Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 510, Lhengwei Overrage

After two days after the "Recommendation of College Talent Training", the Great Wind Group welcomed the leadership.

With the changes in domestic scientific research environment, with the continuous expansion of the Chinese scientific research talents, the state is also very clear to recognize the issue of national science and technology development, that is, the cutting-edge talent is not enough, the cutting-edge technology incubation ability is also almost meaningful, but no matter Is the training of cutting-edge talents or the incubation of cutting-edge technology has a problem that has to face, that is, the high requirements for the platform.

So, no matter what, at least go further, at least further, in mid-September 2007, the Ministry of Science and Technology officially issued, Huaxia 20 national laboratory preparation list released, Hangzhou Information Physics National Laboratory , Relying on the unit: Great Wind Group.

The conclusions given by the examination group have solved these three major problems to some extent, and they don't say it in the development of system chip software, and they are willing to smash them. The strong wind group has attracted the ability of talents. It's in front of the world, so, in cooperation with the wind group to engage in national laboratories, maybe you can try it.

The third is that the talents from all year round are serious, and a batch of talents raised by the country each year will work to be the country, and it is necessary to engage in technology.

The second is that the participation of private enterprises is very low, almost all relying on the country, although the latter private companies seem to be active and very lively in artificial intelligence, but they really willing to calm down the money to study the private enterprise of artificial intelligence. Several, most of them are to grab the wind and make money, such prosperity is a lack of meaning, but it is easy to cause a bubble, a group of countries that can calm down to invest in private enterprises.

The first is that the infrastructure is weak, that is, the disadvantages under the third industrial revolution will affect the development of the fourth industrial revolution technology, such as industrial software, system, chip design capabilities.

The time in Huaxia has used it in the fourth year of the fourth industrial revolution, but it has always existed three difficulties.

The team of the team stayed in a good look at the future laboratory, although the investment investment is not a lot, but the future laboratory is a first-class talent, and has achieved certain results in some areas.

Looking at the future laboratory, leadership and investigation team of the Great Breeze Group has been probably attitude. After all, Meng Qian's mind is in one direction and the country has begun.

It can be facing these future technologies, which is obviously not enough, but we have a chip system screen for these burning projects, really can't get more money to invest here. So frankly, this is a reason why we want to become a national laboratory relying on the unit, this matter may not be able to do it, we want to integrate more power, and is the top power. "

The research and development content here is our guess for the fourth industrial revolution, but there is a real problem in front of us is research and development funding, because our company has a lot of key projects need to be investigated, so our current input model is annual The R & D fees for 10% of turnover are put, but in the future laboratory, our investment is about only 1% of the turnover.

So Meng Qian took a place with the leaders and the delegation. "This is a special department of our wind group, future laboratory.

From the time of scientific research, Meng Qian speculates that the country should have been falling in the lading of the country, from this point of view of the Ministry of Science and Technology, you should have no mistakes.

Huaxia in the fourth industrial revolution, gradually began to show it after 2015.

In the direction of controlled nuclear fusion, Huaxia's artificial sun has not hidden his long-term development.

In quantum technology, Huaxia has the world's first quantum metropolitan area network, the first light quantum computer, the first quantum radar, the most famous affirmation is the first global first in 2016, the first Mozi satellite created by quantum technology It is also that after that, Mi is shouting every day to let Huaxia open quantum technology.

In the field of new materials, open the 2019 Huaxia New Material Directory will see a data, almost all new materials can create ... Quality is still not good, but Mords can be created.

As for life science, in 2019, "Nature", "Science", "Cell" three major magazines close to 70% of the paper related to life science, and open these thesis will magically discovery, the author is almost all Huaxia people ...

About Artificial Intelligence, 2019, "Natural" magazine has attracted extensive attention to "Whether Huaxia will be a global artificial intelligence leader" in 2030, in fact, in 2017, Oxford University did one. It is forecast that the warning of rice should be careful about the artificial intelligence development of Huaxia.

More than ten years later, Huaxia's quantity in the field of material science, artificial intelligence, cleaning energy, control nuclear fusion, life sciences, etc., has become the world's first, Huaxia's development in these areas, gradually be gradually by rice and Note in the world.

Looking at the expression of the leader, Meng Qian basically determined that his judgment did not have an error, and attacked the scientific and technological strength and technology advantages that gradually appeared after 2010, will find that Huaxia wants to achieve the goal of science and technology, and has been in the dark to the first The four industrial revolution efforts.

"Since there is a second third industrial revolution in history, there will be the fourth industrial revolution. In my opinion, Huaxia wants to become a strong scientific and technological power, and they have to put their eyes in the fourth industrial revolution. So if you ask me what is the understanding of the national laboratory, my understanding is to attack the future. "

The expression of leaders is more interesting, so I asked calm, "What is a promotion of promotion."

