The three-day conference has brought a lot of surprises to the global technology fans, and also brings a lot of thinking to the technology industry. Western media has to sigh the efficiency of China's business is too high, there is a feeling of desperate road, which makes it habit to walk slowly Western companies are very unsatisfactory.

In a sense, a batch of Huaxia companies headed by the wind group is moving Western companies.

The next day, Meng Qian has conducted a detailed communication with Alphahim. The purpose of this communication is to achieve the cooperation of the capital level. As two major components, realize the shared platform, share resources, participate in joint investment, etc. , Because everyone just started working, this level of sharing will not be very high, it takes time to develop trust.

But at least Today's Alpha Heim no longer showed his pride, willing to look forward to Meng Qian, even to a certain extent.

This VR platform will be the first attempt to cooperate. Alphahim also knows that the original China's domestic funds participate in this VR platform, and this VR platform is global, considering national policies, international Situation, Alphahim's joining is a boost for global capital intervention of the VR platform.

Because some countries have inexplicable supervision of Huaxia Capital.

At the same time, Alphahim hopes to participate in the development of Huaxia Science and Technology. He now is the most optimistic about Huaxia's scientific and technological entrepreneurial environment. Meng Qian has no refusal, and the investment promotion is always a profound thing, it is impossible to cut Refusing foreign investment, the key is to do a good job in foreign investment management rules.

The negotiations were very smooth, and the two entered a happy dinner.

One week after the General Assembly, the virtual reality experience store quickly spreads quickly in the country, just one week, Fang Chen took the latest market data to Meng Qian's office.

"One week, Oculus Rift sold 10,000 units, Oculus Box sold 10,000 units, Oculus Quest sold more than 20,000." It is satisfied with this figure.

"In fact, it is not much more." But Meng Qian is more cautious about this number, "product is out of our wind group, the brand effect will play a certain role in the first time, the data in the first week is not good .

How is user feedback? "

"Now mainly three questions, the first question, I don't say you know, it is the content, although I count our partner, everyone has hundreds of major games, but truly let users like probably There is only a dozen models, the quantity is not enough.

The second question is the price, the price of Oculus Rift and Oculus Quest has exceeded 5,000, and it is necessary to more than 10,000 supporting equipment. This price is still too high for early adventures.

The third issue is that many users are in the space problem. Many users have proposed that VR playing VR at home is a problem, especially many young people now rent a small room in big cities. There is no space to support the feelings of VR games at all. "

Meng Qian was hitting, "Sure enough, there are many problems."

"However, we also saw another news, there have been many people to present the concept of VR Internet cafes, and we have already started receiving some orders, and now I am negotiating customization problem."

"VR Internet cafe?"

"Well, actually, the VR experience hall you mentioned before, the personal user is not convenient at home, the price is a bit high, you can go to the experience hall, it is a bit like we can't afford the computer when you can't afford it."

Meng Qian's consciousness shook his head, "This is not a matter, the VR experience hall is the VR experience hall, it is difficult to make Internet cafes, it is difficult to do in a short time.

We have two key to the Internet cafes when we are young. First, there is a fun game or interested app. If you let you go online, look at the computer, will you go?

Second, the price is cheap, just one or two dollars, if one is one or two hundred, what family escaped to the Internet? "

"This is also." Fang Chen was thinking about the idea of ​​Meng Qian.

"But VR Experience Hall, we should still support, although it is difficult to develop in the direction of Internet cafes, but at least it can develop into a nice entertainment project, the premise is what we have made, in addition, custom, see how to reduce Cost, it is best to control the price below 30 hours, if it can be lower, it is better. "

"As long as the price will continue to keep this momentum, it should still control the price, and these bosses are clear that the price is too high."

In 2014, the price is very stable, even stable, and the average income of the city has risen soon, many people have seen the future to buy a house in the future, but the housing prices in 2016 have become getting closer.

Fortunately, in Meng Qian's strong driving, there are several hundred billion-level semiconductor projects that have gradually matured. Semiconductors have more and more stable for capital, and the national policies for semiconductor development are getting more clear. The number of high-quality talents in the city has obviously risen than once, which means that the purchase capacity is significantly increased.

If the money is placed, the income of the people, the industrial structure optimization, housing inventory is expected to be a basic condition for the stability of housing prices, and Meng Qian will continue to promote capital to high-tech industries in the domestic status.

Like the current Vanke, Poly, Country Garden, there are huge funds in the domestic science and technology fund. Of course, this is less than Meng Qian's . Every time they see them, let them pay, but they are indeed earned money through technology. .

The first-tier city local government has improved fiscal revenue through the rapid growth of high-tech industries, especially in Hangzhou, a tourist city has become a technology capital.

If you really can control the housing price, even if you have a low level of usa in 2016, Meng Qian feels that you do this, what is worth it.

"How is the situation between Galaxy Technology?" Meng Qian continued to ask questions.

"The high-end graphics order of Galaxy Technology is really coming, just as we estimate, once this concept is speculated, it will be in the global market.

Even if the equipment has not been sold, the demand effect of VR games on the graphics card has been reflected. "

"The demand for graphics cards can be used as a judgment. If this demand grows stable, consider the graphics card specifically for VR."

"Okay, oh is right, talk about the graphics card I think of something."

"what happened?"

"HP's Whitman stayed in Hangzhou for a week."

"Whitman? How did she come?"

"Said to purchase our graphics card."

"HP purchasing our graphics card? Miki company comes to purchase our graphics card?"

"In fact, it is an excuse. Since Intel has made this inexplicable PC revolution, HP and Dell have been unrestrained, I heard that Intel also specials to find them.

But what is the use? If Intel really wants to engage in PC mobility, HP and Dell are not ready, especially HP, HP's transformation is very stiff.

Going to the traditional PC is the grave of Ku Huapu, no matter Intel, HP will also worry.

This time, our conference on the scene, smashed the Intel's PC revolution, but Intel continued to promote his PC revolution after we will.

The people of the rice country can't see the news of us, and they are flickering. Whitman is able to see the truth, so she came here, it was to come with some ideas.

But I touched her several times, I always felt a lot. "

"HP's transformation is not a rigid and unstachable problem. It may even be all ..." Meng Qian's consciousness evaluation HP, but suddenly surprised, the brain recalls all memories about HP.

Then open the computer to view all the latest analysis of HP.

All memories aggregated together, Meng Qian took the mobile phone to Shao Yibang, "Lao Shao, Whitman This person do you think she has a rule of rule?"

"Whitman? The rule? She is a person who can consume huge money to campaign for the governor of the hometown government management."

"If you want to describe her with a word, what is your first reaction?"

"I am not good, but people who are familiar with Whitman say she has the character of fox and hedgehog, she can protect myself like a hedgehog, but I can always make you unexpected tricks."

"I know." Meng Qian hung and asked Fang Chen, "She has to see me."

"I mentioned it, so I mention this thing with you."

Meng Qian's eye is turning, "You go to He Yuting to say, let her arrange it, I have to see Whitman."

... 1603380855

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