Huaxia Heng Qian maintains close dialogue with the Ministry of Science and Technology. It is unfortunately. In the recent period, the Saigo said Paul, Paul, with the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the first big problem in the WiMAX project began to expose. That is the chip.

This problem exposed in the beginning of 2008, this world has become 3G standards because WiMAX has become 3G standard in advance, so the exposure time of this issue is also advanced. Now WiMAX is determined to become 3G standards, and many countries around the world have also active. At this time, someone need someone to provide the related chip, and Intel who refused by Qualcomm chose himself, but it is gone, but everyone can see the price.

Therefore, there are many discussions on the Internet. Everyone starts to guess the wind group will become another important player in this baseband chip big shuffle, but from the current public opinion, the baseband chip of the wind group is more The media is called a baseband chip that supports TD, WiMAX.

Intel also began to publicize the WiMAX baseband chip of the Great Wind Group before the media, and the baseband chip of the wind group began to enter more people's sight.

In this side of the country, I just lifted the limit. Motorola's orders came, and there was not long after the neon, the neon telegraph telephone company's orders came, slow, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan Province, more and more The place is coming, and even the Nokia is sent to investigate that the baseband chip of the Great Wind Group has become a priority choice for WiMAX camp because it is really cheap.

"They really gave this thing ..." Meng Qian is a little unexpected, "It seems that Intel is still very important to be WiMAX."

On September 18, Meng Qian, who was further promoted by the National Laboratory received a call from Samuel and was told that the country will release the restriction policy of the Brench Group baseband chip.

"We also mean!" The Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Technology finally nodded, and a stone in Paul came down.

The Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Technology was slowly grinded by these two people. "That's this, since it is for WiMAX, we can release the baseband chip restriction on the wind group, but cannot let go of the Hong Kong architecture."

Who can think that Intel and IBM actually negotiate with the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Technology in the wind group, which will become a very exciting in the future of Samuel.

Samuel recredited again, "And I still have the sentence, our related technologies of the wind group still have a lot of power, before Paul, they worried about this fear, I didn't have need. "

But why do we have to drag in 2008, in fact, we all know that this is a chip, the wind group wants to exchange the chip market. "

"That is to say." Paul Horses on the phone, "and Meng Qiao is actually because of the chip's things, I can see the active attitude of the wind group throughout the WiMAX development, and in Meng Qian Under the lobbying, Huaxia has agreed to split 5 experimental areas for WiMAX in 2008.

"This is enough, we all know the annual turnover of the Great Breeze Group, but don't live, there are so many money, and the probably R & D investment is clear. Again, come on the road, I also follow Paul Discussion, in fact, we can always master, afraid of what, really need to fight, you will see Microsoft is not always dealing with wind groups, a Chinese company, can't make we are so careful "

"How do you know that the wind group is playing the card? Do you know how many cards have been hidden by the wind group?"

No, I said leaders, I think you are still a matter of being too sensitive. The wind group is very fast, but in a sense, this Meng Qian has been playing the card, which is instead of us. Don't worry too much. "

The Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Technology is IBM. Samuel shook his head. After all, millions of markets IBM also couldn't see it. "IBM now has energy to pull out such a department, we just did integrate inside.

"Your two companies cooperate together, I can't make you don't set this thing?"

Millions of meter business, Intel is too lazy.

"It's not to tell the truth." Paul did not tell the truth, and said that it still looked up this market. Once in the world, Intel spent 14 billion meters in August 2010, the mobile baseband business of Yingfailing is there. In this market, I was an important reason why Intel did this is that Apple's success is now, and now Intel's estimates for this market is only a few million meters.

"Do you want to engage in a department yourself!" The leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology saw that Paul came very angry.

In mid-September, Paul and Samuel were once again found in the Ministry of Science and Technology to discuss things using the wind group baseband chip. Paul didn't remember this is the first time. Last time, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Technology gives a sound Reasonable advice, Intel you went to acquire the big wind group's Hung Meng and the baseband chip department, Paul, really looking for Meng Qian, but the problem is how Meng Qi may sell, give ten times the price Will not sell.

However, although Intel's shareholders have launched, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Technology has started to apply, and it is also very headache in Paul in recent time. The first sentence is first in the bed, first put Qualcomm.

Therefore, regardless of the cost or from the strength or from the partnership, Intel's shareholders are increasingly inclined to choose the wind group.

Among them, the wind group is the only enterprise from the architecture to the chip design to the chip to produce all-turn, there is a natural advantage, the price, and the wind group is the only one in the three enterprises to join the WiMAX camp and firmly support WiMAX, and Maiwei Technology has just begun to support TD baseband chips, in fact, there is no experience.

And there is a problem here, WiMAX chip needs to support TD technology, but because Huaxia's TD technology has not been optimistic about the world, no one has paid attention to support TD chips, there is currently a chip that supports TD Only the Unionpara with Huaxia Mobile cooperation, I don't know if it is true with the boss in 2007, I'm about the inexplicable choice of gambling TD, a new player Great Breeze Group.

It is not just that the baseband chip is not blew, and as a European enterprise they didn't want to help Intel's WiMAX chip, and then see the side of the country, Motorola and Texas Instruments are prepared to exit the baseband chip field because of the company's comprehensive consideration. Nogang sells mobile phone departments to Lianfa, the advantage of Bo Tong in the field of WiFi Bluetooth, can't play in other fields, as for Lucent's baseband chip department, has sold it to British Forte.

Qualcomm refuses to help the WiMAX project to make a chip, the wind group is another Chinese company, can you find other companies? Intel is thinking, but it is a big shuffling period of the baseband chip in the past few years. The whole market is chaotic, and it is really not found for a long time.

In order to solve this problem, Intel will never think of the wind group again.

The WiMAX camp also appeared in the first time, there is no such thing in Intel.

What is good than the traditional 3G chip is ten times cheaper? How did the price more expensive than traditional 3G chip? What is this? Even if it is Intel, I have to face the rebuker from the global allies, you are playing us!

Meng Qian looked at the definition given by the media, and smiled. "You think so, very good."


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