Meng Qian has been staying on March 1, and Joong plans to be over, the joining of the wind group is equal to the finalization, next to the docking details, these things Meng Qian is not personally involved. .

As for what responding on Sharp, then I will see how the deep city officials will talk, Meng Qian is too lazy to intervene.

In these days, during the communication process of Joong Plan, Meng Qian has always discussed what to develop with Wang Shengdong.

On March 1st, Meng Qian once again came to Yanjing again, talking about the details of cooperation between the two companies with Wang Shengdong.

Jingdong is now lack of money, the wind group gives money, so the overall direction is naturally mergers and acquisitions.

There are two aspects of Meng Qian's proposed programs, in fact, there are similar places, merge with joint ventures with the Decision of Jingdong. However, the difference is that Meng Qian wants to acquire the Beijing Oriental Mobile and Application Small Size TFT-LCD business, just in the opposite direction of the development direction of Jingdong, where you have given up large-sized business reserved small size business.

Meng Qian is going to acquire the Beijing Oriental Mobile and the Application Small Size TFT-LCD business. One is for the development of their own company, the explosion of smartphones is in front of him, and now the center of gravity of neon Gaoli is not This, this gives the wind group in the future, using production capacity to seize the market in this field, Meng Qian must pull the screen production capacity of this field, and this will be a big tool for the wind group.

The second is to make the East more focused on the development of large-size TFT-LCD business. After all, the current technology in the mainland is really too late.

In the way, the Great Breeze Group will set up a large-scale power-saving power of small-size TFT-LCD business, and the large-scale flashlight will acquire Beijing oriental mobile and applying small-size TFT-LCD business with 2 billion cash and 5% company shares. The 5% of the large-scale electricity will be incorporated by the Yandong investment income.

At this point, Jingdong will completely peel off the small-size TFT-LCD business and obtain a large-scale 3% shares.

As for the large-size LCD business of Jingdong's photoelectric, investors are now concerned with the large-size LCD business, and the loss allows investors to be more and more unwell, so they should cut this business from listed companies. .

Now, the Great Breeze Group will conduct a 5 billion injection of 5 billion optoelectronics, invested, Meng Qian will hold 18% of the shares of large-scale wind and electricity and 6% of the Beijing Oriental Group.

The involvement of the wind group, not only the money, and the confidence of investors, it is definitely a stimulus for investors in a short time, at least to stabilize the risks of the Guanwei to face the market.

After talking to the M & A program with the East, I have to deal with the attitude of Yanjing, after all, Meng Qian is also a purchase, and Jingdong is negotiating with Yanjing Industrial Development Investment Management Co., Ltd..

But when Meng Qian went to Yanjing, it found that the other party was happy to let Meng Qian acquired ...

In fact, I think about Meng Qian also understood that in the entire development process of the Yideian, the country is really a spare no effort, bank loans, national funds, policy guarantees, and the company fell down when she acquired.

But all this is to get a domestic LCD screen. It is not to say that the country is really willing to save the country, so as many companies, don't help but don't help this area, it is completely cool.

So this time, the wind group is willing to involve the domestic LCD industry, the country is not too late, not only will hear Meng Qian, you don't forget what support.

After all, from the development of these years, the wind group has too many interests than the Yanye ...

It is such a dust to buy in the OEA, just wait for the following procedures, next is the things of the Ladies.

On March 3, Meng Qian went to Shanghai with Wang Shengdong, come to Shanghai, in Shanghai, Shanghai, Shanghai, in Shanghai, in addition to these two companies, Meng Qian also shouted another company, respectively It is also the three-generation 5-generation line owner of the three companies, and the domestic old-owned enterprises that start the 4.5 generation line in 2006 Tianma microelectronics.

Sitting together, I don't know anything, so Meng Qian's attitude is also very straightforward. The wind group wants to be a league, and the goal of the wind group is to stream 6 generation lines 7 generation lines or even 8 generation lines, as for Sharp threaten this year to engage in 10 generation lines, history has proved too radical, Meng Qian also feels too radical, there is no need to consider this thing for the time being.

But the union is not who is happy, because the basics of Meng Qian's alliance is that everyone has to hear Meng Qian.

Just like Wang Shengdong, everyone will also be entangled.

Sure enough, the first question of Shi Yuezhi in Shanghai, "Now build a 6-generation line, conservatively estimated 8 billion, build a 7-generation line, and the conservative is estimated to be 15 billion, if Meng wants to grab time, I still want to impact two years 8 generation lines ... Can we achieve? "

Meng Qian looked at the eyes of Shi Yuezhi, because this is a province, and it is a province, a province, who doesn't like it. According to historical records, Shanghai Radio and TV has passed the price war by the Gaoli and Taiwan province in 2005. When I was in 2006, I went to the province to pay the general manager. As a result, when Schwing Yue Zhi came to Shanghai, it took a year, it took a year to change the management to Taiwan province, and put Shanghai. The team is full of kick.

Wait until the provincial management team, in 2007, Shi Yue Zhi took this batch of management team to resign ...

