On January 23, Hongmeng mobile phone began to enter Spain, Switzerland and other European countries. On the same day, Meng Qiao arrived in Davos, Switzerland, was invited to participate in the Davos World Economic Forum this year.

From January 24 to 28, 2007, the 37th World Economic Forum was held in Davos. The theme of the meeting is: the power pattern in the change.

Well, many media ridiculed Meng Qian's arrival is to fit the theme.

But in fact, this theme is nothing to do with Meng Qian. The most concerned countries in the Davos Forum in 2006 were Huaxia and India, and the countries of the 2007 Davos Forum became China, India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and other global emerging markets this year, this year is the power pattern of changes, because the global emerging market is working, in addition, Huaxia Neon Gaoli is called new power at this meeting. The center, Russia was passed by everyone, which is the power pattern in the so-called changes.

Even so, Meng Qian looked at the conference process and issues, and Huaxia is still a topic involving the highest rate.

This year's World Economic Forum attracted more than 2,000 political borders from 90 countries and regions. It is the largest in history. The main topics include economic globalization, restarting Dora negotiating, global climate crisis, and Middle East peace issues.

Meng Qian comes to the main purpose of participating, is to brush internationally reputation, expand its international friends circle.

At the opening ceremony, the German boss conducted a keynote speech. As a world economic forum, the scriptures made a few more than ten times, and what people who were very strange to write.

Meng Qian came to the Davos Forum for a total of 1 speech, 2 conversations, did nothing in the first day, just got everywhere, with everyone to meet the dinner, contacting many entrepreneurs.

The next day, Meng Qian first listened to the first global economic expectation seminar of this year. The spokesperson here is the vice president of Huaxia Bank, the main purpose is also very clear, saying that the Chinese economy is very good, this year The whole year will be better.

However, Meng Qian listened to the entire seminar, I didn't make much sense, almost all countries said that their own economy is good, and the country also said that this year will achieve better economic growth, and I feel this year's finance. The crisis should not appear at all, everyone is not good.

However, in this seminar, there have been interesting scenes. Omei Multi-country is inquiring a question, why is the Huaxia savings rate so high? In the next few days, this problem will be mentioned many times, including the night when Norbir is night, Westerners can't understand how the Chinese people love money.

Meng Qian will not participate in economic discussions this time, after all, he is not an economic expert, his direction is entrepreneurial and technology.

On the afternoon of the 25th, Meng Qian's first dialogue has begun, and the dialogue youth entrepreneur.

After entering the venue, Meng Qian pays attention to the scene, the organizer has to add some chairs. Now the world does not know how many young people regard Meng Qian as their own life goals, and these young people in today's scene, in Meng Qianjin There are many times when the field, I took out the mobile phone and recorded this moment with the camera function of Hongmeng.

"It seems that Hongmeng mobile phone also has a fan effect." Meng Qian is very happy.

Of course, Meng Qian is also very sincere to leave some suggestions that they think it is very meaningful. Many people sit here will become a successful businessman in all countries in the world, so that they are not a bad thing, even It is a very important thing.

This year's Davos Forum will still have its own top ten golden sentences in various fields, and in the field of entrepreneurship, Meng Qian accounts for three golden sentences.

"Don't ask how to ask for a success, in fact, this information starts to explode, everyone is probably clear how successful, first ask yourself, self-discipline, effort, persistence, love, What is it? "

"Don't pay too much attention to the blue sea, the wind, the blue sea, will become a red sea, the wind will be too late to go, do one thing, will have a return, make a matter of things, will be sought after, One thing is extremely extreme, inevitably does not bear this life, busy with the wind, chasing the blue sea every day, you are tired, the market is also tired, put a thing well, is the best practice. "

"The entrepreneur is not free. The world's least freelance is always freelance. If you start a business, you don't have to work, you don't have to look at your face, then you may be really not suitable. Entrepreneurship, the temper encountered in the process of entrepreneurship will farmide the general work. Entrepreneurship is the strongest work in the world. In order to freedom, it is a bit awkward from the beginning, unless you just want to do a little very small. Business, even if you earn less than work, it doesn't matter, then you will have freedom. "

The whole dialogue has had to extend more than an hour because it is too hot, and I have missed the time when Meng Qian came out. I was thinking about where I went shopping. Suddenly there is a movie to block Meng Qian's way.

