Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 520 If this is a boss

Meng Qian said, Spielberg has to continue his feelings in the words of Meng, "Of course, we have just experienced a lesson of failure, whether it is for myself or for DreamWorks, I will have every step of the next step. More cautious.

Dream factory does need money, but Via Kangm makes us understand that we need respect and understand. "

Speaking of this, the two just came to the technical department of the Great Wind Entertainment from the production center. "Mr. Spitberger is really the kind of person I imagined, just like I just said, I spent a long time looking for us. Between the bid, today I have three things I want to take a look at Mr. Spielberg. "

Meng Qian has always been a state of cherish between a creator.

At the beginning of the technical department, Spielberg was turned into a circle, after which it did not entangle, because the production department did attracting Spielberg, Meng Qian gave him a production technology. Huge breakthrough.

In contrast, although Spoilberg has so many special effects movies, he is more important to show the most important script of the movie, and now the movie puts too much energy and financial resources. This is not a good phenomenon.

And Meng Qian gave him something, it is a film and television production plan that will gradually fire in the film and television production industry. By integrating a large number of production data, combining artificial intelligence algorithms, making the production become more simple, and also do a special effect fragment In the past, 3 people needed to do for 3 days. Now I only need one person to do one day, and many things become foolified, which can greatly save production costs and speed production progress.

This is a field that many people who do the video in the future, is also another segment of the artificial intelligence, and Meng Qian has been touched by Party A, so I know this thing.

R & D in 2007 is definitely leading, Disney should have not noticed this thing, after all, artificial intelligence is still not fire.

How to liberate production costs and production cycles have always been what he is looking forward, in fact, whether it is Disneyland or Warner's production center, Spielberg has been there, and he really didn't think that such a fun concept is actually born in a Chinese company. .

After visiting the technical department, Meng Qian took Spielberg to the conference room of the wind and entertainment, "This is the overseas distribution of the wind and industry, Mr. Spielberg can understand."

"Overseas distribution layout?" Spielberg stunned, now the wind group still has not on the movie? Where is the overseas distribution? With the puzzle, I took Meng Qian to my notebook, Spielberg was really surprised. "The Great Breeze Group has arranged an office in so many countries in these years? And ... still following this The publisher of many countries has cooperated ... "

Overseas issuance issues, can be said to be one of the biggest soft ribs in DreamWorks, and even one can be removed, and it is also one of the largest weakness of the Huaxia film industry. The film production is to be released, but how to get overseas is not issued. A simple matter, as a new promotion company, basically only to find local publishers in various countries, the premise is that the other party should recognize your work. But what is the new promotion company recognizes you? And here there is a very complicated issue, which is the localization.

Hollywood movies are often different in different national plots. For example, they will increase Huaxia elements for the Chinese market, add a few Chinese actors in the movie, which is localization, and you will be more willing to issue The publisher said that it is sales, sales only recognize the money, when they choose a movie to issue, only one thing is to be able to make money, so companies that don't have a bad business, they are not trusted. .

Huaxia movie can't go overseas, there is such a problem. Huaxia's culture is in the Western people. I don't understand. I don't understand the money in the publisher. There are so many Hollywood movies, why do China's movie Do you have to go with money?

So how to establish overseas issuance channels is very troublesome, and several companies in Hollywood spent decades that they have encountered global issuance channels.

New players want to quickly establish a global distribution channel network, from the development of the global distributor, Sony is a successful, but the method is actually very rude, it is to pay money, how to adapt to localization, Hollywood taken is every A country with issuance needs to establish an office, to maintain a good relationship with the publishers there, and constantly study the localization model.

But it is a few billions of salary and basic operating expenses in this year. This is the reason why DreamWorks can't do. DreamWork does not have so much money to raise such a team.

The Sony shadow is different, the parent company is rough, crazy, smashed, and smashed his own distribution channel.

