Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 785 Direct Products

Meng Qian's strong, soon it is spread in Silicon Valley. Wicks is in such a dilemma. It must be told with Intel. This thing is indeed highly attached, and the Asak lightning machine is a problem. It's meant to be in Intel heart.

But some things are not Intelle to get it.

On February 18th, Huaxia's New Year's Eve, Hangzhou will win a good news, the court confirmed the behavior of Asa, and sentenced to the Great Breeze Group compensated 2 billion meters, and changed patent technology or obtained The production and sale of the lighting machine before the high wind group patent is authorized.

This is to be placed in other companies, and Asa, then pay the money and then buy patent licensing, it is the problem that now Meng Qian is not happy to provide technical authority.

Wicks once again contacted Meng Qian, but Meng Qian is still the same attitude, we can authorize, we can even cooperate, but the premise is that you have to enter my rule.

Seeing that the situation is deadlocked, after seven days, Huaxia Spring Festival is just over, the EU suddenly jumped out, the EU is preparing to investigate the wind group, the reason is that monopoly.

In fact, many people are curious about Asa, why don't Huaxia don't go to the Aasley, first of all, Asah has a concept, that is, the Asa lightning machine is only a monopoly on high-end lightning machine. The status, but there is no monopoly in the photolithography market, the EU is investigated, and finally, the conclusion said that there is no monopoly on the momentary moment.

Secondly, because it is necessary to develop the semiconductor at all inseparable from the high-end momentary, no country dare to talk about the Asample, who comes to Astrol, and later Astoo will not provide you with high-end lightning.

In the end, there is a key to that there is a sentence when the EU ruling Asci does not involve monopoly, called Omi-related enterprises to recognize the business behavior of Asample.

Oimi semiconductor companies are not awkward, who will go to the sound.

However, this east-west monopoly is obviously ambiguous, and when the situation is unfavorable, the monopoly hat began to deduct it to the wind group.

The variables that once again let the public turn to the body of the wind group again.

Three days later, the Great Breeze Group gave a direct response, and the first mass manufacturer of microelectron in Shanghai used EUV lightning machine.

At the on-site meeting, the relationship between the microelectrics in Shanghai introduced you to the product parameters and characteristics of the EUV lightning machine, directly gave a new market order arrangement.

The first EUV photolithography is sold to the wind semiconductor. The second EUV lightning machine is sold to TSMP. The third EUV moment is sold to SMIC International. The fourth EUV moment is sold to Sony. .

After officially launched the EUV momentary, the Guanwen said at the scene. "Our current EUV photolithography is 10 years. We welcome big chip manufacturers to negotiate and purchase, the big gates of Shanghai microelectronics The world is open. "

The direction of this world is an attitude. Although the recent wind group is a bit amazing with the rice technology company, the products of the wind group are still open, no one can buy, even if you are doing Intel can also buy.

It is the problem that if Intel is coming to buy a high-wind group, this will make people feel very uncomfortable. You don't want to buy people, you still go to buy people's lightning machine, face?

Anti-monopoly survey takes a while from formally confirming the investigation, and Meng Qian first took out the moment to change the market.

After the press conference of Shanghai Micro 5, Meng Qian worried that the pressure on the market was not enough, but also made the wind semiconductor immediately followed a conference, Liang Mengsong first gave you a market share of the market. .

On the 2014 global chip foundry share, TSMC is first column of 42%, and the wind semiconductor is ranked second in 17%, and Samsung is 10%, and SMIC is 7%. Fourth, the unit is ranked fifth by 6%.

Intel did not have an accurate official data shortly after the opening of work.

After reading this data, Liang Mengsong publicly opened a part of the wind semiconductor in the scene, and confirmed to the market, the wind semiconductor will use EUV technology on 7nm, which is the world's first confirmation to be used on 7nm. EUV technology companies.

Although EUV is only a technology, it does not affect the final chip quality, but the earliest use of EUV is more opportunistic to promote the progress of the chip process, which is undeniable.

The world knows that in 2015, the chip is 10nm era. According to Liang Mengong's statement, the wind semiconductor is equal to EUV, and the charm of EUV technology has been in the hands of the wind.

And at this time, I didn't have to worry about this matter. I have been in 2015. Intel wants to change the 7nm process development blueprint.

However, the pressure of Liang Mengong is still more than this. Liang Mengong said on the blueprint show in the wind semiconductor development. "With the use of the EUV lightning machine, we are expected to advance the semiconductor process to 3 nm in 5 years."

All semiconductor companies will look at their own development blueprints and then compare with wind semiconductors. This contrast is naturally a bit of a striking, if the wind semiconductor does not have brags.

Therefore, the pressure of the wind semiconductor is actually given to the entire market.

Soon, TSMC has made a clear statement, TSMC is determined that it will euv technology in 7nm process, but it is probably used in new and old technologies.

On the other hand, Sony speaking in the neon country, indicating that Sony has built two factories in these two years, waiting for the EUV moment, Sony will impact the top five of the global chip founder, and confirm the meeting EUV technology in the 7nm process, and Sony also confirmed that he had purchased an EUV lightning machine.

Neon has a large number of chip design orders, but because neon does not have a decent chip foundry factory, these orders have been taken by Huaxia and Gaoli, and now Sony is standing, for neon countries. A very worthless thing, Sony stocks have also risen for three days.

The market also understands a truth from Typical Power and Sony, and the partners of the Great Wind Group are gotten.

Instead, Intel, Samsung, Tower Semiconductor, etc. are at this time at this time.

"Can I speed up the speed?" Li was asking directly. "I didn't expect Meng Qian actually responded in this way, and the speed is too fast."

Intel's Corsianik is very realistic. "This is not what we can decide, and even if you really argue the wind group monopolize, the wind group can also use compensation to delay the time."

"Now, the problem is that the court is very disadvantageous to Astrol's penalty. Although the anti-monopoly law can provide technical authority to the wind group, if the Great Wind Group continues to stare at the violation of the Asti, Asa is still It is difficult to get rid of the law comfort. "

"Can we appeal?"

"The Great Wind Group's Legal Department is more difficult than thinking."

"If we go to contact the court ..." Li was hinding the two people with eyes.

However, Kz Anni is directly giving Li in a white eye. "You will not really think that we can don't have any taboos on the law? Here is the country, not Gao Li!"

Li Yuxi also realized that it was not a Gao Li country, how many frustrations, "What should we do now?"

"In fact, the wind group is willing to sell lightning machine, the product is bought, but also buyers, the wind group will not have any other restrictions, the equipment is already in our hands." Tower Semiconductor I finally opened.

"But this will be a permanent hidden danger." It is clear that Costianik is not very wanting to accept this fact.

"I mean first to paralyze the wind group, and will still solve the problem of Astrol behind."

Three people have fallen into silence, just at this time, Li took a new news and took a look at the table.

"what happened?"

Li is in the silence, "The bastard, Eastern High-tech went to purchase the lightning machine of the wind group!"


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