Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 761 Mobile Intelligent Chip

Meng Qian's opening speech quickly shocked a melon.

At this time, Meng Qian is an unpleasant thing when I face Intel Microsoft, and netizens will not feel that there is something unsuitable, and even a little hopeful in my heart.

The daily life of Guayou is to see someone to play, then the melon friends will follow each other.

"I saw Intel's statement, I felt strange. This is not a mobile device chip, how can I pull it to the PC revolution."

"Don't conclusion, Intel dare to say that the PC revolution is definitely reason, and when you are careful, Meng Qian is faced."

"Intel has fallen in this past few years, the process is slow, miss the smartphone era, what happened?"

"But Intel is still the CPU hegemony, more than 60% of the world is still Intel CPU."

"Five years from 85% to 60% is proud?"

"But Meng Qian said that the revolution of the PC is a bit of performance. Why can't PC movement can't be a PC revolution? In the future, you will not need a traditional computer."

"You said, Intel's revolution called the real revolution, directly put the personal computer to the leather!"


Online discussion, the General Assembly is still continuing, Intel sent three representatives this year, which took the lead in Ibi, O'Brie, who had worked for more than 30 years in Intel, this time is the Aspen petition to participate in this conference. , Because the growth of the wind group was too incredible to him, he listened to the people around him, and Intel was very uncomfortable by the big wind semiconductor, so he wanted to take a look.

Who once thought that I just felt more uncomfortable, because Meng Qian's speech, the peers around him looked at him with obvious eyes, especially those who met him.

O'Bri quickly took his hand from the crowd, because this time he had no way to say, but he is in his heart, "Meng Qian is a very understandable person, the direction of the Edison chip is not wrong.

Let's go, Meng Qian is not to use this conference to explain the PC revolution in his eyes, then look at what this year's conference can come out. "

O'Bri looked at the agenda, first went to the smart home, because the focus of this morning is on the smart home.

"Old is to take a smart home appliance to be a article, it is really awkward." The three people chatted when they went to the smart home.

"The concept of smart home appliance is fried. If it is just the way, it is necessary, the total three-day conference, actually put the energy of half a day in this thing, this arrangement is also very doubtful, and this follow What is the relationship between the PC revolution? "

"What is the thing that can take out your hand?"

Talking to the door of the smart home, sweeping the code into the field, three people followed the big team a little over, the face suddenly sinked.

Because today's theme is: autonomous chip!

After years of research and development, Haier, Gree, and Midea, Waiting, Waiting, Waiting, Waiting, and the core chip and smart chip of their respective independent research and development.

Everyone has exhibited their own autonomous chips through the General Assembly, which combines new generation of new generation of products from their own independent research and development chips than previous smart home appliances.

This is an exciting news for Huaxia, because in accordance with the data on the scene of the General Assembly, China's current top ten home appliance companies have successfully contracted the autonomous development of the main chip, and launched the most distant intelligent chips of their respective fields.

This means that the dependence of the Huaxia home appliance industry has significantly reduced the degree of import in chip.

At the scene, everyone also sees the optimized effect through the product.

For example, the most popular smart sweeping machine, the latest products can achieve the precise border to fix the cleaning, the manual discovery and clear, multi-room autonomous navigation, intelligent return charging, global map build duplication and other functions.

The representative of Gree is speaking at the scene, within three years, Gree air conditioners can achieve 100% of the chip independent rate.

And Haier is obviously not satisfied with the self-sufficiency, and again mentioned their chip export plan. Haier has to sell his chip from 2014 to let overseas companies use Haier's chips.

The expression of three people in O'Bri is getting more and more ugly.

"The smart home appliance chip is an important development direction of the EDISON chip. It can now be the largest smart home appliance market ... realize the autonomy, and even want to go out to grab more markets."

"They actually have an advantage ... Because, they are home appliance companies, so they have developed chips ..."

Obneli looked at the people, the latter no longer talk, Obury didn't want to face the truth.

Real-active cruel, the content of the smarter has not yet ended.

When the three people came to the last stop of the smarter in accordance with the visiting process, she suddenly realized why Haier dared to say that.

This year's Posted guest conference excellent product was moved to the Great Wall Global Developer General, moved to the smart home, and this batch of excellent products selected were very characteristic.

The three people are first attracted by a 3D printer, because the value is really high, this is manufactured by a Wucker team in Shanghai, plus the heat of 3D printing technology in this year. Very high, this 3D printer is very eye-catching.

This 3D printer called ink jade has a very black technology, which is also very complete, supporting a variety of printing materials, including ABS, PLA, HIPS, TPU, waxing, etc.

More importantly, this ink jade can connect a huge cloud model library, as well as intelligent image identification, security warning, etc., which solves the problems of the past 3D printers.

When the O'Brie is finally waited until the people in front, they have gone to see the product parameters in front of the product, even the breathing has grown.

Because the product parameters are clearly written, this ink jade uses Haier's smart chip as a control core.

Haier's smart chip can't go out of Huaxia, at least, at least, it goes out of Haier, can be used to create more possibilities.

With a complicated mood, the three continue to see, is a lightweight industrial arm developed by the Chinese University of Science and Technology. This product is also concerned about many people because lightweight industrial arms are wide. The application range makes it more commercial value.

This lightweight industrial arm is used by Gree's intelligent chip as a control core.

Step by step, three people have seen more than 50 excellent products of this year's Wuchen Conference at the scene, and the common point of these more than 50 products is that they have adopted the smart chip of Huaxia home appliance companies as the control core.

The difference is only the different enterprises selected.

Seeing this site, Obri gave himself the last support point. "So many brands, how to solve it, Edison chip is a product, while the chip of Huaxia home appliance companies comes from different companies, they Lack of harmony, it will be very troublesome later. "

However, O'Bri voice just fell, and the accompanying person took his shoulders to show him a very conspicuous big screen.

Write a thing in the big screen, because the existence of the global smart home appliance standard, the smart chip standard of Huaxia home appliance enterprises achieve uniformity from the beginning, all smart products that can be seen this year abide by the same standard.

This also facilitates the better in China to get better intelligent product sector, especially mobile intelligent products.

When Obri left the smart home to open the mobile phone to see the news, there is a topic that has a topic that has come.

When Intel is still in the EDISON contest, I will ask the market to inform the Edison chip to have any application scenarios, Huaxia has got this answer to the world.

Just, Huaxia did not use the Edison chip, they have their own mobile smart chips.


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