When Meng Qian is coming back, it is just ready to have a global developer of this year.

This year, the General Assembly was postponed on July 9, which is also a matter of no way. In June, the executives are busy, and there is no one in the public meeting, and it can only be pushed later.

It can be seen in some netizens, because the wind group does not have a new era ready.

Because in 2014, Intel suddenly put forward the PC revolution.

Open the global IT development in the first half of 2014, in addition to the heart bleeding vulnerability, the other in the first half of the IT is certainly the Intel's edison chip.

According to Intel, the EDISON chip is a micro PC platform chip having only SD card size. It can achieve miniature PC. It only needs to have a class SD card slot and a modular device that can be powered by the passage. It can have PC qualities. .

Then Intel put forward the PC revolution, that is, PC mobility.

In the Intel's PC revolution concept, future PC will completely move and cloudize, users no longer need a traditional computer, or get hardware from the cloud, or directly through the EDISON chip to implement mobile devices PC performance.

Intel is a traditional computer vendor because of Intel, the PC will be completely changed. In the future, everyone only needs a computer stick, combined with the cloud platform, it can have a computer, so like Dell Hape can directly announce the CP career The department is bankrupt.

Can Dell with HP accept this kind of thing, Dell CEO Dell is high-profile, Intel can have us today! Intel now actually wants to destroy us!

But Intel's response is also very direct, this is the tide of the times, we don't do it, others will do, the revolution of traditional PC will be arrived.

Under the private, Intel has ran a trip to Dell Hape relatively polite to explain them. "The wind group passed the PC revolution for several years. We also got some information. At present, they should follow us. The direction is consistent, so we must catch a front of the wind group.

Two people think about it, if this thing makes the wind group grab the first, what will happen? "

"But these two years, PC sales have made us very uncomfortable. When you come here, do you want to die?" Dell is obviously very unhappy.

"Two, the new era has a new era game, just like a new player in the smartphone era, we can be a leader in the Age of PC, accounting for absolute lead in this direction."

Dell has an idea in the heart of Witman, but there is no more statement, because Intel's attitude is actually very decreasing, they can't do what they can't do for a while.

So they can only decide to take a better understanding of this so-called PC revolution. If this thing can really lead to a revolution, Dell will grab a leader with the traditional PC market that continues to fall in sales. Little reliability.

And the silence of the company like Dell Hap allows the market to pay more attention to this matter. This thing is that the future is in fact, but it has become a smart device chip, including smart home, a synonym of smart equipment chips, and does not trigger at all What PC revolution, this is an event of Intel overkill, saying that it is necessary to pay attention to the era of mobility, but can not take the mobility too much.

But in 2014, I can see the future. Although Intel is not convincing before, he is still the boss of this industry. Everyone will be aware of the concept of Intel.

As such a public opinion background, July 9, the 7th Great Wind Global Developer Conference began.

Meng Qian, who took a break, survived, appeared in front of the public.

"I heard that you want me to talk about the PC revolution?" Meng Qian did not avoid this topic in the opening speech.

The stage is excited now, I didn't expect to hear this matter at the conference.

"To be honest, I first heard that the PC revolution was still looking forward to it, because everyone knows that our wind group has been attacking the PC revolution, but when I see the PC revolution is when PC movement, let I feel very surprised.

It is very irrelevant to treat PC revolution as a PC revolution, because this is not like a revolution, more like an escape.

What is PC mobility? I carefully read all the introduction of the Edison chip, isn't this to improve the performance of the mobile device? The only breakthrough seems to be that it is for all mobile devices, no longer just a smartphone or tablet, but the EDISON chip is specifically used on which mobile devices are used, Intel himself seems to be very clear.

Because I saw Intel launched the EDISON platform competition last month, I hope that the world's Chuangke will tell it. Where can the EDISON chip use ... "

Meng Qian said that there were a lot of laughter, because this is really a matter of making the market, but the turn of Intel is so powerful, it said that this is a PC revolution, everyone does not dare to ridicule, only Say, wait, see how it will develop.

