Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 493 is the most concerned

For this league, Meng Qiao himself stayed in Shanghai. He returned to the company on March 10, but it was still unreliable. It got Sony, it got a domestic alliance, and there is a thing to do.

I looked at the calendar to touch the chin, Meng Qian murmured, "the most pitcher in the history of Sharp, the sorrows of the mountains, recently should be taken."

In fact, I don't say what I will plan to plan. In 2006, Sharp, I still have a lot of things that I am sorry, because in the competition of the 7-generation line, Sharp is lost to Samsung and LG, and it is the third, one of the world. Time Sharp encountered economic pressure.

To this end, in order to solve the financial problem, Sharp decided to purchase the LCD TV of the province's glorious electronics to its own LCD TV. Ah, that is not a thumbnail, so Sharp can't tell the truth.

But this is to deceive consumers, according to Ome rice and neon countries, this deceived consumer's behavior is to be heavy, this time, Otar Laolong, the Minister of the Sharp AV, made a suggestion, Huaxia The law in this field is very uncomfortable, even if it is discovered, there will be no penalties, and there will be an apology.

As a result, Sharp threw the LCD TV of this batch of gliosis, the LCD TV, and guaranteed to Huaxia users. We used the company's own original LCD screen.

Wait until 2007, this thing is still exposed. At that time, he immediately had to go to Huaxia to apologize. Of course, like Sharp to be prepared, Huaxia will not be deceived by deceived consumers. Too much punishment, Sharp, this is, and the public relations will put things down.

However, this world is not so simple, the reason is also very simple.

In Huaxia, Meng Qian wants you to look hot, you have to search ...

These two days, the mountains did be a new community. After going, how to suppress the anger of Huaxia's anger into one of the main matters behind him, the same thing in these days, the film mountains have received the news from the deep city. I talked about it for half a year, I didn't talk about it. Huaxia didn't want to talk, I didn't intend to cooperate with Sharp.

"What happened in Huaxia ..." "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

And on March 9, 2007, there is a global concern.

The 2007 Welfare list was released.

The Mount Mountain is definitely can't help but pay attention.

Bill Gates continued to deny the world's richest, worth 58 billion meters, and in this year's global richest list, the most attention is absolutely not Bill Gates, but the young people from Huaxia.

Although the quality of the wind is still not able to compare with Microsoft, Meng Qian's shareholding in the wind group is much higher than that of Bill Gates in Microsoft's shareholders.

The development of 2006 has made the Great Breeze Group have been rated as the most advanced in many rating agencies around the world, and many consultations have also raised the valuation of large wind turbines. As a non-listed company, the wind group has the development speed and special good-looking cash flow. The recognized industrial plan and the perfect performance of the last year system and the ancient system, and then acquired ATI at the end of the year, and launched a great review of Hongmeng mobile phone in the end of the year.

The most important research and development period of the front two years of wind groups, the products are also waiting for inspection in the market, plus the expected sales, frequent expansion acquisitions, let the Forbes calculate Meng Qian's price The pressure, finally calculated as 1.5 billion m.

But this year, Forbes finally evaluated Meng Qian's worth of 29.9 billion meters, 26 years old Meng Qian became the sixth place in the global rich list in 2007.

In fact, Meng Qian also concealed personal property, because it involved launched launched, otherwise ... Meng Qian calculates that he should have reached the third or fourth of the world.

Meng Qian is quite calm, because most of the wind groups are earned by the Internet, the Internet has always been such a miracle, I want to be 33.4 billion meters of 33.4 billion yuan, then there is no one. The Lord hanging, you can do it.

However, Meng Qian calmly, others are not calm, the 26-year-old Sound of the world, only the child of the day, actually appeared in reality.

"I will explain it to everyone, the concept of 29.9 billion is that you start a million lottery tickets every day from birth, you need to live to 82 years old, you can have so much money ..."

"The upstairs is wrong, because this is 29.9 billion meters, you have to borrow 500 years old."

"I feel faintly, and our Chinese may have a world richest."

"And possibly, is the world's youngest world richest."

"Bill Gatez is 39 years old to go to the world, you said that if Meng Qiao may be 29 years old?"

"It feels too crazy, this is the charm of entrepreneurship!"

"No, this is the charm of technology!"

Just when the domestic hot discussion, Meng Qian sent a news with his personal wind signal. "The most regretful thing in the two years of the wind group is that we have seen the opportunities and wealth of the technology industry, but we are Only a small part of it.

And when I stand on a higher peak, I also realized that after seeing more scenery, I realized that in other hillings, financial, education, management, operations, etc. have entered a new stage.