"I finally touched it." Meng Qian said, politely greeted the people in front of him, "It's so clever, Mr. Jobs."

"I have been listening to Mr. Meng, I have been listening to Mr. Meng." Jobs bluntly, the expression is like a high.

Jobs's unfriendship of Huaxia is also a matter of human being. Although Apple Huaxia is very hard to do a public relations, this kind of information is found at all, and the netizens who will overlook will be more and more, Jobs The arrogance and prejudice of Huaxia commented that it is too extreme.

But what can I do, this world is full of discrimination and prejudice.

"Mr. Jobs will not say hello."

"It is also just right." Jobs's expression made Meng Qian not uncomfortable. "Mr. Meng has time, drink a cup?"


The two were free to find a direction, and they went to see the pub.

"I heard the inspiration of Hongmeng Mobile, what is Mens made up?" Jobs issued a question.

"I just thought of a general direction."

"Huaxia can have Meng Mr. Meng, is really fortunate."

Meng Qian's eyes are brach, but this is to be boasant, but the tone is very varied, it is necessary to open Jobs to continue, "the threshold for technology development is getting higher and higher, telling the truth, there is a wind group in China. The company makes me surprising, but the wind group is only an example in which we seem to have, such as the emerging market like Huaxia, first need to solve the fundamental things, such as plagiarism, poverty, ignorance. "

Meng Qian smiled and responded. "Mr. Jobs is very disgusting for plagiarism, poverty, and ignorance."

Jobs should have, "Who will like it? These problems in Huaxia, Mr. Meng will not deny it?"

Meng Qian's eyes suddenly cold, "This is not what you want to see? Emerging countries generally poor ignorance, isn't you created by you and want to get the result?"

Jobs expression is also serious, "What does Mr. Meng do this?"

"You use all the way to occupy a high point in the fields of military, finance, technology, education, etc., the purpose is to form absolute ruling power and voice, just like I have been saying, what is the globalization you want, It is the whole world to work for you, so a country with innovation, creativity, higher education, and highly rich, is you allowed?

Returning to the field of technology, you use monopoly to cut off 80 technological innovation channels. Today, a new country really creates great technology. Does this country get your recognition and respect? Unfortunately, reality is that he will only harvest crazy to suppress and destroy.

Therefore, more and more emerging countries realize that if you want to live, you can only act in the area you have settled. What is the area is poverty. It is a low price. It is ignorant. This area dislikes. But it is the only safety zone.

Mr. Jobs, I am not fortunate, but in contrast, Huaxia is my luck, because I am born in an independent and complete country, unlike some kingdom of Jobs, perhaps you see, just others want you to see you. of. "

Jobs is unsuccessful. He is a person who is particularly annoying by others. "Really great, never succumb to anyone, no matter, no, no matter what is not a matter."

"I have heard a saying that people on the mountain don't look down on people under the mountain, because one day he will exceed you, the people in Shangshan don't laugh at the mountain, because he has been brilliant, humble is not only a morality It is a kind of wisdom that is stupid to judge a person or a country at that time, because this world is dynamic. Unless you can completely free.

Just like Apple has now publicized your own innovation, but some things that Jobs must remember that the early system of Apple is also copying, oh is not right, maybe it is stolen more accurate? "

Jobs did not control his emotions, ridiculed on the spot, "Mr. Meng, the wind group is just a lucky existence, go to the top of the mountain, definitely will not be you!"

Meng Qian also did not have the idea of ​​ease the atmosphere. "That, walking."


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