But this is different, this world has a wind group, Meng Qian, Meng Qi will not give Intel to leave, so it is directly to ridicule, plus as rebirth, Meng Qian, is a failure concept, not afraid Looking back, I am laughing.

Meng Qian took the head and ridiculous, and those who doubt Intel naturally couldn't help but ridicule.

"Let's talk about the PC cloud of Intel. Is this a cloud desktop? From the cloud computing concept, the concept of the cloud desktop is coming out, these two years, many business users in our big wind group have already started using cloud desktop technology. But we have never seen the cloud desktop as the revolution of the PC.

Because here is a very important issue, what is the PC revolution, PC is the meaning of PC, since it is a revolution, the beneficiary is inevitably a personal user, take business users, PC revolution, this is not suitable from the beginning.

So this PC mobility this is the PC revolution is that the PC revolution gives me the feeling. We can't say that the traditional PC has no way. The performance is like this. The appearance is so embarrassing, for the PC itself. I can't do any new movements, but I haven't been all in the era of Mobility, so I do a PC revolution.

Why do I say this is a very irresponsible approach, because it mislead market, because this sentence is Intel, a representative enterprise in the entire PC industry, and an Intel's sentence is likely to lead to the entire PC market. Direction of the wrong direction. "

Meng Qian said this, the expression of some plays suddenly became abnormally serious, "and this is the reason I am willing to say this year's conference, at least from our point of view, mobile device is mobile Equipment, PC equipment is a PC device, what is revolution, functional machine to change the smartphone, you can say that it is the revolution of the mobile phone.

Similarly, when we consider the PC revolution, we should be a traditional personal computer to become a personal computer, rather than saying that a personal computer is selling, we will sell mobile products forget it.

I have to guess why Intel will present this concept, is it because Intel is a company that is a chip, is not a computer-made company. For Intel, the traditional PC is really gone, it also provides mobile chips. It does not affect its survival.

What is the problem is that what is the traditional PC company?

Then as a large wind group as a company selling a personal computer, you must stand out to say a few words.

First of all, there is no need for personal computers and don't need frequent replacement of personal computers. It is two things. How many people don't need computer today, how many people do not need frequent replacement computers?

Even if your home's computer is indeed gradually starting, but as long as the economic conditions are allowed, is it everyone or a personal computer?

Secondly, I am here today, I will reveal the direction of our wind group for the PC revolution, that is, the performance revolution.

The biggest difference between PC and mobile devices is performance, this point Intel also saw it, so they put forward this view to make mobile devices high performance, but we are doing, let PC performance eruption.

Maybe someone said, didn't it say that the performance of the PC is over? Isn't it said that the computer CPU is optimized?

Yes, this is the traditional PC does not need to be replaced frequently, which is the key to sales, but the so-called revolution is not completely subversive. Everyone recalls, what is the key to smart phone to subvert the function? "

Meng Qian silently gave an answer after a while, "It is the application, the current computer processor responds to the current computer application, but is it really satisfied with a few 3A doing?

We do this for personal computers, is there really this level? "

Meng Qian was silent again, let everyone think about this problem, "We can now see some future applications, and these future applications will make a higher performance requirements for PC again, that time, like a function machine. They all change your smartphones, you will consider changing a new personal computer because revolutionary PC products will give you a completely different experience.

I can only say that Intel is the best chip in the world, but limits his imagination of the application because of the poor of performance.

The PC revolution will definitely arrive, but it is definitely not a PC mobilization revolution.

I also want to persuade Intel, don't stare at Moore's law, Moore's Law, which is to withdraw from the historical stage.

This year's Great Wind Global Developer General will let everyone know this problem more clearer, to understand the PC mobilization, to know the cloud desktop, to meet the future PC application, to understand the big outbreak of the chip performance .

Everyone can look at it, the PC revolution in our eyes. "


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