In the 21st century, it is a knowledge that has changed fate, knowledge change patterns, and the ability to have the ability to make it easier and easier in this era.

I am looking forward to seeing you in the top of the mountain. "

In 2007, it was the last period of Huaxia Bud Barbarian Development. It was in accordance with this year's high school students. He graduated was in 2011. At that time, it would be more and smaller, and it will be more and smaller. After 2010, it will step into the gap between the rich and the poor in China. If you want to change anything, it is really hard to be too difficult.

At the same time, the development of the Internet, the gradual improvement of the legal and society, the improvement of per capita income, etc., it is indeed more opportunities, knowledge, and there will be more and more places of martial arts. More and more platforms that are displayed and found.

Meng Qiao said that this is said to have a young man in the country. As a result, it has caused a reaction in the world. After all, many things are in the world. Everyone is growing. Everyone is developing, everyone needs talents.

Forbes launched a vote that was most concerned about the rich, Meng Qian did not qualify, because only the top ten in the world can participate, and the first participation this year, Meng Qian, exceeded Bill Gates, became The world's most concerned rich.

There is no way, the age is too extra points, but it is still a white hand, unlike the background of Bill Gates, it is not secret to the background in 2007, but even if Bill Gates have a background, such a achievement is still very Bull, so he has always been the most popular rich.

But with Meng Qian, Bill Gates seems to be so legendary.

When Zakberg broke Bill Gates the youngest billionaire record, the same attention rate exceeded Bill Gates, everyone seems to have an inexplicable ambiguity.

Meng Qian has become a global topic on this day, and the strongest overseas country has no unexpected overseas countries. After all, Meng Qian is in line with the imagination of neon people to secondary primary character, is a little bit slightly The difference is a little bit ... just a little ...

At the same time, Meng Qian has been selling friendly people in neon countries, and the neon people hate the big context of the Chinese people, everyone has always feel very good for Meng Qian.

"Why don't our neon come to an entrepreneur like Meng Qian?"

"Entreparel? Entrepreneurs, I started to cry in 2005, didn't you hear? In 1991, our neon is 2 million in Tokyo house price, the world is the first, now popular models, Xingbang Industrial misunderstanding, what technology, what industry, how to make real estate make money! "

"I am going to work in Sanyo. I feel that it is a mixed day. I have no energy. Neon companies are rotten. The above management is how to make money. The following employees think about how to mix salary."

"Although I really don't like the Chinese people, the performance of Huaxia in the past few years is really better than us."

"There is no perfect country, don't stare at your own shortcomings every day, say non-stop, in the past few years, more and more young people are talking to Huaxia, don't forget how Huaxia is filthy! Cultural input, young people have forgotten that they are neon people! It is recommended to drive the wind group out of neon! "

"The Great Breeze Group created more than 10,000 jobs for our neon, caught up to pay for them?"

"If you don't do it, others do it too good?"

"Why do you want our people to pay for us? I went to China last year, the Chinese people did not propagate so unbearable. Is it that someone else's cultural invasion is still our blocking message? Media knows how to propagate Huaxia, really Funny is dead. "

"I suggest you read Huaxia, seriously study the core of the Chinese culture, learn to face up to the advantages of others is not a bad thing."


Meng Qian's topic is getting more and more fire, and the Shan Mountain has naturally seen it, but the Mount Mountain is not familiar with Meng Qian, so I will first give Sony's Howard to a call, according to history, the film mountain is a quite People who have the relationship between the clubs are not bad, and when they engage in the ten-generation lines, they were in the Sony war. The result can convince Sony to cooperate with themselves, but also let Sony cast three One of the money helped Sharp Verde the first difficult relationship.

This is related to the personality of this person, and at the same time, the Sakhan Ganxiong is a very exclusive person. He hates Huaxia, which also hates the Gao Li, and even hate meters.

In fact, although the evaluation of the Messe Mountain Danxiong is Sharp, it is very powerful, and he is very powerful in neon, and when everyone is in conservative development. Only the Mount Mountain is dare to rush.

Many things are like this, success is that there is a courage to have a courage. If you fail, it is advising, it is not rational. In fact, it is necessary to advanine, the wind group has taken more than any company, but the wind group succeeded, so Meng Qian became great Entrepreneur.

On March 13th, Meng Qian, who is dealing with work, received the phone of Howard, "Meng Mum has recently had time, Sharp's new social master Mountain is just about us to see it."

Meng Qian looked at the itinerary, "I just want to go to the neon, but I don't think about the day."

"it is good."


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