When Meng Qiao participated in the show in Yanjing, the thing that happened in the country.

On December 3, Intel CEO Paul Odun left the high-pass headquarters, the more I wanted to be more fire all the way, and launched a temper in the car.

This time, Intel must be profitable if it can be great, but this is indeed the will of the rice country. Which country does not want to master the communication claims, even if Paul is really moving the national honor Out of it, Qualcomm is still like a life, no hesitation refuses to turn Intel.

Qualcomm's huge income is based on communication technology. Qualcomm's patented barriers, in traditional communication technology, now Intel wants to engage in this fake communication technology, Qualcomm is definitely unhappy, really put WiMAX, Gao Tong The professional barrier is half-collapsed. If you can't make money or a small, you have no monopoly, how come you still play in this industry in this industry, see Intel's face? Don't think about it.

Microsoft Intel Qualcomm is known as the Milous Monopoly Three Giants, so this is very clear, you have to play monopoly, then let me dedicate your grandfast for the dedication of the country, dedication, why don't you go Dedication.

In this way, Qualcomm refuses Paul, but also high-profile high-profile in front of the media will never support WiMAX, even release, and future Qualcomm's chips will not support WiMAX.

Although Intel's management said that he contained with Qualcomm when he was interviewed, there is no such thing as it is, but the history of history is that people Qualcomm is determined from the beginning to the end to the end, but Intel is just thinking. Reward some public opinion face, but what is it?

WiMAX chip is an important reason for WiMAX failure. The application chip is smaller, lower cost, and lower power consumption. Intel has been focusing on high performance high-profit fields, so I originally I want to find Qualcomm. He came to with himself, but Qualcomm refused himself, what should I do? ...

Just when Paul worried, a message appeared in front of him.

"Apple is determined on January 9th to convene a new product conference, and the rumors will also introduce similar products."

In this article, Paul saw a sentence. From now on, the new products of the two companies are undoubtedly, and the wind group is very likely to have successfully developed a more suitable mobile phone. Processor architecture. "

"Great Wind Group ... More suitable for mobile phones ... Application processor architecture ..." Paul looked at this news, thinking about a while, shouted a team to meet.

Intel has a team to study all kinds of competitors. In fact, most large companies have such a department. Paul screamed, just to learn more about the latest situation of the wind group, to analyze what the wind group is now with himself.

The most important label of the Great Breeze Group is the world's sixth largest software company, the largest software company in Asia, and in the hardware field, the wind group is mostly the best threat to Intel, the biggest threat of the wind group, is the lightning machine .

The market reputation of the recent computer camera and other products is developing very fast, semiconductor field, the company's logo is CMOS sensor.

As for the Cell processor, it seems that the wind group is only an entry, the Cell processor is IBM.

However, the Kunlun system with the CELL processor is really challenged Microsoft and Intel's monopoly alliance.

Looking at these situations, Paul has been resistant, and he really can't accept it in a Chinese company. He is not accepting it. It is also a matter of challenge to his own monopoly. If he will help the wind group to apply the chip architecture Give it up, a bit of a bit.

But when Paul wants to give up cooperation ideas, he saw another thing, the wind group is now the most influential enterprise in China, and even has a certain influence on the decision of Huaxia. More importantly, the wind group is WiMAX seems to be very friendly. There is also a recent news to say that the wind group has been engaged in WiMAX development.

If you can enter the Huaxia market by the wind group ... This is a huge temptation to Intel.

Advantages and disadvantages, there is also a resistance to the demand, Paul is very tangled, and there is a tangling, naturally there will be dialogue. After all, I don't know how to do it, let's talk about it.

On December 10, Paul has just been visiting Huaxia soon, and this time, Paul will go straight to the wind group.

"Mr. Paul has worked hard, and the dinner is ready."

"Mr. Meng."

Paul to Huaxia is just dinner, he doesn't rest, Meng Qian is ready to take him to eat directly. The two have no intersection before, Paul is the character of the thunder, and the vegetables will start to talk about it. "The wind group thinks that WiMAX has no development potential?"

