Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 543 Family Fighting

On June 26, Meng Qian ran a deep city, and made a starting ceremony here. The first 6-generation line of Huaxia completed the installation, which can be officially started.

"It's not easy." Wang Shengdong faced a 6-generation line factory, some tears.

Although the 6-generation line still has a gap with neon and Gari, at least for China is already a very difficult progress.

Ge Junlong, the new general manager of Shanghai, China, relatively calm, "There is a six-generation line, the cost is final, so this will be reduced to everyone's pressure."

Although Meng Qian's price war does make the days of the province and neon, there are not very good days, but at the same time, the days of these companies in the mainland are also not very good.

This is a trick to kill the enemy, a thousand self-loss, so I went to Meng Qian to find some support in the morning, and layout this thing in the West Lake in advance.

There is a double support in the country and the West Lake, everyone can survive in the price war, but in Shanghai, the radiovel is actually a loss, everyone is looking forward to the six-generation line.

No matter how it can be guaranteed, at least a little loss is also good.

After the start of the ceremony, Meng Qian and others took a work together to start rice, and then the first six-generation line in Huaxia was working.

Not only the orders of the Dragon plan, the orders of several other home appliance companies in China have also followed, and the recent period of LCD continues to fall, this means that neon Gaoli And the LCD screen in Taiwan can't sell it.

"Taiwan has recently launched a LCD industry to save the market." After the meal, everyone sat together.

"How much is it?" Meng Qiao is busy with other things in the past few days, there is not much attention to this thing.

"1 billion yuan."

Meng Qian is about a bill, "" 1 billion yuan, several companies have not much money, but the biggest problem in the province is not on the money, but on orders. "

"Yeah, Qimei Electronics just gangled in a factory last month, and the group creates directly decreased by 30%. If it is only because it is only because it doesn't move the price war, it is a little meaningful. The problem is that the wind group follows Sony directly Their market is killed. "

"Meng He, how many orders are you robbed?" Ge Junlong asked in a curious.

"So, the low-end order of the province enterprises will take at least half, and the middle and high-end order Sony has swallowed 35%, and then the demand of the industry under the subpropriation crisis is suddenly reduced. The order quantity is now estimated that it is very good at 30% last year. "

"If the market demand continues to be tightened, I am afraid that the province has already supported this year, but the wind group posted a lot of money in this price war? You are all hitting the third round, we don't dare to follow "

"Well, it has already entered more than 2 billion before and after, now the 17-inch screen we sell 230, I have been, I have been playing this year, at least 5 billion."

5 billion, in 2008 for other companies, it is already a number that can determine the dead, but for Meng Qian, it is still completely withinped.

Of course, Meng Qian is very helpless in front of people, can't show a look of 5 billion as the money.

"The most sad thing to date now is the province, but Gao Li Guo and neon countries have not yet, Samsung and LG have decreased, and Sharp is also just a factory.

Now the whole market has entered the winter, everyone is actually in it. "

"Samsung has recently been fighting with violas in the memory field. I heard that it is more than a billion."

"All in all, the winter is coming, everyone must do the worst preparation." Wang Shengdong said when this sentence is to see Meng Qian.

Everyone else looks into Meng Qian together.

Meng Qian knows everyone's meaning, in this difficult winter, the report will be particularly important, but in the past, everyone lacked the basis for the hug.

The beginning of the West Lake will give everyone a best mutual help platform.

Although everyone has not hooked the West Lakes, there is no need to say that the emergence of West Lake will help to help many Huaxia Enterprises at this critical moment.

Meng Qian also won't talk to everyone, it is just a smile. "Let's go through it together. After the wind and rain, you will see the rainbow."


The next day, from the Shencheng Back, Meng Qian called Shao Yi Bao into his office, "Listening to Sun Jie said that the Personnel Department excavated many LCD papers, your acquisition plan How is it? "

"You Da Optoelectronics, Qi Mei Electronics, Group Optoelectronics and the attitude of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "

"Chinese Ying Yao? China Youth Mission is not called the Huangpu Military Academy called the LCD screen industry in the province? They are willing to sell the company to us?"

The Chinese Nursing is indeed the Huangpu Military Academy of the LCD panel industry, and the top of the old panels of the province, in 2018, there is a lot of interesting things, but there are many interesting things, but Meng Qian is not very understanding, so Shao Yiwang gave Meng Qian's situation in some inside.

