Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 781 forced out the mass cooperation

The so-called IT Alliance IT Alliance is a statement that the Mirand media is a statement, which is more embodied in a new era of a real-world cooperation in a rice country.

In the next month, a series of movements of the Michara Technology Enterprise have caused global attention.

First, Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft took the lead in establishing a cloud computing research institute, the main development of cloud computing.

A few days later, Apple and Microsoft Intel took the lead in building a five-year plan for mobile intelligence, and prepared to jointly promote the development of mobile intelligence equipment.

Then, Google has proposed the artificial intelligent strategic cooperation plan with IBM, pulling more than 30 artificial intelligent companies in Miki to build artificial intelligence promotion projects.

The next message is virtual reality, Microsoft leads to build a virtual reality development plan for rice countries, and ten companies will cost 10 billion meters to promote the development of virtual reality in the next five years.

The last message is Intel, IBM, and AMD will work together to jointly promote the development of the chip in this era.

The message is then one after another, which is clearly the result of a long-term communication.

And these news came out together, it did give a big shock to the market.

More and more media begins to write this matter.

"The series of actions in the rice enterprise have gradually begun to gradually begin to the global science and technology industry to slope to the wind group, and the rice country must be realized. Miki wants to maintain its own technology hegemony."

"Compared to the Great Breeze Group, the rice country has taken a subcontracting system, a group of technological giants encircle a wind group, which is not only given to the wind group, but also gives the whole industry.

If the wind group at this time is already strong enough to fight Microsoft Intel and other companies, do you have the ability to fight against the entire rice technology company?

This, the market is obviously skeptical, and therefore, we can see that the change in market emotions is very straightforward. Some people just went to the wind group to return to the side of Migi Technology, and some people start to choose to wait and see. Waiting for the results of the competition between the two sides. "

"When the rice technology company is determined, the world will once again see the real focus, the battle of Mi Ni Sai Diamers or staged in the new era, whether the wind group has the ability to maintain its own status needs to be hit a big question mark."

Public opinion starts to ferment, while the alliance of the Rice is the first thing, the first thing is to pull people.

In fact, if the wind group is only technically good, the rice company will not go to the alliance of such a big Zhangqi, even if it is necessary to cooperate, it can be finalized privately, but the helpless Meng Qian has been engaged in various alliances of various organizations, more embarrassing is Meng Qian. Now starting standards in the future of several core technologies, this is no longer a pure technology.

Meng Qian has utilized the advantage of the prophet, turning the technological prophet into an ecological focal gas. The company has to high-profile alliance. You don't work, you can play a technology, even if the technology leads to the wind group, there is no ecology in your hand. White, just like China's some techniques can really make it, but no ecology can only choose a corner overtaking to raise a degree of magnitude, this future, the company still looks clear.

In the global cooperation, it is not possible to low-key, and Mi country must have a big wind group as clearly put the platform, and let things clearly, everyone can go to you.

And even if the technology itself is considered, the wind group is also different from Huawei. The core of Huawei is communication, and the communication is not the strength of the rice country, but there is a high pass.

However, there are too many industries involved in the wind group, and it directly impacts several major pillars in the rice country, and the influence is completely different.

For Microsoft Intel IBM, Huawei moved 5G cake, but Huawei made them earned money. In fact, they did not have a strong anti-Huawei emotion, even if they made them earn money, they can speak to Hua as speech.

The wind group is not the same, the wind group puts the core enterprise cake of the rice country, which will inevitably trigger the collective anger of the rice technology enterprise.

For the company, the competition for the company will use technology and market to suppress the opponent. Enterprises cannot use some very overbearing means. The company cannot make a mortgage to regard a country's law as their own tool.

Two companies are to tell the interests, although they want to fight the wind group, but have to admit that the wind group is pressing the wind group to damage their interests.

Therefore, this large-scale cooperation in the country is, it is, it is forced by Meng Qian.

At the beginning of December, Pingjing Yifu went to Meng Qian, "" After the few days, Microsoft Intel IBM contacted me, I hope I can join their alliance. "

"What is their current pressure?"

"I can only say that Miki Enterprises have now been prepared for the team.

Globalization has developed to the end, can only have a big standard ... "Pingjing is in a state of mind, but Meng Qian can understand what he meant.

"What do you have now?"

The phone is silent for a while, "Sony has worked with the wind group for more than ten years. We don't want this cooperation to break, but the development of the wind group still has come to this step.

Perhaps, Mr. Meng is most important to do now. "

Meng Qian calmly, "I can only say that we will never choose a shameful compromise, the wind group may die, but it must be war."

The phone of the phone said, "I know Mr. Meng will have such an attitude. I believe that our cooperation with the wind group will continue. As the CEO of Sony, I will always stand in Sony's position. "

This sentence of Pingjing, gave Meng Qian's attitude, and stayed again, let Meng Qian can't pick it up, but it is also a reminder to Meng Qian, and cooperates for so many years of Sony will be due to the action of the company. And swing, let alone other companies.

The next day, Olila's phone is coming, "Europe this is very large, and the high-rise in the rice country is in Europe."

"What is the specific situation?"

"Now more is a worrying emotion. In these two years, the new globalization you put forward is actually getting more popular in Europe. I have never entering the company. Someone talked to me.

To a certain extent, European companies understand their situation, and everyone does not want to see a technological pattern that is monopolized by the rice country.

However, if the company must shot down, more European companies can consider the space when the forced station team is not so big.

After all, although the Great Breeze Group has developed very quickly in Europe, the foundation of the cooperation is not as good as the company, and the Omi's allies are afraid of being strong, and at least the most basic interest community guarantee.

We have a certain problem basis with the company company, so, from the point of cost angle and risk, now, the big wind group is clearly not wise. "

"Is the Migi Government come out?" Meng Qian asked.

"I think the answer is yes, and they will use a relative 'euphemistic" way to pass by. "

"It is indeed this stage of this stage." Meng Qian is almost there.

At this time, neon is slightly neutralized, and the European probably anti-water, and the Gao Lizhong is a hurry.

Samsung high-profile announced that he entered multiple projects initiated by the rice country, and the behavior of the rice seems to be a Samsung's life-saving straw, and the Samsung is now fighting to grab this life-saving straw.

In the middle and late December, the movements of the company companies have become more frequent, and more and more news have passed to the country, and the domestic public opinion is also triggered.

I have been in the black wind group, I will be happy, I can't wait to laugh in the computer before the computer.

However, these people have a button, but it is unfortunate that Meng Qian will not go to these bored things. They have spent the time to fight someone to brush some feelings, and those who are shackled by them are often busy. Effort.

On December 25, Meng Qian made the market for a while, and finally held a high-level meeting of the company.


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