Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 772 Product Attitude

At noon on July 22, Meng Qian suddenly came to the wind and entertainment.

"How did the Meng have come?" Gu Junhui came out to meet Meng Qian.

"I think I still don't worry, what is the system of confirming the system of taxi software."

"There is no problem in recent tests, I don't think too much."

"Is this a conference?"

"It's me."

Meng Qian thought for a while, "If you don't go it."

How much is Gu Junhui, "Is there this necessary?"

"Take a taxi and take-away, the taxi is a industry that can go out, and we have a big relationship with our unmanned driving after a few years, so I am very concerned about this matter, I want to focus on this product. Mobile phone ::

In addition, the content at this conference, I think I will have a better effect. "

Since Meng Qian has opened it, Gu Junhui will not fight, "Well, then I will talk to the team."

On July 25th, the Tax Skow under the Great Breeze Group held a conference, and the name of the taxi software is a popularity.

In the first half of 2014, Uber, , fast and other truck platform began to burn money, it has been burn it to May, but the wind group's taxi software has jumped again and again, and I have not been able to participate in this. In the truck war, many people think that this big wind entertainment is missing this market. It is too late to enter the bureau, and the user may have habiting the taxi software of several companies.

Of course, there is also a person's point of view that the wind group has money, and it will definitely take the money to come out.

Therefore, this conference is quite high. Do you want to take out a high price concession, and then I heard that Meng Qian personally came to the stage, it is more attractive.

However, Meng Qian's opening directly talked about a very sensitive thing, that is, the sound of the taxi software in the recent market, people without smartphones become more difficult, taxi driver revenue decline, Become a crime of taxi software, recently there have been news, and the taxi driver's news, and the public opinion is boiling. ::

"I am standing here today. First, I want to express this attitude that I think everyone doesn't want to reject the tax software. Whether it is a taxi driver, or there is no smartphone, we must first admit that the taxk software does solve it. Smartphone and is willing to download the taxi problem of users of the taxi software, this is undeniable, and now the smartphone's penetration rate should be very clear.

The range of benefit groups is definitely large.

For taxi drivers, we can look down on friends who don't want to use taxi software without smartphones or smartphones.

Let's talk about the taxi driver, say that the taxi software reduces the revenue of the taxi driver, what is the fact, I like to speak with data, take the Hangzhou, before the taxi, Hangzhou taxi The airborne mileage is 370 kilometers, with a vacuum rate of more than 40%.

The airborne mileage entered into the taxi software platform is currently no data, but the latest vacant rate data is 35%, however, everyone should pay attention to it, this vacation rate is based on time as important parameters, and from the actual market There is a situation here, that is, the driver of the taxi software can park, but the traditional taxi driver has been running on the road in addition to special occasions such as airport train stations, so the actual airborne rate gap is much, everyone can go Calculate.

So this time we have to consider a contradiction of this industry. The higher the vacation rate, the less the driver earns, but in fact, the passengers are easier to hit the car, the lower the vacation rate, the more the driver earns, the more the driver earns. But in fact passengers are more difficult to hit the car.

So this time we need to do a balance, this balance is actually the emergence of the webmark.

Is the Internet of the Internet really robbed the taxi business? This is inevitable, but how much it is, we still use data, through the taxi software, the driver's air saving rate is greatly reduced, and the mobile phone will increase the capacity through the net approximation, and the passenger taxi is convenient, in fact, taxi driver's gain efficiency It is improved, and the current increase in this increase should be more than 30%.

At the same time, we have another data here, that is, the convenience of the tax software has spawned more tax users. We look at the taxi data from the past taxi driver and the taxi data of the taxi + webmark. Half a year, the number of taxis in Hangzhou (including the taxi and mobile phone taxi) increased by 180%.

Of course, we must admit that there is a reason for the fact that the huge benefits of major taxi platforms in the first half of the year.

But when the user is used to the mobile phone, we have reason to believe that a certain growth rate will continue to maintain.

This growth rate will clearly be a taxi and webmark, as long as the taxi can be divided into reasonable proportions, the income will come up.

