Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 777 Technical Promotion Service

The concept of new retail and new cooperation is very hot in Meng Qian and Ma Yu, but most people's reaction is mainly forced, and I don't understand what is going on.

Just like Dong Mingzhu said that he didn't understand the new retail of Ma Yu, in fact, Meng Qian did not understand it, but this is another time and space, it is not important.

Meng Qian only needs to understand his new retail and new cooperation, let more people understand his thoughts and make it really given this market, not just two concepts that sound tall.

In fact, in fact, Meng Qian proposed a number of new retail proposed by the new retail and Ma Yu, as for new cooperation with Meng Qian, which is completely a new concept.

On August 30, the next two days after the end of the World Internet Conference, the follow-up movement is coming, first, Ali has opened a box of horse supermarket opening activities.

On August 30th, the first box of Mahaya, the country in Hangzhou, the name has a certain change, and the cause of the change is unclear. Meng Qian seems to be mainly due to changes in the content. At this time Ali Compared with the more powerful global source of supply, the box Mahat supermarket is larger than the box, Ma Xiaomi is larger, and the product line is richer.

Ma Yu personally brought the team to the store and live broadcast, showing the market, the box, the horse supermarket is going on.

Hangzhou this box of Maple Supermarkets can be amazing, and the horse is playing while looking while it is, and the introduction of the box Maple Supermarket is output.

This world promotion box horse supermarket, Ali has taken three guarantees, the first is the product guarantee, all the fresh vegetables fruit origin direct supply, the fastest transportation guarantees fresh, the overnight fruits and vegetable bread is handled in time, Ali made products to consumers Quality commitment, if you find a problem, I will find Ali to compensate, and there is also a genuine guarantee, overseas brand traceability and other service support, and ensure that consumers are in peace shopping.

Second, the supplier of the supply of the goods is rich in the world, including popular products from all over the world, choose the price of cheap products, and the boxed Mahara Supermarket declares that they are the most abundant supermarkets that can provide products in China, but Meng Qian and The data mastered by the horse, did not brag.

Third, the distribution is timely, the boxed horse supermarket is no self-construction team, the distribution problem is responsible by the word-of-mouth distribution team, and pushes the first three kilometers in Hangzhou, and if you can't get money, you will be simple.

The last horse of live broadcast showed the goal, Ali wants to start at least 100 boxed horse supermarkets in China in 2014. In 2015, I gradually radiated to more cities and towards the international market.

The next day after the end of the box, the box Maple Supermarket promotion activities began, and the boxed horse supermarket has a separate app. The user can have a lot of discounts on the online app or online app.

The user experience is quickly published online.

"The products of the box, the products are really very comfortable, and the dining area and the casual area are very comfortable. The clerk service attitude is very good, at least the four stars should have no problem."

"If you don't plan to bring things home to buy things in the physical store, you can use the shopping cart. If you want to buy which product directly uses the app to scan the QR code, you can put it in your mobile phone shopping cart, and finally buy the order to send to the home. They will send things to their homes, and they are currently exempt from delivery. Later, I heard that it is full of 100 free shipments. "

"Delivery can choose time this is very human, and very on time, get off work is nothing to buy in the box immediately, and it will be a little more time to start cooking, save a lot of time."

"Said to be half a hour, I have been almost twenty minutes, and the delivery speed is really fast, and the word of mouth is delivered, and there will be no problem in grab the single card time."

The overall comments on the Internet are still very nice. After all, this is 2014, Meng Qian puts a lot of things in advance in the box, but some negative comments are also followed.

"Isn't it the supermarket + takeaway, let the supermarket take-out platforms are not this effect? ​​Do this also face innovation?"

"It feels nothing more than the supermarket, and there are more things, it is not a special."

"The propaganda is very vast, the result is such a thing ... can only say that the concept is greater than the result."

"I see the wind group and Ali is simply trying to enter the traditional retail industry and put the online line to eat. New retail is just an excuse ..."

The controversy makes the new retail topic hot, at this time, the turn will go to Meng Qian.

It is also a sentence, the new retail of the horse is a little Meng Qian, but his new retail is that he is very clear.

On September 8, at the routine autumn product launch of the Great Breeze Group, Meng Qian responded to the online issue.

"I noticed that some users seem to have many questions about the newly retail Pioneer Hippo Supermarket.

And this question is actually involved in the technology provided by our strength, so I want to talk about this matter today.

I am here to give you an example. In 2012, Wal-Mart spent 10 billion yuan to find a set of systems, which caused a very large public opinion riot in Mi Dome.

The rice people think they have Microsoft, IBM, Wal-Mart actually chose us to do the system is a shame.

So after our system is completed, Wal-Mart is a big time, because when the user went to Wal-Mart, I didn't think there was something different. They thought Wal-Mart was cheated.

But a year later, Wal-Mart used performance, and their a year of performance exceeded 30%.

Why is this this? It is because it has now reached a technology to promote service, no longer in the past, the restaurant waiter's attitude is very poor, and now the waiter attitude has become a wait-based service change.

Behind the situation of technical promotion is often the investment in major funds, the intuitive feelings of consumers are not obvious, but it is undeniable that technology has been optimized for details.

Also given an example, as an open secret, everyone knows that most people can use the most comfortable posture in the supermarket and enough products that are often profitable products.

Those who need you need you to look at your foot tip or kneel down the body, the general profits are not too high.

This is obviously not a good thing for consumers, because many times we have not bought a higher cost-effective product.

At the beginning, the system we did to Wal-Mart addressed this problem, users can see and enough products with the most comfortable posture, no longer the highest profit of products, but the highest acceptance of users.

The placement of the goods from single-piece profit, it turns into user preferences, and preferences have promoted sales, and final results show that Wal-Mart can make more, this is a good win-win end for users, and the loss is Those high-profit products, but if they are not afraid of sinners, the low-cost product is lacking competitive.

Our system is now in the country's many famous business super companies, but if I don't say it today, how many people feel this change?

The technical investment behind Hippo has exceeded 20 billion, which is still not a solid-technical direct transplant, so Hippo is a simple supermarket + takeaway, I personally can't accept this statement. "

Meng Qian has made a statement as an entrance to the online dispute point, and then the topic has introduced the topic.

"About the technology behind the box horse supermarket, I can give you another way.

For example, there is a large closed area on the edge of the hippocampus. I see many people on the Internet are curious. In fact, the world's first commercial ultra-smart sorting package system.

According to the system prompts, put a certain amount of goods in the entrance, the order is coming, this smart sorting package system can be fully automated by scanning QR code.

This system greatly enhances efficiency and better guarantees 30 minutes to commit.

For example, in our auxiliary strategy system, you can help business super evaluation start discounts every day, which products need to be discounted, how much discount is, and whether it can push specific promotions according to the inventory inventory inventory, this system Not only let the buyers and sellers have achieved greater benefits, but also to minimize the waste of food.

We even say the most direct app itself, the interface design, classification design, response speed, and intelligent recommendation such as the Mahara Supermarket app, the functions such as the horses supermarket app itself.

Such a big supermarket, thousands of products, we can recommend this designed to save a lot of invalid purchase time.

This is whether it is a service? This is what technical investment is required? "

Meng Qian is in this point, let everyone think, let everyone discuss, then, Meng Qian is the main course of the speech today, "And today I want to tell everyone, all the technologies are serving Hippo Supermarket service But not only for Hippo Supermarket.

This is another hot topic on the Internet, what is new in the new cooperation. "


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