Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 473, even if there is a person

In the process of Waiting for Meng Qian, there is also something to respond.

That is early December, it was invited to visit Yanjing to participate in winning the finals in Huaxia.

Meng Qian is in the past, and the first person encountered after the place is Shi Yuzhu. "What is the seniors of the seniors?"

"I can still be busy, just like it." Shi Yuzhu smiled.

"I see health products this year seems that the market is not small, the mall is selling."

"Well, this year began to fully go to the big stores and shopping malls this year, and the entire market began to be more and more regular."

"Regular" Meng Qian laughs.

Shi Yuzhu did not pay attention to Meng Qian as a wonderful expression, turned to the horse, "But we have been trying to develop more channels, such as e-commerce recently."

The horse has passed, "said there is an idea of ​​history, we can talk about it."

At this time, some people pushed the door of the lounge.

"Yu always, I haven't seen you for a long time." The coming is Yu Minhong, and Ma Yu looks like it is quite familiar. Meng Qian is basically not handed.

September this year, New Oriental has just been listed, Yu Minhong looks very good, but when you shake hands with Meng Qian, "because of the first sentence of Meng, we haven't played in the new orientation."

This is definitely exaggerated, but Meng Qian is also a little curious. "What did I say?"

"Haha, you didn't say that when you speech this year, I didn't think we were too engaged in English." Ma Yu explained on the side. "You have caused an uproar, and it is really wave of New Oriental."

"That is really sorry, I will find a chance to tell the words clearly. I really think that we are too engraved, more than a billions of Huaxia people have several English, but for use English people are still needed to be like new oriental. "

Meng Qian politely, more and more judges arrived, everyone is very happy until Liu Chuanzhi enters the door.

There is a lot of inexplicable embarrassment in the air in the scene, so in the two prodigals, it seems to be a good greeting, talking together the future of the computer industry, Liu boss feels that the Sony battery is over, and Sony computer In fact, there is no problem with the problem, and it will be regular.

Meng Qian smiled, then, I wish you good luck.

Soon after all people started to set up at the guidance of the staff, Meng Qian was on the game, and there was no way, and the popularity was posted.

The player will be played, the program starts.

In this final player, there is a person with the wind group, which is the founder of the same trick, Wu Zhixiang, because knowing that Huaxia is going to enter the long-term tourism industry, and the tourism industry is preparing One of the future projects, so before, the wind investment has seen this company, and talk to Wu Zhixiang, Meng Qian also signed the words in the investment intention, and Wu Zhixiang refused the entrepreneurial funds provided by the wind investment.

Therefore, when I went to Wu Zhixiang, Meng Qiang asked, "What is the biggest purpose of this program?"

Wu Zhixiang is also sincere. "In fact, I want to find an answer through this program. In Meng, it seems that a person is Ning ** not to make a phoenix, or it should be Ning to do not ** head."

Meng Qian smiled slightly, "This problem is actually ridiculous, according to my experience, most of the people who ask this question, actually even the ability of the ** head is not."

Wu Zhixiang expressive, "Maybe I have a problem with this statement, that in Meng, in the eyes of Meng, an entrepreneur should be brave enough to enter a big sea, even if you do a small fish, still stay in a ceiling market to earn money."

Meng Qian shook his head, "There is still a problem with this statement, you tell me, what market makes money with ceiling?"

Wu Zhixiang granates, "such as moving bricks, a person's physical limit is there, doing this matter, no matter how much effort is the ceiling."

"What if I move? If I have a brick? In my opinion, why do you say that the three hundred and sixty lines are champions, that is because there is no ceiling market, there is only a ceiling thinking.

This is also a sentence I don't have to say anything. I learned to use my mind to make money. Even if you do physical activity, use your brain to make it hard, the result is different.

Selling tea eggs can do money, but some people sell tea eggs for a month, some people sell tea eggs for a month, some people sell tea eggs to the chain, this is the charm of the brain, this is the power of knowledge.

I will always be a thoughts, people must learn, don't necessarily go to school, there are places where we can learn in life, and constantly learning is the best shortcut to success. "

Meng Qian's words let Wu Zhixiang caught in thought, let him think about it. Another is a bit interested in Meng Qian, that is, the winning of the first season of Huaxia, Song Dynasty.

