"Mr. Meng, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Yeah, I didn't expect to turn whispered whispering Witman has become a CEO of HP. I don't know when Whentle is coming to our wind group?"

Whitman stunned, I couldn't know that Meng Qian was serious or joking. "Maybe there will be this opportunity."

"How is the matter of procurement?" Meng Qian entered the topic.

"Our team is assessing, I believe there will be results soon."

"Ms. Whitman is recognized by our products?"

"Of course." Whitman almost did not think about it, "The products of the Great Breeze Group have become synonymous."

"In this case, why is Waitman to come so late?"

Whitman realized that Meng Qian's problem is not simple and responded to a simple smile.

Meng Qian returned to smile and continued to maintain a relatively slow rhythm. "Is HP's transformation smooth?"

"Everything is in progress in accordance with established planning." Whitman is the most dull attitude towards its own self-protection.

"Woman Whitman, since we have come to the wind group, we say something to do." Meng Qian knows that there will be no progress in this chat, and the body will start to release the pressure before, "You come this time, it is hope Can you understand our situation more fully? "

Whitman is still a very smooth answer, "The wind group has developed hard to be curious."

"The lady in Whitman seems to have some of our technologies already in the forefront of the world."

Whitman has a second reaction to Meng Qian, "Of course."

Whitman did not negate, Meng Qian continued to advance forward, "That is the era of fast transformation, facing our technology openness, HP is really not interested?"

HP is of course interested, I am not interested in whitman, "curious and interest, in fact, it is a matter."

Meng Qian turned into the incubator, "whispering Whitman, IBM's response slow response slowed by him in Yunzhi Federation, did not follow the rhythm in the Yunzhilian period, have to develop models with Apple and Amazon cooperation.

But these three companies cooperated for some time. It has proved that Apple and Amazon do not have a business-end marketing gene.

Apple can do a good job in the supply chain of electronic products, Amazon can do a good job in cloud service providers, even in the construction of our own cloud, Amazon shows extremely talented.

It can be overcome and grow up for the absolute professionalism of the enterprise program, not Amazon and Apple can overcome and grow up in a short period of time. "

Meng Qian paused the reaction of Waitman, whitedon nodded to recognize this statement of Meng Qian.

"Take another look at Microsoft, in fact, it is very similar to IBM, and it belongs to the ship is difficult to turn around, and some failed to keep up with new trends.

But whether it is Microsoft, IBM, Amazon or Apple, you just give them enough time, they will react, no matter what time does not come, but they will never be in the wrong direction, um, should be.

Just like Intel this year's mobilization plan, although the practice is a bit radical, at least this attitude has come out.

Therefore, at this stage, it is actually a chance to have a business, a chance to do decades. "

Whitman understood that Meng Qian was very clear, the consciousness looked at Meng Qian's eyes.

Meng Qian also observed the changes of Whitman's vision, trying to see some changes.

The two sorrows of the two people were suddenly smiled. Whitman took the deep eyes, "said the corporate volume, the wind group is also a giant wheel, but the wind The group seems to have never missed the direction, what is the secret of Mr. Meng? "

"To put it bluntly, two words, decentralization, on one hand to give the system, we are doing enterprise management systems, if you believe that your own system is a little smile.

On the other hand, it is to deal with employees. Enterprises must realize the sound of every employee. The company needs to deprive some management rights, and individual heroism is not applicable in this era. ::

This is a rapidly changing era, no one can completely follow this era. "

Whitman's eyes quickly conversion, she thought of many HP's things, after a few seconds of silence, Whitman is advised to ask Meng Qian, "Mr. Meng has anything about HP."

Meng Qian drank the tea to express thinking, "cloud computing, service, software, hardware, if you can only choose one in the four industries, what is the HP's board of directors?"

Meng Qian's problem stamps whit Man's inner, she is now planning to split HP split, because she wants to clarify the business sector, because HP's board of directors have a serious difference with her, of course, this Things are now don't know, except Meng Qian, I have seen the reincarnator of the relevant report.

