Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 778 Cooperation Platform

"Today I will pass the new retail to everyone in detail, what is the new cooperation is going on.

We are divided into two perspectives to see this problem, namely the technical user and technology provider.

What is the technology usage, Hippo supermarket is the technology usage, Hippo Supermarket uses intelligent logistics technology, intelligent distribution technology, user intelligent analysis and other column techniques.

Enterprises or groups of these technologies, such as our wind group, is the technical provider, this is very well understood.

Therefore, the foundation of new cooperation is to build a technology pool and modularize the technology pool. "

Meng Qian said, a picture appeared on the big screen, on this figure, all the techniques covered by the setting layer content layer and the operating layer related to the new retail are shown above, and more than Meng Qiao last time with Ma Yun It is more meticulous.

If refined to the minimum module, you can separate thousands of technologies.

"Why do you have to modify technology, I have given answers with Ma Yu, because our real goal is to provide services to SMEs. If the emergence of new retail is specially paved with big companies like Ali, then Such techniques are at least I am not happy to come here to do propaganda.

Our technology is most impressed by me, because he can really help more SMEs.

After we will make all technology modularities, we have the opportunity to look for technologies related to new retail, and to purchase their own technology according to their own enterprises, and to enhance their business benefits.

For example, you may be a small supermarket, you don't have much money to invest, but you want to do online membership marketing, you want to try the big data analysis of users in big data stores, you can find a corresponding technology here. stand by.

And we don't limit our gaze by Hippo, our platform can not only serve retail business, but his service object includes the entire new retail ecology. For example, you are logistics, you can also get related technologies on the platform to improve Your logistics efficiency.

For example, you are finance, you can also get the technology you use here, enhance your financial service level.

Maybe some people will say, then you are like SaaS service, like it is like, you will understand that everyone will understand today that this platform has a biggest difference with the SaaS service, that is, the platform is absolutely two-way docking. "

Meng Qian said this, the content changed on the big screen, "The so-called two-way docking is open to the technical support of this platform is open. The technology on this platform is not provided by our strong wind group or we with our partner.

All technologies on this platform come from everyone.

For example, you are a third-party payment technology, you can put your technology, as long as your technology is good, everyone will choose you to support their sales behavior as a third-party payment platform.

At this time, some people should have noticed a thing. I have said that traditional logistics companies can improve their logistics level through platform technology, and when your logistics level is improved, you can act as a logistics technology provider Platform for sale on your logistics service.

Similarly, through the technical improved financial services on the platform, you can put it on the platform to serve more companies.

This is the internal circulation system of the new cooperative platform.

In this field of new retail, this intra-cycle system can help the entire new retail related technologies and retail industry to develop together, achieving a mutually promoted role, ultimately winning the cooperation of cooperation competition in our organization.

It is like the recent many people say that the emergence of e-commerce has made channels to become interesting, and the emergence of new cooperation will definitely be great to the impact of traditional supply chains.

But now, from the global look at this platform, traditional supply chain companies have traditional resources, if they can get the corresponding technologies from our platform, you can completely remove bones, not only will not be eliminated, you will develop more it is good. "

There is a sound that cannot be suppressed under the stage, and the live platform is a review of the brush screen, Meng Qian's new cooperation refreshes everyone's awareness of the development model of the whole industry.

It turns out that an industry can still develop this, but the questioning question is inevitably.

And Meng Qian took the initiative to mention a thing on the stage. "I believe that this platform will take a little time to digest. At the same time, I also believe that everyone will question, so many companies can be on their own Technology seems to be mixed with tiger dragons, so how to ensure the safety of the company.

This is involved in three things. The first thing is the personal credit and enterprise credit system we started earlier, and the historical credit system is the first level of screening.

The second thing is to establish a perfect review mechanism. The core of this review mechanism is rules and standards. Just like Yunzhi Line Standards Association members must sign the user's privacy protection agreement. You don't sign, you can't enter, you violate the agreement, then It is necessary to pay a painful price.

The third is to establish a safety protection system. The first two work is good, and there is always negligence, but all the technologies in new cooperation are based on the Internet, so our powerful security firewall can be used. "

Meng Qian deliberately encompassed the Global Yunzhion 's Standards Association, because there is a strong suggestion for users and the market. The Global Yunzhuan Standards Association has developed for so many years. It has proved that the wind group will lead such a global association's management capabilities. There is such a case, everyone is more willing to believe that the wind group can operate the new cooperation platform.

Otherwise, everyone dares to believe, this is the social trust of the company, is an extremely valuable wealth, which is also such a platform. If Meng Qian is going to do ten years ago, even if there is a black technology system to help him get the technology, others Will not take care of him.

"Finally, let's take a look at another section of the new cooperation platform, share the section, I said at the Internet conference, I miss the shared mutual assistance, the platform we create is shared.

In the most common supermarket, every supermarket is actually an individual, is different, but all supermarkets will have a common point. This common point will not make a supermarket amazing, but you can make more The supermarket becomes more than enough.

We are not mandatory, and we have no rights to force, but all companies that are willing to share information can get all the conclusions given after the information processing.

If you choose to share or close, there will be what different results are all between everyone. "

Meng Qian said a lot, the market also spent some time to understand, and finally, everyone will understand, this matter is simple, the wind group seems to have not intended to compete with other companies in the segment, whether it is logistics, payment These areas of finance, services, and wind groups are involved, and companies who do these areas are competitors.

But at this time, the big wind group is obviously not competitive, but to be a large-scale platform, the wind group can take the best technology to authorize you, the same, any rules of the rules in any related fields Ok, you can authorize your technology on this platform.

In this way, all companies entering this platform can receive technical authorization fees through their own technology, or to buy their own technical licensing.

For all companies on the entire platform, through such an open but paying large platform, you can make your company further, everyone is like this competition in the mountain, the wind group has opened the cable car for everyone, now everyone can Paying on the cable car together to compete with higher places.

And Meng Qian can be obtained, first as the current core technology provider, this cable car fee he can charge a half, secondly, the wind group is the construction operator of this cable car, if the wind group does not point, you can no longer Let you go to the cable, then you have to climb up when others go up.

The wind group can also control the daily shifts of the cable car, carrying passengers, and even shut down the cable car, which is that the platform will get something, which is much more important than earning the technical authority.

When other companies still think of competition in their respective fields, the wind group has gone to the cable car.

This is a new cooperation.

This is the pattern of Meng Qian.


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