"Transnational e-commerce? Care, these two days have just listened to this matter."

The horse can't help but be a little curious. "There are very few people in China will mention the words of cross-state e-commerce. Who do you listen?"

"A company called dealexTreme."

"It turned out to be DX." Ma Yu suddenly realized.

Compared to Lanting Title, Milan.com and Ali's Global Easel These well-known cross-border e-commerce, DX's famous fame is much smaller, but the creation time of this company is earlier than other companies, founded in 2006, This year, I took a third place in the entrepreneurial project of the Great Guest General.

DX mainly sells 3C products, with low-cost and forum marketing as core methods, especially DX forum marketing, known as the ancestors level.

However, Meng Qian is more careful or he can have the power of impact cross-border e-commerce in 2006.

"I don't know how DX is how to analyze the cross-border e-commerce environment under the eyes." Ma Xi learned first.

Meng Qian picked up with the horse, said that DX said, mainly a history of cross-border e-commerce.

From 1999 to 2003, it was a cross-border e-commerce 1.0. The main business model is online display, offline transactions of foreign trade information service model, basically does not involve transactions.

The profit model of this stage is mainly by collecting membership fees to the company's information display, and has gradually derived a bidding promotion, consulting services, etc. to provide a single-donkey information stream value service for suppliers.

On behalf of the platform, Global Resources, Alibaba.

In 2004, it began to enter the second phase of cross-border e-commerce. This stage of transactions have increasingly, including B2B and B2C, and in the field of B2C, it is good to be eBay.

And DX seems to be the cross-border B2C market. They think that the domestic information is asymmetrical, but the information between the country and the country is asymmetric, and the blessing is just beginning, plus this year of Huaxia Industry. Rapid development, powerful price advantage makes him see business opportunities.

"There is no problem with the judgment of the market. In fact, I also exchanged with the chairman of DX, but I'm telling the truth, I am not very optimistic about the long-term development of this company.

"Oh? How do you say?"

"DX just wants to do a platform, only the market in his eyes." Ma Yao poured a bit before the body, "When the Ali's internal meeting this year, we were discussing a problem. E-commerce is really just platform simple?" Ali If you only have a platform in this life, how long can we last?

What we defeated, really rely on free? With the situation in the situation, I don't think so now, I am free for us, but I can only call it a native advantage. In fact, I have already mentioned something, we can win eBay. Also because we have three drawings, Alipay, logistics advantages, wind group alliance.

If the back of Alipay is behind, behind the financial system, behind the financial system, the logistics system is the logistics system, and behind the wind group alliance, it is technology, which is funds.

So do an e-commerce platform, you can use a company that is a computer, some computer brands are actually simple assembly companies, but they can also sell products, but also become a good brand through marketing means, and some computer brands Pay attention to core technology, including chip research and development, motherboard research and development, graphics card research and development.

So which two computer brands are more likely to grow for a long time? "

Meng Qian's tea cup laughed, "Horse boss directly said that the wind group cattle is over."

"Haha." The horse is smile, "So Taobao really wants to become a great and continuing company, you can't just stare at the platform itself, the platform is the easiest to replace, do cross-country electricity This is even more so.

Just like the most intentional thing I have now, logistics, now cross-border e-commerce, there is no logistics enterprise in China to go to the table, the platform needs to cooperate with foreign logistics companies, then if one day foreign logistics company deliberately hindered, how do?

This is what Meng always said, card neck. "

Meng Qian took a little bit, can't help but remember what Huawei Express was transferred by the federal courier and hundreds of express pieces, and the people did nothing.

"Why are you most likely?" Meng Qian noticed the details of the words just in this sentence.

Ma Yao said, "Through the test water at overseas, let me have a deeper understanding of e-commerce. E-commerce is not simple to make a line on the platform to help buy and sellers to build bridges so simple, e-commerce nature Still trade, and what is the trading development?

The trade is white, which is circulating circulation from cargo products. Each link in circulation will generate economic behavior, thereby forming a bustling economy. Therefore, regardless of how trade develops, even though it is, as long as it is linked to the economy, it is inseparable from logistics.

It is logistics that promotes trade development, trade can drive economic development, so I want to do high in international trade, I will not leave the construction of multinational logistics. "

"What do you have to do with domestic logistics companies?"

The helplessness of the horse, "If you want to talk about international logistics, I said, foreign logistics has been developed for thirty years, and our domestic logistics has not started."

"The main logistics Taobao should have been in contact with it. Is there any potential?"

The horse shook his head, "I can't see any particularly bright business."

"Shunfeng this company you know?"

"Xiangjiang Wang Wei, SF? I know, I have been touched before, oh, I remember that I have SF report." Ma Wei turned a document from the briefcase, "Hey, this year, this year The latest data, SF has built 2 distribution centers in China, 52 middle transceivers, more than 200,000 trunk transit vehicles and more than 1,100 business outlets, covering more than 100 large and medium-sized cities in China and more than 300 County-level city or towns.

From the scale, it is still good, and before Wang Wei told me that SF planned to set up his airline before 2008, the current air sales work has been launched. "

"So do you think this company has no potential?"

"The development speed is very fast, I feel that the potential is not small in the country, but I still have not reported too much hope, after all, the company is not enough, I want to make up for the 30 years gap, it is too difficult."

Meng Qian does not ask questions, "To develop international logistics, it is necessary to overcome those puzzles?"

"The most basic three problems, first, the express mail supervision center of the destination country, the express mail supervision center is an essential facility for international express delivery. It is a key node for express customs clearance difference. But in Omi, you want to build yourself. The express mail supervision center is almost impossible, and the transport of Neon countries must find the local partner of rice in the country.

Secondly, the destination is delivered to the network. This is a monopoly high threshold. At present, only the Logistics Company of the Mi State independent network, only the United Nimago joint parcel and federal express.

Including the previous Wang Wei also said that SF will want to do cross-border logistics, which can only deliver the network of the United States to the United Nima or the federal express delivery. It is almost impossible to build your own network in Miki.

That is to say, one day we want to resist federal express options to use SF, maybe it will find SF delivery in the rice country is the federal courier is responsible, so it is so helpless.

There is also a problem that you want to open a full-flying machine that fly to Omi, you need to talk to the other country, the aviation right is in the hands? Of course, in the country's hand, this is not talked. "

Meng Qian's expression became serious and serious, "international logistics is a difficult bone."

"Inscident, go to emerging market challenge logistics belong to bones, but go to developed countries to develop logistics, That is to take the teeth."

Meng Qian rely on, raising his head and looking at the office, some of themselves, "even if the diamond is also awkward."

It is preparing to drink tea, the hand is aware of the hand, lift the head and look at Meng Qian seems to be determined to have something wrong, he will of course hope Meng Qian, hoping that Meng Qian is doing this, but just It's hard to say that there is a chance of challenge, or let the horse are not forbidden, "You are still you, never afraid."

Meng Qian didn't care, just like Ma Yu pre-judge, even Shunfeng, the future is also mixed at the international end, his delivery in the country, really rely on the rice logistics company, but logistics this thing Will be more important as the development of the economy.

There is no one in China in this field, and Meng Qian stands out, so that it is not successful, anyway, it is not as good as it once, can you go?

Although Meng Qiao is not familiar with this field, some things happen to the financial crisis will be a little impression. In addition, how can Omi can't go deep into the, at least Asia, at least the new market, can be better than once it is good. The worst plan is also a waste of money.

Anyway, no matter what.

It is certainly not existent.


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