For the Millennium Government, military, energy, high-tech companies and other companies are basically not allowed to excessively penetrate foreign-funded enterprises, especially Huaxia and Russian companies, depending on the industry, and even clear the upper limit requirements, of course, do not involve The subsidiary or business department of the core technology can be negotiated according to the situation.

For film production companies, even if they did not see the special tough policies, especially for old six-family movie production companies, the Mikan official government tube is still relatively loose, so the acquisition of dream factory will meet The political hindrance is not too big, the key is to watch Spielberg, because after the DreamWork is sold to Via Kangm, the other two founders are actually standing their portals.

Spielberg is clearly shaken by Meng Qiao to be a boss's idea.

"When when Mr. Meng has time, you can visit our dream factory." Spielberg expressed a positive attitude with such a sentence.

Meng Qian understands, don't have to say more, look at the time, take Dinner with Schilberg.

At the dinner, Meng Qian mentioned a very angry thing that gave the people in the people.

Spielberg listened to this name uncatheps, in fact, Spielberg is an Olympic art consultant of Huaxia High-pay invitation, but Spielberg has not signed, even in February 2008. On the 12th, it announced that it officially quits the Yanyin Olympics preparation.

Behind the exiting of Spielberg is the pressure on the anti-Olympic organizational organization represented by Miafaro.

Before the 2008 Olympic Games, Mi State began to explode anti-Olympic activities. The most influential is the New York's Darfur Olympic Dream, put the Sudan's problem to the Olympics, and asked the world to reflect, and even asked Mi Dog TV. You can broadcast the 2008 Olympic Games, as well as Sparberg can't go to the Yanjing Olympics as an art consultant, otherwise everyone will oppose Spielberg, because of the domestic pressure, Spielberg ultimately compromise.

However, when the media started to deeply dig the anti-Olympic Games at the time, the reasons for the anti-Olympics of Darfur Olympic Dreams were that Huaxia was supporting the anti-human behavior of Sudan, and the data given from the United Nations showed that the data given by the United Nations Huaxia is the most active peace maker in Darfur issue, so what happened in 2007, it can be seen according to the fact that it is in front of the facts, and in 2007, the Sudan is sanctions. In the country, the initiative continued to solve the problem in a peaceful manner, do not move, then sanctions, then the country is very unhappy.

However, someone is asking questions, why is Migi to sanarly Sudan? Oh, the country said that it is for the local people. Well, let me know Darfur, the Sultan Dalfur area is located in the west of Sudan, bordered, and covers an area account for about the country. One-fifth of the total area. Here, there are many rainfall, natural conditions are second only to southern Sudan and the Nile River, rich in oil ...

At the same time, in view of the friendly relationship between Sudan and Huaxia, the Sudan has been selling oil to Huaxia.

Well, the country is really for the local people.

And after many years, the Darfal Olympic Dream organization has acknowledged that I didn't know what happened to Darfur. Anyway, I followed why there were so many people who followed it. It's not clear, after all, I can't find it.

"This matter, what is Meng Mr. Meng?" After all, it was involved in politics. In front of this, it is very likely that people who have their future boss are also a local road, and Spilberg does not dare to express it.

"I think Mr. Spitberger does not have to be deeply paired, give priority to yourself."

Spielberg is slightly surprising. He thought that Meng Qian would let him stand in Huaxia. I didn't expect to let him think about himself. "Mr. Xie Meng's concern, but I will consider it again, I can't bear it. Mr. Zhang's kindness. "

Mr. Spielberg said that Mr. Zhang is naturally the guided guide. It is indeed a spyberg, who is invited by Zhang Lao, and at least from the surface, two relationships have been good.

"I believe that Zhang Gui can also understand the current situation, just like I have been talking to my workers, this is the most important thing."

"I am a cup of Mr. Meng." Spielberg didn't know how to respond for a while, and intentionally terminated this topic.

It can be said that in 2008, some of the external forces that can't see Huaxia are very rampant and very active. Increased the efforts of Huaxia's smeared and internal intervention, just don't want Huaxia to make the Olympic Games, don't want the world to feel Huaxia it is good.

For one night in Huaxia, Spirberger returned to China next day, after returning to China, he has been considering whether Meng Qian gave his own redemption, but did not want to redevelop the Olympic organizations to request itself to withdraw from the Olympic plan. On January 6th after I came back, some public opinion developed on the Internet made Spielberg's attention.

"Anti-Olympic organization is challenging the large line of the public"

"The sorrow of public opinion power, this is an era without truth"

"The Internet is not an arbitrary tool"

A polar directive title is in front of Spielberg, let him understand the beginning of the matter.

It turned out that, on the day before, the anti-Olympic organization began to attack Huaxia, and even began to make some very bad rumors and painted Huaxia into a big magic.

It can be in the world, many people believe, including some Chinese people, or the helpless, I have already taken up by Mi State in the international public opinion.

As for this, Meng Qian, as a rebirth, where to know where these messy rumors come, so ...

On January 6, a fun news spread throughout the world to every corner of the world.

Well, where is these so-called evidence?

It is from the section of the netizen in the Mi country ...

Great Breeze Group went to the Miki forum to find one original text, a complete picture to find, for a while, the global public opinion is awkward, this TM is the so-called frontline of the anti-Olympics?

At first, many people prefer to believe that the anti-Olympic organizations are not willing to believe in these rumors, because this is really too bad.

This is better than I listen to my friend.

In 2008, there is no Mi Damu to tell the world to tell the world, lying the deceived stealing is the glory of the rice country, and the international image of the rice is still good, so there is no way to let people talk about the relationship with the rice.

It is the fact that it is the fact that after the communication spreads these messages, someone will soon go to the corresponding forum, and you can't do it.

At the same time, Sun Qicheng took the first time of the media power in Milan to interview the anti-Olympic organizational member.

"Have you been to the Sudan?"


"Do you know the situation in front?"


"Do you know the history of Darfur?"

"do not know."

"Sudan is a country or a city?"

"Amount ... Is it?"


Like Jobs, the anti-Olympic organization has forgotten a thing, this world has a hyacinth.

Those who are commonly used in this world are afraid that there is not so easy to use, and overseas public opinions have always been very losses in Huaxia. It is even a field of grievances. The international media and social media are controlled by Mi, but the hymn is like a The sword is in the iron wall of the martial arts of the Milled in the martial arts.

At the beginning of 2008, the first shot of the smeared Huaxia was started.

In this thing, Meng Qian is not intended to do anything.

The office of DreamWorks, Spielberg looked at this, but I couldn't help but laugh. "Meng Qian's sentence followed her heart, it turned out to be a boss that can give employee security."

On the ancient notebook before covering, Spielberg played a call, "Mr. Zhang, I want to sign a contract as soon as possible."

The phone is sinking, "But according to the present arrangement, you can only enter the group of Kayo."

"Nothing, Mr. Chen is also a great director, and I believe that there will be a lot of cooperation opportunities in the future."

"That is nature, I have always expected to cooperate with you."

"I don't mean this."


"Forget it, sell a Cat, I can only say that I have encountered an interesting entrepreneur in your Chinese."


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