big The environment is the elite mode.

Children with rich people, have a talented child to get better educational resources, get better educational opportunities, and the children of the poor family, the child's mediocre child, almost did not have any future from the moment you were born.

I was very unexpectedly noted when I went to Harfostein and other colleges and universities. Most of these schools were from rich families.

Of course, it is not all, just like what I just said, people who have talents can get good educational resources in the West. I also recognize that Western education is better than us in talent excavation and talent training, but still In the words, education is first for social services, and the West is willing to dig these talents because these talents can better serve their society in the future.

Therefore, the big direction of Western education is to further promote the gap between the rich and the poor and focus on building human pyramids, but they are capitalism, put them in their country, such an education model is actually no problem, and we are not capitalism.

China's test education does have problems, but it is indeed relatively fair, absolutely fair to do, the strength of teachers in small cities in large cities is different, but at least the textbooks for everyone are the same, at least one province test The test paper is the same, at least diligent in China is really a bit.

So I have been worried that our Huaxia really has a good quality education. I really have a weakened achievement, began to overview the students' physical ability, music skills, and the families who can't afford to buy a guitar in poor areas. What to do, Lin always help them? "

Meng Qian finally didn't forget to ridicule, attracted many people's laughter, then watched Lin Wei's title, I saw him very uncomfortable, but smiled and said, "Meng Chuan did not see the problem. "

In fact, if he is otherwise today, he will definitely sibly, he is a speech master, can you succeed in your mouth, black, you have to give you a white.

The person is Meng Qian, he is not cool, but it is still swallowed.

Looking at Lin Wei's attitude, Meng Qian's consciousness shook his head, because Meng Qian still left a lot of content to argue to argue.

At the initiative of Lin Wei, Meng Qian touched him with him, helpless, "people are forced, but also is very boring"


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