"The status of the Chinese Ying Tube is now a large extent, everyone is giving him a face. When the neon and Gao Li country monopoly technology, it is the technology of the Chinese Youth Mission to win the technology, thus opening The LCD screen of the province is broke out.

The development of other four tigers in the five tigers in the province will benefit everything brought by the Chinese Nursing, so everyone has to respect the Chinese Ying.

In the past few years, the Chinese Ying Ying has encountered a core problem. The family struggle, the Chinese yelled, Lin Zhennan, the second house, Lin Zhenyuan, the first hand, but Lin Tingsheng's large room has always been complaining.

So in 2003, because the parent company Datong Group is in the big house hand, through the right of the mother's board of directors, I pulled Lin Zhenyuan directly, but I was still holding a little position, so that Lin Zhenyuan's brother Lin Zhenhong came to the stage.

In 2006, Lin Master died. The big house naturally couldn't be Lin Zhenhong. In March last year, I took the help of the Chinese Youthbeller lost 13.9 billion yuan directly through the board of directors to make Lin Zhenhong to step down, and the two sons of the second room kicked out. . "

"It's really a palace big drama." Meng Qian shook his head and then suddenly thought of what, "I remember that the Chinese Youthway seems to have been lost in this year, Lin Zhenhong's reason is because of loss, is it?"

"Everyone's ideas are similar to Meng, although the specific situation is only clear, but the other LCD screen companies in the province in the first few years are profitable, and only the Chinese Ying Ying has been losing.

And some years have been expanded in the past few years, and the Chinese reflects only two 4.5 generations and a 6-generation line. Other four tigers have opened a powerful development route from 2005, Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Yong Da and Guanghui have not been a different action. Lin Zhenhong has released a lot of valuable decisions when he was in office. There is no thing to do.

More importantly, Last year Lin Zhenhong, the Datong Group, started to let go of the sale of the Chinese Nursing, which seems to be a fact. "

"For the family's internal fighting, he directly sacrifices the future of Zhonghua Yinghang. Hey, people are ..." Meng Qian couldn't help but sigh, "But since Zhonghua Yinghang intends to sell, why no one takes over?"

"Key reasons are the names of the name just said, the title of the Huangpu Military Academy gives the face, the strength of the China Youth is really no, although the Chinese reflects to the top five of the global LCD panel, but its market share Only 6%, was taken out of a street by the fourth place, and the annual income of Samsung has reached four times the Chinese Ying.

But because everyone gave the face, the Chinese yelled to the current LCD screen five tigers, or the Huangpu Military Academy of the LCD screen of the province, the valuation is obviously a bit virtual.

At this time, I caught up with the submissive crisis. Everyone didn't have money and production capacity. I naturally no one is willing to acquire.

Moreover, the stock price of the Chinese Ying Yizhang is low, and the share capital is not conducive to mergers with other companies. "

The view of Shao Yi Bao is still very accurate, after the financial crisis has passed, the Chinese Yingqi will not sell it more, because the parent company did not want to have a good job, the financial crisis is sold by Gaotai, the Chinese Youthver It was prosecuted by Miki, and then bowed to the tip to break, it couldn't pay it.

A generation of legendary companies, because the family's internal fight is killed.

"How much is their current selling intention?"

"18 billion soft sister coins, including the equity of Huadi Technology."

"How do you think this price?"

"If you only look at the asset, the problem is that the Chinese Ying Youth is now lost, the customer is very unstable, and the company's internal management is a mess."

Meng Qian touched the Pakistan, "That is to say, should there be a bargaining space?"

"I am very sure of that."

"Then they don't mind that we are wind groups, after all, now we are fighting with them."

"That's that, Lin Jiashi now wants to hurry this second room will residue himself and unprofitable assets. But now the price war is so powerful, we have built three production lines, and we follow Sony's 7th generation The line may be installed at the end of this year. At this time, the company is acquired in this kind of company, in fact, it may be a hot salad to us. "

"They are not two 4.5 generation lines plus a 6-generation line, and it is used." Meng Qian's mouth is slightly rising, "and the strength of the Chinese Ying Tube in the upper reaches of the LCD should now take a hand.

In the development of the upstream industry, the frienda and Qi Yime himself have strength, so they don't need the Chinese yelle, but we can take a look, this way, you arrange it, I haven't going to pay for a long time, go together Turn it. "


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