Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 783 Zhang Hangcheng Pizza Hut

Public opinion first, always is Meng Qian very much like.

At the beginning of the new year, more and more movements in the company, but the market's public opinion began to have a magical change.

"I used to always think that the wind group is a better fraud company made by a marketing. I didn't expect that the company's company actually cooperated to fight the wind group. It seems that the wind group is a true bull, it should go well to understand this company."

"Who is the first to let the rice technology enterprises to fight hands? It's totally impressed, the wind group is the first? This company has more burning."

"Intel AMD cooperation did not expect it. It seems that this year can consider the big wind semiconductor chip, there is no absolute pressure to them, they are impossible to cooperate, I estimate that the wind semiconductor is eight nine-nine nine-year The 10nm chip is out, the market really has to become. "

"I heard that the country has officials to go to Europe to ask some European countries to cooperate with the wind group. What is the extent of this company?"

"I have always thought that the wind group is a mobile phone. Today, I understand that the wind group has so many industries are the world's top, this is the real technology hegemony."

"With the wind group, I feel that Microsoft is like a brother. I have never realized that the wind group is so cow."

"14 years, the wind group is just a 14-year company, if the wind group will become 14 years?"


When the company cooperates to fight the wind group, this kind of setting will inevitably appear, but it is still that they have no way, they don't cooperate, there is no way to play the practice of Manda to play the practice of the allies.

Meng Qian did, that is, the maximum degree of voice is the whole world. Now the whole world has opened a new idea under this sound. The wind group has more cattle, which has become a talker after tea.

From the enterprise, the ride of this public opinion directly affects the attitude of SMEs. For large companies, the frontal confrontation of the two sides is very embarrassing. Instead, it is not enough to participate in the war. More follow-in, choose the product that is more favorable to yourself.

Now in their view, the United Nations companies fight against the wind groups are the best affirmation of the quality and technical level of the wind group.

Everything is on this, and the company has no possibility of retreat, in mid-January, a thick crime is posing in front of the media.

The scene is still coming.

Huaxia Technology, including the wind group, was posted on the name of the thief, especially the wind group.

"The development of Huaxia Science and Technology is obtained by stealing." The media of Mi Dang began to shape the image of Huaxia Technology Enterprises, and a large number of history began to be tampered.

As I once, I have released an industrial relationship. On the industry relationship, Huawei is less than 1% of the relationship between China, and the influence of Huawei is less influential in the communications industry.

However, after ten years, when Huawei began to be strong, Mi State began to shape the image of Huawei's thief, and the Northern Electric Bankruptcy history, Miki and Canadian media unified dialators were Huawei's technical stealing of Nortel, which Regardless of the Northern Power, the Canadian Canada is directly condemned to the Northern Electricity.

This treatment now falls on the body of the wind group.

In rice, the bankruptcy of more than ten enterprises has depends on the head of the wind group, Oracle, Cisco, etc., there is also a very tragic company that is acquired or mixed, and is also to accuse the wind group to steal the technology, the hats of the thief. The buckle is on the head of the wind group.

"It is the technical stealing of the Great Breeze Group leads to the indulgence of large numbers companies. It is even more sadly the law at the time that the law did not retrospective, but history could not be forgotten. We need a wind group to be responsible for his thief."

"The wind group steals our technology, stealing our talents, stealing our job position, stealing everything, we must let the wind group pay for the price."

The thief is deadly dead by the rice media, and the wind group at this time is quickly smashed into a dog.

It is tightly followed, 12 of Intel, Microsoft, Cisco, Amazon, Google and other 12 Mi-Tech Enterprises have sued a large patent infringement of the wind group, and the thief is ready to apply a limit to the wind group.

The mutual infringement of technology companies is normal until there is something that is no longer normal. Some of this is true infringement. Some is the technical minority. It will eventually be a violation of the law.

On January 20th, a hundred teams of New York Airport have attracted many passers-by, and more than one person wearing a suit, standard Huaxia face, because of the dissemination of a powerful gas field, not seeing people in two meters, Also on the Trip Search of the rice country.

Many rice people are talking about what martial arts team in Huaxia, until someone recognizes their true identity.

Hangzhou will win.

If you ask the Great Wind Group's staff, whoever told, many people will answer is Meng Qian, more the first reactor is the Great Wind Group Legal Department.

The Great Wind Group Legal Department has more than 1,800, one of the largest people in the Global Legal Department.

In the wind group, almost all things hooked with the contract must be nodded. For example, Meng Qian said that he should cooperate with a company. The Legal Department feels that cooperation with this company will cause some legal disputes, the Legal Department can choose to refuse, And Meng Qian has to listen to this time.

Because this right is that Meng Qian gives the legal department, because from the beginning, the establishment of the Legal Department, Meng Qian, is rushing to compete globally.

This requires the legal department of the Great Wind Group to other countries, especially the legal research of the rice country, the core of the Great Wind Group Legal, is to ensure that the company does not leave legal loans in the international development process, and have to face it. Legal disputes can cope with legal issues.

In particular, in order to cope with the long arm of rice, the role of the Legal Department is critical. If there is no powerful legal department to ensure the guarantee, the rice country can be very easy to find various laws of the volume of the wind group. The problem can play the wind group to die.

It is also because Meng Qiao's high attention and high authorization of the Ministry of Legal, not only have quantity, more quality, Meng Qian, not to dig the world's top legal personnel, as long as it is talent, wind group You can give three to five times the salary of the Momius law firm, which is no longer there.

With such a powerful legal department, he finally established the name of the Great Breeze Group's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The team leads to the country, is the founder of the Kyoto Law Firm, and after being invited by Meng Qian, Tian Wen, who came to the wind group.

Tian Wencheng met with Sun Qicheng in the first time after the country, "Sun, we come this time, it is not prepared to take any retreat."

"Meng has said that his thoughts have been told me." Sun Qicheng took the shoulders of the field of the Wenchang to indicate that he directly entered the house.

At this time, in the house, a batch of lawyers were separated.

Sun Qicheng promised to help Meng Qian in the rice team to train a lawyer team. After so many years, it has gradually established a team that has influenced in rice state, including this world Bao Bank's lawsuit, is the lawyer team established in Mi .

The advantages of the Millennoli team team are very obvious. They have more understanding of the situation in the local situation, and more actual experience, and the two sides have quickly started to communicate the next countermeasures.


The Turduct Hot Search also passed to the country, cooperated with the Mi Dog Media to start to buckle the thief hat, and domestic netizens also lively.

The B station directly out of a netizen editor's "Hangzhou Pizza" short film, and the people who read the blood and quickly hosted.

The Great Breenery Group's Legal Department also forwarded this video, and it was said: Hangzhou will win the victory, it is not worth it.


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