Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 782 Broken Window

"Seeing the recent practices of the company in the country, I don't know what you feel?" Meng Qian threw a problem.

Everyone's answer is basically hard to go, there is a confidence, Meng Qian is asked, "Does anyone feel very happy?"

Everyone hesitated and did not give a response. Meng Qian smiled. "I feel particularly happy now."

Everyone asked Meng Qian with her eyes: why.

"I will help you recall one thing. In 2012, Iran was killed by the economic sanctions in Miki, which was kicked out of the international currency settlement system, making Iran into an economic crisis." Meng Qian said that this will pause it. .

At this time, I still see the expression of everyone, some people's expression can actually understand, "Under such a deadlock, Iran did one thing, invite Huaxia to use soft girl to purchase crude oil.

This matter triggered the vibration of the financial session, the relationship between rice and crude oil, everyone is very clear, do not need to buy crude oil in Miyuan is provocative rice hegemony.

In order to maintain rice hegemony, Miki can say that it is expressing that anyone dares to move the odd power, there will be no good fruit to eat, but we still use soft girls to buy, the reason is very simple, stand in the angle of the morality Say, this is nothing wrong.

Therefore, the world fell on the body of the country, see how the rice is ready to move China, and even European analysts say that the country has to hit.

However, the final result is that Miguo has ended.

Since then, the world suddenly understands. It turns out that Miyuan is movable, and the country does not hit, and in 2012, most developed countries still feel that our Huaxia is very weak, but the economy is large. One, think that we are not in one level with the country, think that rice is not difficult to eat.

And what happened to the next two years? "

"More countries in the Middle East began to seek currency settlements other than Miyuan, after Iran, Saudi public invites Huaxia to use soft girls to buy crude oil.

At the same time, the EU is also ready to move, making a posture for preparing to settle crude oil with the euro. "Xiao Boked answered Meng Qian's question.

"Yes, here we can use a less appropriate metaphor, there is a concept of criminal learning called broken window theory, meaning that the incomprehension of the environment If the presence of the presence, it will induce more people's follow-up, and even become more compensation.

Just like a house has a breakfast, there will be more people to destroy more windows, and even they will break into it and start some further criminal behavior.

For Miyuan Hegemony, non-Miyuan purchased crude oil is the first break window, and two years have passed, and there is no one in the world to repair this window, and there will be more people who want to go to the glass. . "

"So, we ..." Xiao Bo thought I thought I still didn't say it, and I would like to say that Meng Qian is said.

"Yes, buy crude oil is the first break window of Miyuan hegemony, and the wind group is the first break window of Miki Technology hegemony.

In fact, many people in the years are concerned about the impact of our science and technology, and the tribute is the jungle law, that is, the tall rice scientific trees will continue to press the scientific small saplings and do not give them a chance.

This is also why we have to stick to the light, because in the jungle law, you will weaken the more weakened, the weaker you are smaller, the more the big tree is more convenient to take your light, the easier it is to take your nutrient.

So in the jungle rule, it is still a small saplus. It is a self-linked road.

However, there will be a split point in this branch, and this border is standing in the perspective of the jungle. It is already high to see, and those big trees can't rely on their own tall to grab your sunshine and nutrients. .

In the reality, we moved the system in the technology industry, moving the chip, moving 4G, moving the underlying safety, moving the underlying standard and began to establish a variety of standard ecology belonging to us.

As the day of the big wind unicorn, Microsoft Intel almost didn't endure our.

Many people always love when they have not arrived at high-profile, and continue to be low-profile, they always feel that they are really like Rice, otherwise it is low.

On the one hand, it is completely a scorpion of the rice, you all have a bunch of saplings and even almost high. He can you still see you, it's not as good as him as you like. The high speech can be seen, then he is much more.

It is also said that he will let you develop as high as you compete with him, and people are not a mental disappearance in the film and television drama.

On the other hand, there is no problem with globalization. This is a globalization of globalization. Of course we can raise the , then in China, slowly build your internal ecology, but in this globalization This is unrealistic to get out of globalization.

And the node of this odorant, there is still another layer of significance, that is, the node of the broken window, when this node appears, the highest tree begins to take the initiative, on the one hand, your broken window is completely determined. On the other hand, all trees in the jungle will pay attention to you.

If you are killed, then other trees will become more fearful, don't take their heads, but if you are not killed, then there will be more and more saplings to follow your footsteps and go bravely grow.

So at this moment, we are the dessert window, but the country can fix this window, which is the deep meaning representative of the end of the next confrontation.

And, I have been waiting for the day, there are too many people in this world, they talk to beige change, think that rice is unable to surpass, in other areas, I don't know, but In the field of technology, I have to do that can't repair the window.

I am willing to do this test product for the entire jungle, let the whole jungle see that this broken window will not be repaired, let the whole jungle see that the so-called jungle king, there are a few pounds, in the end What kind of thing can be made.

Perhaps the king of the jungle in their hearts will not let them down, and maybe, will let them down again.

But at least I believe that I have smashed this window today, and I'm smashed.

This is also the reason I am happy, I have talked for nearly 15 years, I finally can completely put it up! "

The conference room is shocked by a powerful confidence and desire of Meng Qian, "So ... Meng Chuan is prepared?"

"I used to do a lot of things when I did a lot of things. Since people have already high-profile, since we have not continued to keep the opportunity, let's let go.

I gathered you here today, I want to tell you this attitude, I also hope that every company decisions I have seen will be clear that we have changed.

The great wind group is more like a leader, leading the development of domestic technology companies, and even the development of the global technology company, our existence, can help more technology companies have better development opportunities, and let this world enjoy this world Better scientific and technological achievements.

Now, the wind group will take another identity, a broken window that eliminates fear.

If we take a few years, we can resist everything and live well, then the world's fear of rice technology hegemony will disappear.

At that time, more technologies will become more brave, maybe in the near future, we can see technology hegemony forming window effects.

The global science and technology pattern will be completely rewritten! "


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