Meng Qian was asked at the angle of the judge. "I saw a sentence on your label, China is too lacking in entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, well known, these two years are an entrepreneurial **, so why do you say this? "

Song Wen name is firm, "more than 90 percent of Huaxia did not have the spirit of entrepreneurs."

"Why did you say that?"

"What is the most precious thing of entrepreneurs? It is an innovation, but what is most of the entrepreneurs in Huaxia? Follow the people. Plagiarize all aspects of Huaxia, the core of entrepreneurship, create a business, this is entrepreneur."

This is the title of Song Wen, which was a lot of supporters. Anyway, China is like this, you only need to be a crime, it is easy to be sought after, especially if your criticism does have a common time. .

For example, the quality of the Chinese people is not good.

Because these negative conditions do exist, it is indeed some problems that Huaxia needs to solve, but is these issues to rise to a nation? Is the quality of the Chinese people? Is everyone good quality? Is there any innovative spirit?

Moreover, many people in Huaxia have no solve, and they are in the place of innovation, and that is sought after by a pile of Chinese people as the world's first quality big country. I used to kill people.

Some things, the fault is really wrong, this is nothing, but I dare not put it in a big background objective look. With the development of the Chinese, the generalization of education, the quality of the whole people has improved, this is the most direct manifestation .

The neon country is poor in China. In this year, the country does not force civilization in the country, and Meng Qian is very curious about how good their quality can.

More importantly, in a long time, public opinion, media, influential individual seems to be constantly enlarged negative, constantly enlargement of the Chinese people without quality, constantly reporting no quality news, put some original possibility There is only 30 occupied things to draw more than 90 people.

The continuous preaching of Huaxia education does not have talents, and I don't know where Huaxia has achieved comprehensive science and technology. It is probably the stone.

Crazy criticism of Chinese people lack innovative awareness, and even the concept of innovation is distorted.

If the purpose of criticism is really hoping that the country will become better, Meng Qian is support, it is the problem is that when criticized, how many people can do itself, pick anything, but after picking up? In the end, I really hope that the country is better, or is it simple to vent, or a simple hope that the country can give yourself more benefits and you don't want to pay more than a good job, or even for private interests, then only the parties are clear. .

Anyway, Meng Qian can't manage others. He managed himself. Since everyone has the right to criticize, the Meng Qian also wants to criticize these excessive enlargement.

In the face of Song Wen's name, the 90 proportion, Meng Qian can't help but laugh, "You said that the core of entrepreneurs is innovation? What is innovation? Intel, Microsoft, Google, such as you look at you What should I do if it is an innovation? "

"Of course, and in my opinion, the wind group is the best innovation enterprise in our country and the most qualified innovation enterprise."

Meng Qian smiled again. "If you want to define entrepreneurship and innovation with the standard of the Great Breeze Group, but only the pass of the qualified line, then I don't have to start a business, all go to work.

What is innovation, many people now put innovation this thing, what is a bit, over beautifying.

In fact, innovation is not a great thing. It is not that it is like the wind group to make a system to make a computer to call innovation. The so-called innovation, in my opinion is more than others, even if everyone is doing a dining I thought of making a special theme, everyone is doing clothing, I can think of using e-commerce sales, everyone is selling vegetables, I think of an interesting slogan, this is innovative.

I can tell everyone very clearly, the greatest place of the wind group is that many employees have more habits, when a thousand, 10,000 people are willing to think about it in their positions. The company integrates these ideas, which will become a powerful force.

So I really hope that there are more Chinese people to develop more, think more about a little habits, and be a person who can think independently, and be a person who has innovative ability and will not be easily around others. "

Reading unused and all kinds of one-night hair rug soup makes many people can't settle, and negative amplification is suppressed in the confidence of the Chinese people.

The foreign people saved a stray cat is a good nation, and the Chinese people will save a cat on the road. It is definitely a neon. When the foreigner is, the dance is a good atmosphere, and the dancing of the people when people see the ball is the quality. Sometimes it is exaggerated to the foreigner, it is free and cool. The Chinese people fight into a barbaric rude. The similar speech has experienced the impression of this era. There is a slowness slowly, but still still still There is such a happiness.

Therefore, since it comes to win this show in Huaxia, Meng Qian wants to .

Even if someone can listen to Meng Qian, I am willing to learn to learn, think about it, even if there is a person is willing to think about it, I am taking rhythm, and Huaxia is not as unbearable, then Meng Qian is also I feel worth it.

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