"Probably hardware." Whitman said the truth.

Seeing Whitman is willing to tell the truth, Meng Qian is also feeling more stable, "If you let you choose? What would you choose?"

Whitman can't help but refresh, "Serve, if you can only four choices."

Meng Qian suddenly means a deep smile, "Whitbeman now knows why I want to invite you to the wind group?"

Meng Qian once again mentioned this matter, let Huatman more guess, and a lot of Witman will be sure, Meng Qian continues to ask.

"Dell Dadized PCT quickly put the center of gravity on the service, but after the HP diluted the personal business, from HP recent acquisition and research and development investment, the printer seems to be the next key industry in HP.

Of course, Huapu should quickly take more than half of the market in more than half of the market, no problem from the perspective of the industry faucet.

The problem is that if you continue to develop in the printer field, you have to make people feel like this.

All of this practice, ideology, operation mode, with more like in 2001 HP acquired Kangbiao. "

Whitman revealed a bitter laugh, which is actually a statement that is willing to give.

"How much is the future profit of the personal computer and printer, even if it is sitting on the industry's first throne.

The average profit in the cloud computing industry exceeds 25%, and the average profit in the software industry exceeds 22%, and the average profit of the printer industry is less than 10%. The average profit of the personal computer industry has fallen to 6% history low.

If Waitman wants to ask me to see HP, I can only say that it is 2014, why should I continue to maintain market thinking in 2001?

What's more, this 13 years of development is not that it has proved that the acquisition is not a wise choice? "

Every sentence of Meng Qian has been playing on the heart of Payterman. The effect is still more obvious. Whitman has become more sincere. "In fact, hardware is not only a result of a decline in profits, the market is already saturated, and then in the Red Sea Tumble is also difficult to arouse how much spokes.

This is indeed that we have been considering recently. "

Whitman uses us here, it is still too straightforward in front of Meng Qian and the contradiction between the HP's board of directors.

Therefore, Meng Qian selects the way to whitteen olive branches in the way, "Then, the cooperation space we may not only just a graphics card purchase order."

"Mr. Meng's idea is?"

"Which Whentle is convenient to stay a few more days, I want to look at our industries with Wheritman, see how many cooperation we can have."

Whitman is refreshing and polite promises, "This is my honor."

Whitman continued for three days in Huaxia. In these three days, Meng Qian took her to visit her of the company's technical department, showing the muscles, and showed her to her the opening of the wind group. As long as you are willing to spend money, you are not a competitor, core technology can be authorized, in addition, there are many "cooperative packages" in deep partners and wind groups, and the authorized prices are more fair, and the follow-up service is more perfect, but also add multiple International organization leading the wind group.

It can be said that it is good, the only problem is that HP has to join the Global Yunzhion Standards Association, HP has to sign a long-term agreement with the wind group.

The cooperation with AMD is the loss of the previous agreement, causing AMD to say that it does not cooperate, and it is too easy to withdraw.

However, the wind group at that time did also be a key power transition period, and the current wind group won't sign so casual agreement, I want to become a partner of the wind group, or the simplest buyer, then sign the contract Phase, but if you want to have more in-depth cooperation, at least the agreement will not make the other party very easily in the wind group behind the knife.

So this time you choose to work with the wind group this time, it is absolutely helpful for her own future plan, but she will definitely be sinful to Intel and other enterprises.

What should I do? Whitman can't do decisions at a time, with doubts first.

"Do you think Whitman will cooperate with us during this sensitive period?" Whitman walked, Shao Yiwang curiously asked Meng Qian's view.

"I don't know, but she looks like a woman who has an eye."

"In this rice company, we can fight our critical moment. If you can play a few caves from several areas, it is very uncomfortable."

"Yeah, so I hope that Whitman really has a fox."


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