Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 483 Large Double Standard Scene

Jobs indregarded, and finally two people did not drink, Meng Qian turned about a few European entrepreneurs, everyone drank a night.

On January 26, Meng Qian's second dialogue began. The topic on the surface is that the dialogue between the new science and technology, translating is actually a technological competition between emerging countries and guarding countries.

The representative selected by this dialogue is the Meng Qian of Microsoft's Bill Gates and the wind group.

The two represent two major camps, but in fact, the whole dialogue, everyone did not squeeze what technology did not squeeze, but the netizens felt that the whole dialogue was very interesting, because at the entire site, Meng Qian and Bill Gatez's gunpowder weight.

At the beginning of the dialog, the host first asked the two views on the change in science and technology.

Bill Gates is the first, "The rapid development of technologies in emerging countries is an impact on the global science and technology pattern, but it is also a kind of promotion. We can see companies like wind groups, Wipho bring to the whole world. There are many surprises and ideas in the scientific market. This is a good thing. It can bring benign competition and drive the market's active.

For this change, my personal suggestion is to increase the cooperation between our companies, and idioms should take the role of the leadership, so that the global scientific and technological patterns are more mature, more efficient, and better serve users. "

After Bill Gates finished, the host turned to ask Meng Qian's opinion.

"The kernel of technology business is still supply and demand, but the kernel of technology research and development may be able to cross supply and demand, in innovation, so in fact, the change in the global science and technology pattern in these years I think it is a necessity, just like I have said, technology The goal of globalization is not to do our own business in every country, but global participation, joint research and development, and create together.

Because every country, every individual has innovative qualifications and talents, I will think that technology globalization will become the most in front of the flour of the globalization, and my expect is more mature technology markets and technology. The company can build a platform for promoting global technology development. I believe that the global science and technology pattern will change in the next ten to 20 years. "

Bill Gates and Meng Qian said that there is no problem, and it also recognizes the trend of scientific and technological patterns, but the difference is that this issue of dominating, once again showing the core difference between Meng Qian and Microsoft's enterprises.

Some netizens have made a generous and easy-to-understand translation, while the company has turned over the world, while the whole world is harmonious after the business of the United States.

It is also from this opening, and the two have not allowed each other.

Bill Gates emphasized the scientific and technological precipitation of the country. Meng Qian emphasized the technology vitality of emerging markets. Bill Gates emphasized the advantages of keeping the country's customers. Meng Qian emphasizes the cost performance of emerging markets.

For a long time, Microsoft has fights with the wind group, and it is actually very harmonious, and the surface work is OK, but the performance of the Davos Forum is a clear intentional conflict, it seems to be thinking Put the competition to the table.

At the end of the conversation, I don't know why, Bill Gates suddenly mentioned that "entrepreneur should have more social responsibility, we have made so much money, you should go to the society, help more More people need help, I suggest that Mr. Meng can consider this problem, not put personal property in the bank. "

Meng Qian wondered Bilz, and you advised Ma Yun to donate, and now I still advise some people who are less than 26 years of age. ...

Meng Qian laughed, "I think it is, the biggest social responsibility of entrepreneurs is to provide users with better products, create more employment for humans, and provide greater assistance for global economic development.

We do public welfare, after we completed this job, then brought more things to this society under the situation. I have been 26 years old this year. The wind group still has a bunch of things to complete, this time take me Money donated, I think I am not improving my sense of social responsibility, but an escape of the original social responsibility. "

In this way, the two people who have nothing to do with technology are mutual.

This also triggered a lot of guessment, what does this mean, but the two have no more expressions in their respective faces, but from this dialogue, the relationship between Microsoft and Great Breeze Group is indeed A new feeling in the world.

I always feel that there is something that happens.


In the evening, Meng Qian went to Nobel's night to listen to some speeches, Nobel's winner Felps said that the Omei market is getting more and more vital, the Middle East has money but no innovation, and now the whole world has flowing to Asia. Especially Huaxia.

The truly important issue of this night is that Omi puts the factories to Asia, causing the Omemi's working class unemployment, what should I do.

However, almost all experts in the site consistently, indicating that from the long-term look, since the short-term look, it will cause a certain impact, and they have passed. Then this statement has also become the mainstream of the next many years.

More than ten years later, Mi Dang also shouted the factory to build a meeting in the country, shouting Huaxia snapped away the employment of rice, and shouting the country to raise China.

At the beginning, it was a Mi country's elite class to say that the factory was built in Huaxia to say that it would be so dry to be the country. He has a bunch of unemployment and private protests to persist. If you go back, you have to blame Huaxia, you have to control it with Huaxia. The elite class in Miki, forced them to build a factory in Huaxia.

Really, the dead skin does not have faces.

The last day's closing ceremony once again mentioned a matter, this summer will hold the first Davos Summer Forum, and hold the land, selected in the Changchun of Huaxia.

On February 2, Davos also had a special party, which is another propaganda for this summer, and is also a display of Huaxia.

This is a very happy news for Huaxia, and suddenly there has been a controversy when netizens have seen the closing live broadcast.

Because Meng Qian wearing a modified version of Hanfu today, although it is very close to modern costumes, it is to recognize this Hanfu through some obvious elements, but the problem is that people are wearing a suit. Only Meng Qian is so worn, it seems that it is income.

"This is too unhappy, it is very rude to participate in such a big international conference."

"Although I understand Meng Qian's idea, after all, it is formal, wearing our Huaxia's clothing or people feel very unce, official occasion is to wear a suit."

"I really see, I am coming out, what is Meng Qian thinking? Neurology? Run Voss to think about it?"

"It's really deliberate, there is no need, Meng Qian is really wrong this time."

On the Internet, Meng Qiao's own discussion is a discussion. I want to maintain Meng Qian at a time, I don't think it is, or I really feel a little strange, and after all, I have never been so wearing in the international occasion. This is wrong, it seems that it is not clear.

However, at this time, several of the eyes have entered the moment of live broadcast and triggered a hot discussion.

"This clothing will know that it is my Middle East, hahaha."

"It's all role, with your own money, you know that you are not mortal."

"This is called the burden, no matter where you wear the national character's clothing, you will know that they will know that they are local."

"Haha, this is called cultural confidence, Laozi is not wearing a suit, can you take me?"

"Say really, every time you take a photo, as long as there is a Middle East, I can't see others. Too many national characteristics, I like this kind of king Laozi's feelings."

At this time, the comment area brushed a question mark.

What is this large double standard? ? ?

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