So the taxi driver is really earning less? Not good, but there is a problem that is really needed, that is, although the empty mileage data is not coming, the average airborne mileage of the taxi is a bit high, so our first thing our tax software is solved by the empty mileage problem.

We launched an independent development of intelligent distribution technologies, our distribution techniques can ensure that the taxi driver is basically within 1 km, while the mileage of the flight for 2 km or more, we will provide air mileage subsidies. .

Within the first year after the popular launch, we have reached an agreement with some cities that will target taxis for long-term tracking, and the revenue of the taxi driver is increased, how much is reduced, and we can see it. "

Meng Qian's pass, on the one hand, in front of the taxi income, on the other hand, in fact, it is also the inside story that will be exposed soon, that is, they are really suppressing taxis. In order to suppress the taxi, they not only reduce the delivery of taxi, but also improve the empty mileage of the taxi, the taxi driver will definitely make money.

Therefore, the taxi driver feels that they have a lot of income after the taxi software, which is very normal, and if there is no interior of the interior, in fact, the income will not be so much low.

But the platform will not be drawn in the taxi, and naturally will have a hand.

The wind group is not ready to make this hand feet, as for the taxi, you can't get the problem, the tray will go to talk to others, people always make you make money, don't know if you want to eat alone, don't know.

When several other platforms take a taxi as a competitor, Meng Qian invites the taxi driver to cooperate together. Let's take meat together.

Moreover, Meng Qiao has left the other companies, because these words are very macked. In fact, he can say it completely. He is not afraid of the old man of these companies, but also the idea of ​​being a leader.

"Second question, no smartphone and users with smartphones but do not want to download taxis app, their taxi becomes more difficult, such as the most old people say online, what should they do?

Similarly, in order to solve this problem, we have built a system and everyone looks at the big screen. "

As Meng Qian's words, the big screen is a city intelligent taxi management system.

"Through this system, we can make a study on historical data and implementation of large data, and how to make a truck demand, the demand for different regions is probably.

After that, we will dispatch 20% of capacity every day to serve these users through the cooperation with the taxi operation company, that is, 20% of taxi every day is not connected to the line, which is the traditional single. Services.

Through our intelligent city system, we can dispatch the 20% taxi according to the taxi conditions of various regions of the city, guiding the driver to the area where it is more likely to pull to the guest.

And how this 20% is, it is not what we have thought of, and it is also calculated by big data, so if more and more people start using app to take a taxi, this number will decrease, if it is increasing The less people use APPs, and this number will rise.

How does the 20% taxi driver come, first, if you don't want to use a taxi software, we will schedule if you are not enough.

And for the taxi driver, these lines are orders that the platform can't take the business you will take, and under the support of big data processing, your empty miles will also decrease, that is, your income will improve.

What we want to tell you is that we want to open, not only just a simple app truck era, but a big data truck era. "

In 2014, because there was a lot of people who tried their happiness, they were very much, and the most fierce in the Internet was that the elderly can't play the car, all over.

But what is the old man who really truly truly? How much is the old man who is really difficult to use a smartphone? If you are young, you have this effort to teach the old man in a teach.

So this is a problem that a benevolent seeing the wise.

And Meng Qian's view is that by 2020, if there is still a person who has not used the car to make a taxi to blame the mobile phone to take a taxi, how much is a bit of thought too old, but in 2014, the mobile phone truck just met when the mobile phone truck is going to go. Using a taxi software, it is indeed a bit of a business in a rogue, and the company can't push what the problem is can't keep up.

So now how much people on the Internet are real, how much is just venting and falling, I really don't know, I can't count, but the wind group did a very "simple and rude" thing, how much is it? Fake, I directly take technology to solve the problem because it does need to have a certain responsibility.

With the continuous spread of smartphones, with the continuous spread of mobile payment, after a few years, everyone will slowly habitually habit.

But Meng Qian is willing to spend this money to spend this mind to protect the transition period of the user.

This heart is not necessarily to be a matter of being, but a company that really will take the company, this is what it should.

Meng Qian started from the two controversies points that were most concerned from the market, so that everyone first saw the attitude of this product.


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