So we put forward a concept called a promotional overtaking. "

Meng Qian's words made the leadership gods, Meng Qian continued, "Throughout the history, the changes in science and technology are inseparable, that is, the scientific and technological revolution, Mi State at this time in technology monopoly, thanks The comprehensive national strength of the rice is more beneficial to the third industrial revolution, and for countries that do not seize the scientific and technological revolution, I want to turn back to overtaking through existing runways, this is the patented barrier trade barrier and legal barriers. The era is very difficult.

It is precisely because it is very clear, so we have been doing a thing from very early, gambling the future. "

From the experience of the Great Breeze Group, it is really difficult to catch up with the West, it is really difficult. As everyone knows, our Great Breeze Group is now being blocked by the Omei market, and our Hongmeng architecture is the same. Omei companies are willing to adopt, this is also polite, like our hyacinth and Kunlun system is being extremely suppressed, the success of the wind group in the product makes us more confirmed a thing, don't have any kind of fantasy for Western newspapers .

In 2007, many people did not understand where the country was in the development of science and technology, but as a reborn technology house, they will understand some things, at least seeing what the country can see what can be seen in the next ten years. Things come, "The meaning of the national laboratory is inherently a purpose, the scientific and technological strong country, but if it becomes a strong country of technology?

Today, the expert group will further assess whether the R & D capabilities of the Great Breeze Group reach the national laboratory standard, first we want to listen to the understanding and vision of Meng Mong's national laboratories. "

Everyone went to the conference room, the Ministry of Science and Technology took out the printing of several documents, direct themes, "According to the latest materials submitted by Meng, as of May 25, 2007, the number of global employees in Great wind group was 47,683 people. Among them, the R & D personnel are 21,345 people, accounting for 1%. The Ph.D. accounts for 26%, and the graduate students account for 39%. Huaxia R & D staff accounts for 83%, and the company has 162,598 pieces. It has been verified and confirmed.

Frequently meet with the Ministry of Science and Technology, Meng Qian is already very familiar with them.

Meng Qian smiled and ridiculous, "I don't want to see me."

"Meng always meets."

So I know that Meng Qian in what the country has submitted a national laboratory to rely on the unit application in the beginning of 2007, and the national level does have this demand, naturally talking to Meng Qian, today's Science and Technology Department The team of experts came to investigate.

However, at this time, Huaxia's colleges and universities are good at producing academic talents, and the cultivation of scientific research talents does not work.

The national laboratory has three modes, the operation of national regulators, state supervision college operations, and the operation of national supervisory enterprises, but Huaxia has always used the first two, and inviting some companies to participate.

So what to do, I can only drag it, wait until there is this ability.

At the same time, it is also a problem. In the country, the Oak Ridge National Lab has invested 1 billion meters each year. The Lawrencelmore National Laboratory has invested 1.5 billion meters each year, and the national laboratory of Huaxia is not so high.

However, the military is another technical representative of a national cutting-edge. Huaxia can't make military core technologies. Naturally, there is no way to develop as the national laboratory of rice.

And Huaxia's national laboratory has a natural disadvantage. 17 of the 24 national laboratory surfaces in the country are the energy department, but in fact, they are the military, but the problem is that the military and capital of the rice country. What kind of relationship is what the world knows that Mi ** is also thinking about how to help capital make money, but the military of Huaxia is impossible to make core technologies into the capital.

In addition, the national laboratory is a national science and technology, a representative of a country's cutting-edge technology, and if the performance is not good, it is better not to perform.

The reason why you can't build it is also very real. It is that there is no university and institution to afford this big. The positioning of the national laboratory is based on national objectives and strategic demand. Once the national laboratory is built, the representative is a country. The tip level, the output of the national laboratory is to come to the international competition.

But the problem also comes, the construction of the national laboratory is more difficult than you think. In this 10 national laboratory of 2006, only the Qingdao Ocean Science and Technology National Laboratory was officially approved in the Science and Technology Department in December 2013, and other preparatory laboratories have been prepared so far, and they have not taken off. This word, I finally had to take the way of downgrade.

In 2007, the Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the "National Self-innovation Basic Capacity Construction Eleventh Five-Year Plan", and the national laboratory and national key laboratory were collapsed into the research experimental system construction.

In 2006, the Ministry of Science and Technology issued the "National Eleventh Five-Year Science and Technology Development Plan", which proposed national laboratories in the new and cross-disciplines, building a number of disciplines, integrated integration, mechanism innovation, in 2006, domestic Ten national laboratories were prepared at one time.

Therefore, there is also a country that countries have begun to pay attention to a state, that is, the national laboratory.

Of course, it is only a state of preparation, but this is already a major breakthrough in the history of Huaxia Science and Technology. The first national laboratory relying on private enterprises appeared on a formal preparatory list.


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