Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 542 Try Entrepreneurship Aided Policy

The response is very good after the first phase of the program is very good. On the one hand, this type of variety is still not seen, on the other hand because the quality of the program is really high.

This kind of draft is generally the most prone to talent in the first two seasons, because there is no talented but nowhere to show when there is no platform. But after all, the talent is often so much. After the two or three seasons are made, it will be more and more difficult to find a powerful person.

The reason why the program will be broadcast in June, a very important reason is because the graduation season is here.

The University of Sistanford, Misinford, and got a doctorate.

"Yun Wei, do you really decide to return to China? I can help you write the recommendation letter, with your talent, you can have your place in NASA."

"Bark teacher, thank you, but I have already made a good decision."

"Why don't you understand, is it because of the wind group? I admit that the wind group is a very great business, but after all, only one people, NASA can give you more, let you show your talents. Cloud ,

Cloud shrugged, "Bark teacher, I want to go back, because I want to go back, it is so simple."

"I really have no way to understand, your Chinese people don't talk about water to high, why do you want to give up a better choice? Why ?!"

"I don't know if Bark teachers have seen the interview of Xiao Bo, the chief operator of the wind group. He said in an interview that when he decided to go back from Miki, he said with his wife, there is no arbor dumpling."

"I know this thing, so?"

"So, why will he go back to the vegetable dumplings?"

"It seems to be because ... I can't get used to this food here. He said that he likes to be a cuisine dumplings from a small."

Yun Wei smiled, "Bark teacher, Is the country really do not have a vegetable dumplings? So many Chinese restaurants really can't find a dish dumplings?"


"Bax teacher, I don't know how to explain the reason I returned to you, because you misunderstood the Chinese, just like you misunderstand your dumpling, if you must give you a reason, maybe, my goal is to go back I hope that in the future, you can understand the true meaning of the arbor dumplings.

Thank you for your care, if you have the opportunity, you can come to our Huaxia to see, I invite you to eat a vegetable dumplings. "

"Well, Yun Wei, since you are so firm, I can only bless you all, but if one day you are willing, I can help you write a recommendation letter."

Buck really likes Yunqi, and it is really not allowed to be Yunqi. Looking at Yunyi from the line of sight, Buck is busy turned back to Google search, "What is the dumpling dumpling, is it a spell of ancient civilization? "

On June 23, the gate of the wind group, Shen Lin excited to the cloud, "You have finally returned to China!"

"Lying, don't be so disgusting!"

"Yun Wei!" After Shen Lin's body, Zhule Liangcheng, Qiu Mingcheng, Cao Xiao, etc. I have encountered with Meng Qian in the neon Kyoto University.

"People are finally alive." Qiu Ming became a sentence.

When Yun Yu returned to China, he saw everyone, but also a heart-touch, "Yes, I really didn't expect that everyone really entered the wind group. Let's go, I will go to Meng Meng first."

"You don't have to go first, all of them are all people, Meng Qian said that let us first give you a wind, wait until he has time to come to us."

"What is he busy?"

"Big Brother, now is a graduation season, a bunch of grandparents to come to work, and the recent submissive crisis, Sun Jie has dug a lot of people from outside, your kid is late, you can't give you someone. Take the time. "

"Well, then I invite you to eat."

"Wait is your sentence, let's go."


"What department is you now?" Find a good restaurant in the restaurant, Yunyi asked everyone.

The earliest introduction of Shenlin in the wind group introduced the road. "I with Zhuo Liangcheng in the artificial intelligence department, Qiu Mingcheng in the cloud computing department, Cao Xiao in the database department, and Yan Deyou with Yu Xiao in the mobile phone department, Yun Yu, you came this time Which department is applied? "

"I am also in the direction of artificial intelligence, but I have been talking to Meng Qian to talk to Meng Qian, I took a few projects when I was in the country, and I have some ideas now. In fact, I originally want to start business. , My parents also support me, and finally I have considered something, but I decided to come to the wind group to look hard, but I will still go in the direction of entrepreneurship. This thing I must start from the beginning. Just tell Meng Qian. "

"You want to do it more»? "

"Humanoid smart robot."

"I heard that you have this idea last year. I didn't expect you to stick to this direction."

"The humanoid intelligent robot is a very meaningful research direction, which is a product that really change the human living environment and the habit of survival."

"You specifically because I give up entrepreneurship?"

Yun Yuyi means that it is self-self. "I am now exactly technical thinking, there is no marketing thinking, not suitable for entrepreneurship, after all, my goal is to do business people intelligent robots."

Yunyi and others have gained a look, "Sun Jie gave you? Are you P?"

"I will come in should be P6 or P7, there is no working age, but Sun Jie said that after the latter age should be 2 years to P8."

"In fact, you can consider the staff of the staff of the Great Wind Group two years later."

Yun Wei asked curiously, "What is employee trying to start a business auxiliary policy?"

"Employee trial entrepreneurial assistance policy is a policy just sought last year. Take technical posts, P8 or more, employees who have worked for two years can be tried. For example, you want to engage in humanoid smart robots, you can immediately , Then apply for cooperation with the company.

Cooperation model is flexible, such as your lack of operation, company can provide operation, your lack of technology, company can provide technology, your lack of factory, company can provide factory, etc., and how to get company is also very flexible, you You can spend it directly to buy, this is a bit similar to the cloud service, what to buy is missing.

You can also use technology to transfer technical patents to the company, and the company has an assessment department, and even you can loan.

And you can choose full-time entrepreneurship or part-time entrepreneurship. If you are part-time entrepreneurial, you will use the time outside the job to start a business, as long as you can complete the company's tasks, you have the ability to use spare time to start a business, anyway.

If you are full-time entrepreneurship, under the premise of satisfying the conditions, you can apply for a post, in case the entrepreneuric failed, he will continue to work.

Finally, I will have a company to have a company. You will give you a photo. You will give a suitable price package acquisition. Of course, if you start business, you can also transfer this liabbism to the company, then Use your wages for ten or twenty to pay attention to. "

Yunyi's disregard, "this policy is not to promote many people to start a business?"

"Yeah, many people go to engage in projects, especially those with part-time entrepreneurship, more and more recently."

"Meng Qian is what talents who want to cultivate the company into boss? Is this a good thing for the company?" Yunyi didn't judge.

Shen Lin and others can't help but smile. "At the beginning, we were also discussing this problem, but we looked at the development of this system in this year, we realized what is the pattern.

We don't say that the company does not have any losses at the interest level, because everything you need to start, you need to spend money from the company, and we say if all the talents of the real company ran out to start business, How much impact does the company have? "

"This is also a talent loss?"

"Yeah, the wind group lost a talent of working, but at the same time, it was cultivated to start a business, and the intuitive difference lied that the employee seems to be sold for the wind group. It seems that it is not to sell the wind group, but think carefully For an idea, no matter how many belongings we have given us, people live in the end no one to live for themselves? How many people really reach the company's home sense of life?

Moreover, most of the successful entrepreneurs will eventually choose the investment of wind investment, even if it is really completely related to the wind group, after all, it is from the wind group. After all, it is a big wind group's policy to help him move forward, there is no Under the premise of conflict in conflict, there are more people who know how to be grateful or white in this world?

Under Meng Qian privately said several times, people don't always think about control others, don't always think about getting benefits from others, learn to pay, especially when you have this ability. . "

Yun Yu understands in an instant, "In fact, it is the biggest achievement of yourself."

"Yeah, the real big pattern is actually a big breast."


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