"We have followed WiMAX two years ago. Last year, we went to Gaoli to learn, because we also invested many R & D costs for LTE, so from the current whole R & D results, WiMAX potential is unlimited, it is very likely to change the whole Communication history. "

Seeing Meng Qian's attitude, Paul entered a step. "In this case, Mr. Meng is next to the WiMAX program?"

"To be honest, I saw Intel's promotion in WiMAX in these months. Since Mr. Paul visited by Mr. Paul, then the wind group has a spiritual bureau WiMAX, I don't know how Paul?"

Meng Qian directly let Paul have identified something, but this determination will only make Paul more tangled, so Paul first returns to a positive attitude, "The wind group has this will, and our Intel is naturally welcome."

Then, the Paul horse is turned around.

"Mr. Paul wants to cooperate?"

"In fact, our cooperation between Intel and the wind group is very large. If we take the moment, we all have your own advantages. In this case, why bother to develop, it is better to cooperate with you, so I am actually true today. On behalf of our rice country EUV alliance, I want to invite Mr. Meng to join. "

Paul's words are very in place, but once the EUV alliance of the rice country is joined, the future research and development results are all alliances. It is said that it is to let the wind group give up the right to control the control. It is natural to return Intel. Meng Qian naturally responds. Simple, "I can get the invitation of Paul, but I feel that there is competition to develop, saying that the wind group once added to the EUV alliance, the neon, the ten eight-nine will follow up, Then there is no competition in this area.

From the perspective of long-term development, this is not a good thing, it is better to continue to maintain a good competitive relationship, jointly promote the development of EUV technology and the development of lightning machine. "

Paul understand Meng Qian's meaning, not fighting, continue to turn a topic, "I heard that the wind group has developed a new chip architecture?"

Meng Qian made a difficult expression. "This thing is the secret of our big wind group, but since Paul asked, then I am willing to be honest, it is true."

This matter is actually not difficult, it will be open next month, and there are also messages in the outside.

"Is it for the application processor?"

"It is for our mobile phone." Meng Qian said the scope.

"Mr. Meng is interested in cooperation in this field? This is what our Intel wants to do and lack energy. If Mr. Meng is willing, we can provide help, including talent and funds."

"If Intel has this idea, it is really great." Meng Qian returned, but the next sentence made Paul almost black, "We are now not missing talents and funds, but we lack market and customers, If Intel is interested in cooperation, we can open this market together. "

If it is not because of the dinner table, Paul wants to say fuck, then Paul has tested in several other fields, and the response is basically one thing.

Meng Qian's only gives a positive signal, it is WiMAX.


Go back to the hotel after a meal, Paul's major shareholders from the company.

"What attitude is Meng Qian?"

"He is willing to cooperate with WiMAX's R & D and market layout, but in other fields, Meng Qian does not want to make it."

"It is also the market to change technology." Huaxia eighty-decades took the market to change technology, which has also been understood by Miki in these years.

"In fact, the core technology of WiMAX is now more mature. It is not too worrying that the wind group will steal something, really need to worry about the original architecture of the wind group."

"Paul, how much is your architecture of the wind group?"

"I can't see it, I can only listen to Meng Qian, should be a similar ARM."

In fact, if the wind group is just a company that is a low-power small size chip, Intel is a big probability will cooperate with the wind group, because whether it is from Intel's memoirs or the memoirs of Apple or the relevant witnesses, Apple this year It is really because I can't look down on mobile phone chips.

After all, even the mobile phone giants like Nokia, the one-year mobile phone chip profit is not high, and Intel is too lazy to spend energy to arrange such a department.

Therefore, there is a company to come out to do this type of chip, but also bring the Intel to the Huaxia market, even if you drag the wind group in this chip field, Intel is willing, anyway, it is the market you can't see. Although he will regret it in the future, it is the future.

A large wind group is not just a company company company, the confrontation of the moment, the system brings the impact of the Intel Microsoft Alliance. This year, the wafer is beginning to make it, which will inevitably make Intel have many ideas.

When I was tangled in Intel, Meng Qian dialed a call and called IBM's Samuel.


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