So there is Sony's case, the Great Breeze Group has been in overseas localized veteran, and Meng Qian did not hesitate to choose the money. The parent company of Sony shadow has money. The mother of the big wind is equally rich.

Meng Qian is to engage in cultural output. If you release this overseas in the early market, then it will output a fart.

Of course, in the development of overseas published layout, Sony helped a lot of busy, cooperation with the Emperor, and now realize mutual benefit, now the wind group does not have its own work. In the past few years, it is mainly helping to operate in the development of overseas. Some other companies' works are mainly the works of Xiangjiang, which is the mainstay of the Emperor, helping the Great Wind Group have accumulated a lot of practical experience.

After the overseas office successfully cooperated with the local publisher, the more reliable relations will be

"Overseas issuance is the foundation of this industry wants to develop. For the company's creators, I don't want their works to face this kind of thing." Meng Qian face is sincere.

"Mr. Meng is very vision, DreamWork is subject to overseas restrictions, otherwise our development will be better." Spielberg can't help but recall the helplessness of the past few years.

Meng Qian's self-ridicast, "Although we have no way to compare with Disney and Warner in overseas coverage and experience, but the overall development of these two years is still good, fortunately, the expansion of overseas layout can be used to a certain extent. Push. "

Spielberg follows a smile, "" Issue this thing is more operational and commercial things, and the money is really a good boost. "

Meng Qian began showing muscles and showed the show. "I probably learned, Disney is now in this year's investment of 50 million yuan, Warner is 60 million gold, and Warner is 60 million gold. In the next few years, with our company's work began, I am going to increase investment, and I have a hundred billion budget a year. "

Spielberg has a dark road in his heart, and there is money to really TM. "Mr. Meng has a powerful."

Meng Qian gave Spiel Berg a look, "If we can really become a family in the future, I believe that the dream factory doesn't have to worry about the release."

Spielberg didn't know how to respond for a while, nodded, but Meng Qian knew him.

At this time, I can't ask, but I took the third like Spielberg. "Here is a creative department, and our company officially hiring the contract number has more than 50 people, more than two hundred people, and We will also explore a good scrip from the market every year.

In the past few years, we have been a sedimentation. In this process, we found a lot of excellent works. I know that Mr. Spielberg is a person who loves to create, I want to share with Mr. Spielberg.

This is our script, there are many scriptures here, which is very good, such as this. "

Meng Qian seems to have a script from the script wall, "Mr. Spielberg can look at the story."

Spoilberg came to see the name of the script after picking up his hand: "No.5".

The relatively rough sweeping for more than ten minutes, Spielberg is sincerely, "the imagination of the future is the treatment of the details to improve."

"I will have a very anxious feeling every time I stand here." Meng Qian stared at the script wall for a while, "Mr. Spielberg thought, the company has developed to a certain level, it is possible to move the market of?"

Spielberg can't understand, "Mr. Meng does this mean?"

Meng Qian made a look for the future, "Disney mode is to use adequate funds to test the wrong, and then create excellent works, but finally moved to the market.

Mr. Spielberg, you said, if we solve the problem of production funds, issuance, production technology, is we likely to completely focus on the work?

I have been thinking in many times. Is there anything that is likely to create a product or a work in this life, but it can be defined by the market, but it can conquer the market, even, create a new market. "

"This idea is somewhat crazy.", Spielberg said so, but he looked at Meng Qian's eyes. This is a businessman who has created feelings ...

For a time, Spielberg can't help but sort out all this today, from the production technology, to the overseas distribution market, and then grind to the script, and then to Meng Qian himself respect and love the creation, and everything is all, the original It's all for work, it is for the creation.

Meng Qim really is totally different from other businessmen who have seen, there is a charm of can't say.

Just then, Meng Qiang asked, "Mr. Spielber, if I invite you to do this crazy thing, will you agree?"

This sentence is obvious, Meng Qian is going to work in Spirberger, but Spielberg looks at Meng Qian, and if it is such a boss, it seems to be not bad ...

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