For a time, Shanghai-Shanghai radio and television management was caught up with Sharp to cheat Shanghai-Shanghai Radio and TV (there is a rumor, the Jing Yuezhi combined with Sharp, but it is unable to verify that the financial crisis, the company naturally fell Down.

And in the first two years, Shanghai Radio and TV is the most optimistic LCD screen company in China.

Meng Qian looked at Schuan Zhi smiled, "Shi always thinks, what is our country now to engage in LCD screen, what is the biggest dilemma? Is money?"

"I think so."

"I think it is not." Meng Qian directly negates, "If we are currently, our LCD screen industry chain is incomplete, the upstream industry is completely lagging, the raw materials required for TFT-LCD, including TFT-LCD special substrate glass, high performance LCD materials, large-sized backlight, drive ICs, etc. are all blank.

Similarly, in the production equipment, cleaning equipment, lithography equipment, film forming equipment, and ultra-high vacuum equipment are now almost all dependent on imports, it is difficult to listen to, in fact, it is the assembly plant. "

Meng Qian's words are very difficult, but it is very practical. The core technologies are all controlled in others. If you do a 10-generation line, how do you have a minute in a minute, this is the most lack of the mainland.

Shi Yuezhi wants to make the bad can only nod to recognize, because this is the fact, and ask questions, "So what is the solution to Meng Hao?"

Meng Qian directly smashed several documents on the table, and there was a representative of each company. In addition to Wang Shengdong, the eyes of others were shocked.

"This ..." Several people didn't know what to say for a long time.

Meng Qian gave them to them. It is these years that the company silently engaged in several R & D content, through the cooperation with Sony and the quality of the wind group, overcome the chip design and production required in LCD screen, The Lamar Group's cooperation broke the problem of high-performance liquid crystal materials. Through the decentralization of military technology, the microelectrics in Shanghai solved the problem of large-size backlight in LCD screen while engaging in lighting machines.

In the production equipment, through technical exchange, from Canon obtained core technology of ultra-high vacuum equipment and film forming equipment, the core technology of cleaning equipment is obtained from Sony, as for the lightning machine technology, Microelectronics in Shanghai Responsible for getting it.

These years, the imported equipment and import materials of the Great Breeze Group have always used the imported equipment and import materials, but in the back, the wind group has been thinking about the difficulties.

Seeing everyone, I can't say it, Meng Qia is actively and firmly. "I will always be the sentence, the science and technology field, we have too much behind, you must have the power of the opening, the wind group is in order to LCD screen Development, for forty or five years.

At present, Neon has driven a lot of 50 billion to the LCD industry of the 2008 Olympic Games. How do we do such a big chance to make such a big chance?

Anyway, I don't want to let, so I invited you to invitation today, just want to ask you the idea.

As for the problem of Shi Shi just mentioned, this is the development plan of our wind group this year, in the field of LCD, our 2007 planning investment is 20 billion. "

20 billion, heard a few chairman eyes of this number are bright, the wind group has 200 billion, everyone will make one or two billion billion, then couple the bank loans, international support, large hundred billions or even hundreds of billions It's in front of it!

Of course, it is more important that the wind group has core technology! Great wind group, technology, money, this is really likely to be with everyone's counterattack.

The ambition is actually a lot of Tianma's first statement. "What do we let go of our market?"

Some people have opened the mouth, naturally cause other people to keep up, because they don't enter the bureau, if I want to enter the game, everyone wants to fight for some benefits, everyone will express more active, very normal things.

And when everyone is actively, Meng Qian gives the last bait, that is, everyone engages in joint venture, so, everyone's original company is still her own.

Although in fact, in order to further have control, Meng Qian still takes a common equity cross-see, and has a certain shareholding of these companies, and the development of large-sized LCD screens, another subsidiary Gaoshiki Technology Co., Ltd., And divided a little shares to them.

But their own company, the major shareholders are still their own, in essence, Meng Qian did not acquire any company, but the joint venture is Meng Qian's "dictatorship".

So everyone thinks, engage in a joint venture with the wind group to eat meat, and then can use technology and profits to use their own enterprises, and have a good hesitation?

However, the Great Breeze Group's requirements for joint ventures are still very strict. Before the intersection of the equity, the joint venture is officially established, everyone should take out their specific programs, including what kind of technology, how much, what is the team, how long? Technical contracts, patent belongs, etc., must be clear and white, avoiding the owners.

Moreover, when the joint venture company needs to support, everyone is obliged to conduct a prescribed priority decision order.

At the same time, these technologies and equipment that the Great Breeze Group now have it to give the big house, but will not send the technique to everyone, everyone should have to spend money, to patent to buy.

Of course, there is also a very important thing, Meng Qian asked the board of directors in Shanghai to kick out the Wuezhi, the reason is that the performance of Schoyue's radio and electricity in Shanghai has made Meng Qian feel unreliable.

So the next negotiation will last for a month.

However, no matter how difficult the process is difficult, at least there is still a good start, in the spring of 2007, in Meng Qian's take-off, the Huaxia LCD screen union is about to be established.


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