Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 779, Liangliang Coin

The launch of the new cooperation platform has no unexpectedly, the market is highly concerned.

As a new platform, the problem is definitely, such as the beginning of the technical provider, mainly is the wind group and several well-known enterprises, need to slowly cultivate this platform ecology.

Secondly, netizens have also found that the new cooperation platform can help SMEs, but for personal help, there is almost no, you want to enjoy the benefits of new cooperation platforms, first at least a company, this is the original e-commerce Almost anyone can enter the way, the incoming cost is higher.

There are also some technologies to introduce operations, such as a supermarket to do a set of data analysis systems, have someone to go door-to-door, special customization, not to use the direct buying system can be used, although the follow-up may make powerful Generic version.

But this is also something that there is no way, it can be done such a technical modification, and it has to be simple and will be unified, so that the basic rules of the retail industry will be unified, so that the global supermarket is fully unified, this Not kidding, Meng Qian really can't imagine that you can resist it.

Although there are many problems, they are not covered. In 2014, it is the feast of the Chinese Internet. Meng Qian is waiting for a month. The platform has been a lot more than just released.

There is the fastest enterprise in capital, such as Jingdong launched Jingdong supermarket plan before the National Day, and started the first Jingdong supermarket with the box, the first Jingdong supermarket, and the Jingdong self-proclaimed team to establish Jingdong supermarket distribution team to reputation Takeaway competition, this team is affiliated to Jingdong Logistics.

Compared to the hungry and US group distribution, this world, the wind group and Jingdong will enter the market and adopt the model of the self-operated team.

By the end, the wind group is more than the model of Jingdong or hungry, and the model of the US group is more winning, and the time will give an answer.

But Jingdong pays a little positive in the third party.

Instead, Ali, the founder logistics established in 2013 is rapidly layout with this platform, completed the first round of financing in advance, and the valuation exceeds 50 billion.

Looking at SMEs, the outbreak of the vertical APP has begun, specializing in clothing, specializing in maternal and child, specializing in sports, more and more vertical APPs appear, one who is watching the wave has come.

In fact, the outbreak of the vertical app was originally started, but only through this platform, the outbreak is somewhat different.

There is a Z-Yan APP development company in Hangzhou is meeting.

"In fact, the technical licensing costs above this platform are not very cheap."

"I remember about this matter Meng Qian mentioned in an interview. He said that he would not deliberately reduce the cost of technical authorization, because he never encourages the thoughts that are not bought, even if you buy it from him .

However, many small businesses do have no capital to go to large-scale research and development, so he hopes that the technology authorization is to help small companies have spent the preliminary difficulties. After the size of the enterprise is big, he will more hope that all enterprises can develop independently.

This is actually consistent with his concept of internal circulation. After obtaining technology on the platform, Meng Qian hopes that everyone can further, then become the technical authorization party, push each other. "

"I have to say that Meng Qian is really not at one level, but this platform is really helpful."

"Well, the application of recently intelligent intelligence is getting deeper in the beauty camera, our own R & D team can't keep up with this technology, and now you can purchase technical licensing from the platform, help us first do your product first. "

"It seems that everyone has no opinion, then it is fixed, go to the platform to buy technology."

"Oh, yes, enter this platform has a requirement, you want to get technology from the new cooperative platform, you must strictly abide by the platform, such as can't infringe user privacy, if you do the app, then sell user information, then the company founder It is necessary to do it in the circle in the circle. "

"This doesn't matter, anyway, we have not planned to make money by selling user information."

Also in Hangzhou, another company who makes K Yan App is also meeting.

"I have confirmed that I want to sign a privacy agreement with the technique to use the new cooperative platform. If this way, the app is unlikely to use user information to make money.

Even if you want to use traffic to change financing, you will become more difficult, this platform actually has supervision on data. "

"This Meng Qian's hand is too long! One day to the late runtime rules, the country does not have a rule of the company, and his rules!

I am curious, how do he supervise? What qualification is there? Is it true that it is true for his agreement? "

"We have learned that this new partner platform is directly supervised by the government, including Meng Qiao's personal credit and corporate credit information system began in a few years ago, and it is also built under the management of the government.

In other words, if we ... if there is a business illegal agreement, depending on the seriousness of the situation, it is possible to cause the government to lower.

Including privacy leaks, now there is already clear laws, reaching a certain standard is to be responsible. "

"This Meng Qian! I broke how many people's financial roads, I will have a retribution sooner or later!"

"Good in the wind group can only reach it into the ecology of his own, as long as we don't have to use their technology, there is no matter what it breaks."

"How is market research?"

"Now is a time to show personal, this year INS's users directly exceeded the twitter, friends circle, and wind circles, everywhere is a stage of personal display.

At this time, it is absolutely available. "

"Before Lao Li is not saying, do you have a rebate app faster?"

"But doing beauty app can get the user's face information, this year, it is very clear that major technology companies are in force of facial recognition technology.

The face payment of the wind group is now more and more hot, and the face data is definitely more money than ordinary user data.

Moreover, users who rebate App will say that the truth does not have any vertical, the user tag is very dispersed, it is difficult to experience value, but the beauty app can better understand the user's situation and classify the user. "

"Okay, then do it."


At the beginning of October, the two software has been put on the rack, and two of the recent big outbreaks, in this big wave, there seems to be no attention to them, but they will pay attention to themselves.

After half a month, Z Yan APP's downloads quickly broke through 1 million, and K Yan APP's downloads did not even break through a thousand points.

"Why?" The founder of K Yan could not understand this result, and they did not pay less in operation.

The Operation Director has a heavy half, and we have ignored one thing. "

"whats the matter?"

K Yan's Operations Director opens Hongmeng Mall and Vientiane Mall, and the z looks in two apps. "This is the privacy agreement, in Hongmeng and Vientiane mobile phone, the APP signing the privacy agreement will only This logo.

And this logo, now represents an app on the privacy of users ... "

"Meng Qian is a bit overbearing!" K Yan Chuang was angry, "Don't you say open? Don't you say cooperation Win-Win? Is this TM not forced us to enter his platform?"

"Signing the Privacy Agreement is not to enter the platform ... Any company can sign or not, but the sign is not signed, it will affect this logo."

"This Meng Qian ... Why is he so attached to the user's privacy, why !!!"


Yes, Meng Qian is very persistent to the user privacy.

According to the previous history, the 2015 app privacy leaks broke out. From then, the app privacy leak almost became a very passive "consensus". Everyone will run self-ridicuing. There is any privacy in this year.

More importantly, those APPs that do not respect the privacy of users are basically the app to circle money, and a lot of industry development resources are watched.

Z Yan and K Yan are like countless APPs in this stage of development of a microcosm, some serious technology wants to put the app, some only think about traffic and user information circle.

In the past, because of the collapse of the 2015 large environment, there are many companies that have a good app, and they are dragged down the water, but it is some circle to get the money to eat.

In this world, because Meng Qiao's privacy supervision of the user, the loop is difficult to develop opportunities.

The new cooperation platform has contributed to the birth of a large number of high-quality APPs, and Meng Qian has to do it.


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