On the second day, I went to the company on the company. Meng Qian found that the heat of the Great Great Conference was still there, and did not go. And the special edition of this month, "Yucai" magazine today is just being snapped up in all over the line.

After the company, Meng Qian first looked at a more detailed work report in a quarter, where Meng Qiao pays attention to the game and the handicill sector.

At the end of last year, the game launched by the wind group called "Cool Running Life". This is a product that is completely designed and developed by the game center. Meng Qian has no intervene, this is a small number of extreme sports type games, further optimized 3D effect You can give a good challenge to the player, and market feedback is quite good.

In addition, "God Biography" has been a bit of powerful, but "the ancient myth" is more and more fire, fully reached the influence of "World of Warcraft", as for "World of Warcraft", once the improvement makes it still guarantee certain The user base, but it is almost impossible to create a Warcraft, it is really a high-quality World of Warcraft, this time is basically "ancient mythology" in advance.

The first quarter of the game is still good, but the letter is still in general, and a social software with global influence has encountered further profit predicament, and it is very helpless.

The work report saw half, the horse suddenly came to a phone.

"How is the horse boss?"

"Look at eBay news?"

"EBay? I haven't seen it yet, what happened?"

"You first look at it, I will go to your company now."

"Well, come over."

I hung up the phone Meng Qian online search for eBay, I immediately popped up the latest news. Just now, eBay officially announced the merger of Huaxia Market with Yahoo. Of course, the merge is just a step, and it is sold to Yahoo.

Also in 2006, eBay had to give up the Huaxia market, but the way to leave is completely different. Once I have sold Tom, I have sold it to Yahoo, but this world is selling to Yahoo, and the foregoing words are further cooperation.

In addition, Meng Qian noticed that EBAY and Yahoo's transactions were not limited to Huaxia, and eBay sold the neon market to Yahoo. In history, eBay neon is actually true in 2006. Forced to leave the neon market, while eBay is lost in the neon country, the Lotten Internet hand of the e-commerce platform called the neon country, the largest e-commerce platform.

That is, when the name of Huaxia is hurt by Huaxia users as the name of Gaolia's Lotte, it means that he is not in the company's relationship with Gao Li Guo.

More interesting is that eBay sells the Southeast Asian region of the two-year test water, including the Thai market just a bit of color. As for the Goroma, eBay is not developed in the Goroma.

So, whether it is the 2006 year in 2006, eBay really exited is not Huaxia market, but the Asian market, but this world is even more concurrent, and this Yahoo! single collection .

After reading the various estimated comments on the online online, Ma Yu came to Meng Qian's office. "What should you understand?"

Meng Qian sat on the sofa, "Well, eBay is very decisive this time, but I really didn't think Yahoo would do this."

"I feel completely melted." Ma Wei blasted a cup of tea, and he is really not seen.

"Oh? Why say this."

"For a few months, this is the pressure of this shareholder, Taobao is not going to test water overseas." The horse is half-tone. "Some things are really going to see it later."

Meng Qi is arbitrarily, "Don't sell Guan Chi, hurry."

"EBAY's industry is too single, no more resources can be utilized, limit his development in Asia.

eBay has developed for so many years in neon, but it has always been restricted by neon logistics. Before eBay wanted to introduce PayPal into our Huaxia, but I can't read this level, but it is not that we deliberately hard him, but Omi's The financial system is not the same as our financial system, and the country is impossible to give him this mouth. "

Meng Qian's view of the horse is still recognized. It is like the future generation of some people in the future, why is the development of mobile payments, and the country is specially explained, because the financial system is completely different from Huaxia, and they lack the environmental foundation of mobile payment development. .

However, Meng Qian also has a question. "In this case, Yahoo is also picking EBAY's disk? Yahoo will not understand."

"Yahoo can of course understand, in fact, I really talk to Yang Zhiyuan, Yahoo has different inquiry, and EBAY industry is single, but for Yahoo, e-commerce does not even have the main business.

So, in Yahoo, he can conduct resource replacement through the advantages of other fields to achieve the purpose of attacking various barriers. The third page you can see, this is the logistics enterprise cooperation in neon countries in the past year. Bank list.

Yahoo uses the cooperation strategy. For neon, these logistics companies, eBay can give them something, nothing more than a multi-interest allocation, as a foreign platform eBay can't do order guarantee.

However, Yahoo is different. You see Yahoo recently just a set of logistics software for neon logistics companies. There are also users of Yahoo platform. They can get from Yahoo far more than they can get from eBay. thing.

Ebay, I estimate that this time should be putted in the Omi market after this time, after all, although the EU EU has been fighting in the past few years, but in love with each other, at least they put the trade channel.

So this problem is also the same as Taobao, Taobao really wants to go to other countries, I am afraid that the wind group must come out. "

Meng Qian touched the chin I thought for a while, "What do you think, what will Yahoo do?"

The voice of the horse has just fallen, and there is a very perceived change, because Yahoo is going to do, the horse is known, that is, cross-border e-commerce.


Cross-border e-commerce actually started to develop, in 1999, there is such a relatively clear concept, and now is in the very early stage of cross-border e-commerce.

More importantly, playing across border e-commerce and domestic e-commerce is not a concept. You can be very clear in the heart of the horse. With Taobao's current energy to resist, cross-border e-commerce is simply a day, unless small I really want to build a cross-border e-commerce system is almost impossible, so if I really have to play cross-border e-commerce, Meng Qian can play a cross-border e-commerce platform to play, can not bring Taobao. It is reasonable to even bring Taobao.

This is what the horse is concerned.

On the business field, who is not selfish.

But in the horse boss or the brain is very awake, and not to say that these things don't say that Meng Qian will learn from other channels, and there are some things on the roots of cross-border e-commerce. Meng Qian also has a possibility of challenge.

Although this may also be minimal, the horse is clear, if Meng Qim is really successful, you will be a big bowl of soup.

At the same time, Ma Yu also realizes that there is no one in these foundations, and Huaxia will be killed in the development of cross-border e-commerce.

So a moment of hesitation is true, I hope that Meng Qian is also true, this is related to myself, but it is prone.

A lot of things, it is so complicated, the horse looked at Meng Qian's slow way. "Yahoo's next step is cross-border e-commerce, and said cross-border e-commerce, I think we need to face some questions."


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