"After reading these two points, let's go back to the product. If you choose to call a taxi through the popularity, you can also choose to call the express train. The express train is to enter our platform, in addition to this, we can Seeing that there is also an option called the car interface called a popular car.

What is a popular car? Let's look at the big screen, the popular car is our self-operated network to travel with BYD and Geely.

Vehicle vehicles from BYD and Geely, and the drivers of the popular car are unified, unified training, unified management, and a department that belongs to our company.

First, there are six models. The first batch of popular vehicles has six models, three from BYD, three from Geely, but this six models have a common point, that is, pure electric. "

Meng Qian showed six models on the big screen. The sound of the discussion from time to time, first of all, these six models look very nice, as the net approach gradually became a profession, more and more people join the network The ranks of the car, but therefore, those who have a full-time opening network will often choose some cheap models, which is also normal cost consideration.

The six models of popular car are priced for about 200,000.

Secondly, in order to promote the development of popular cars, Meng Qian demonstrated a very important topic at the scene: charging pile promotion plan.

One of the many restrictions between electric vehicles are difficult to develop is charging piles, but the charging pile company has not found a suitable profit point. The first batch of charging pile companies have almost no profit, no one wants to lose money. dry.

So Meng Qiao is discussed with BYD and Geely. As the final palette of the major shareholders, BYD and Geely stationed out from the self-built charging pile system, as electric vehicle manufacturers, claim their charging pile construction plan, how much money Loss.

The Great Breeze Group acquired three domestic charging pile companies, and launched the charging pile of the wind group after consolidation.

Then, the three companies did one thing, unified standards.

There are also many factors that are difficult to profit in the previous stage of charging piles. One is that the standard is not unified. Everyone can do everything, some charging piles can not be filled with different models, which greatly wasts charging pile resources.

Nowadays, the wind group will join hands with Biandii to build a unified charging pile standard, and the wind group has been wrapped in this standard system with a strong influence of its own strong influence.

The establishment of standards involved too much interests, this matter also gave so many companies in the beginning of the wind group, because in the Huaxia at this time, you have to do it with the wind group, and you can still Have the opportunity to make a good amount of money.

Moreover, the preemption of charging trapping industry layout needs to continue to invest in large amounts of funds, so the operation of charging piles enter the barrier, there are not many companies that can play, and the development of domestic charging piles is a national lead, real pure company There are not many people who take the lead because they can't afford it.

This is more convenient for Meng Qian to unify the standard, as long as the national level will be treated.

And Meng Qia has done a state for the country, and it has been dedicated to the state. It doesn't have to say, this negotiation capital is still there. After all, the unified standard is a good thing, and I don't want to ask what I don't explain.

Finally, it is to build a charging pile's closed-loop profit model. The profitability of charging pile is mainly charging itself, but many charging piles in the previous period do not have so many people to charge, and from the future historical development, it is important group of charging pile profit. Electric vehicle drivers who open the network.

Now, electric vehicles, electric nets, charging piles, charging pile standards, one closed loop, as long as the charging piles are rampate, don't be too radical, with the development of electricity and electricity, at least than once In the world, there are a lot of development, accelerate the profit of charging piles.

In addition, the Great Breeze Group will cooperate with platform supermarkets such as shopping malls, and add up to the charging pile to reduce the charging piles brought by the error location.

"After reading the car, let's look at the driver, as a popular driver, as the driver we unified to manage unified training, the most careful service.

So when we prepare for the development of the webmark, we will consider what the service needs of this market is what we have seen, we have seen this market, safe.

This security is divided into three aspects.

The first is to drive safety. Recently, we can see the news that the popularity of the webmark is often mentioned in the news. In fact, everyone is clear, there is a paragraph, each taxi driver has a heart. The racing dream, the reaction is a consensus, most taxi drivers are old drivers.

However, because the net approximately threshold is the problem, many drivers who may have just hit the bus are coming out, this is a risk issue.

All the drivers we selected will have a driving technology assessment, pursue the driver's real driving, and comprehensive assessment of the driver's driving safety, that is, the driver of the popular car is equally the old driver.

In addition, there is a point where the webmark driver needs frequent use of mobile phones, which naturally increases the risk of accidents. To this end, all the six models currently equipped with the latest car intelligence system, the driver can directly pass the in-vehicle system And currently all functions can be controlled by speech.

And our popular car belongs to internal management, platform mailing, driver does not have to grab orders, minimize the frequency of use with mobile phones.

Second, the information risk, after all, using the mobile app, our personal information is easy to expose, so we work from two angles, first using virtual numbers, the driver cannot obtain the real number of the user, the same, passengers can not Get the real number of the driver.

If you need to contact follow-up, such as something is pulled in the car, you can choose special contact channels on the app, but you can only call a virtual number, and both sides will never get each other's real numbers through our platform.

For some home addresses, we will remind users not to fill in the specific address information. If it is said that the driver can get down the specific address, we will take the initiative to block the most sensitive information after the order is completed, such as several buildings A few units, the driver can only see which community can be seen when checking the history order.

Third, it is also the most important point, safe.

In recent years, there are more and more tragedy that makes more people began to pay attention to the safety of the car. Many people have also developed the habit of taken the license plate number, especially girls.

In order to protect the safety of passengers, let's take a look at our situation in our car.

All popular cars have four cameras, two of which are used to focus on drivers, a focus on passengers, and an observation global.

Our special car will open normally during the driving process. Whether it is a driver or a passenger, once any dangerous behavior, on the one hand, video can record as evidence, on the other hand, with the one-button alarm button on the passenger phone or One-click alarm button on the driver steering wheel, we can instantly lock the target vehicle.

When our itinerary begins, there will be a one-click alarm option on our app. Our driver's steering wheel is equipped with a key alarm button. Once the driver or passenger makes any dangerous behavior, you can press the button, this When our background security department will quickly cut out the video screen of the current vehicle.

And we have a recording function that avoids some speech threats leading to victims that do not dare to make self-help operations in the car.

Once the danger is confirmed, we will immediately alarm, and help the police quickly travel to implement rescue by tracking the positioning of the vehicle.

In addition, if there is a behavior of the driver cutting off the camera during the vehicle driving, we will lock the target in the first time, quickly master the specific situation, as long as there is any risk, we will choose timely alarm, ensure the safety of the passenger or driver. "

A applause sounded on the spot because this consideration for security is a very good behavior.

"Oh, right, popular express and popular taxi, although we can't install camera in the car, but our app also tracks the function of tracking positioning, one-click alarm, virtual phone, to some extent, to solve security problems." Meng Qian added A sentence, the people at the scene will not be applauded again.

The press conference is basically over, and the webmark car market will also open a new competition.


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