Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 786, the anti-monopoly hearing

Samsung as an Shareholders and Intel's good allies have been pressing bet on Asa, but other companies are different.

Especially this Samsung is always difficult to turn over by the wind group, and other gorges enterprises will have a sense of responsibility and think that they have to stand up.

Eastern Higher University, as the tenth chip founder enterprise in the world, is always ambitious, in 2015, Eastern High-Tech actively participated in the EUV dispute, big hand investment chip manufacturing, and Samsung Husi opened internal war, and now, Eastern High-tech Become a non-winding group partner that jumped out of the purchase of EUV lightning machine.

Eastern Gaoke's EUV photolithography can change what history can change from the EUV photolithography, but the eastern high-tech has successfully broken a default balance, a balance of how to choose how to choose in Huami Technology Company.

As a Gaolia Semiconductor, as a semiconductor company led by a long-term technology, the eastern high-tech has come.

Open the news, you can see that the Eastern High-Science CEO Cui Changzhi is happy with the portrait in front of the camera, and it is said in front of the media. "After the EUV moment of the purchase of the wind, we will further speed up the promotion of the semiconductor process. Speed, our 5nm craft will also use EUV technology, and we will build two factories in our year. Eastern HMD will not miss the EUV era, we will serve the market with better technology. "

I don't know if Cui Chang plant is intentional, and the Eastern High-tech will not miss the EUV era. This sentence always stimulates Samsung's meaning.

And the relationship between the media continues to promote the company's lightning machine in front of the media. "We will welcome more companies to come to negotiate orders, we believe that no one will refuse the leading technology, because no one wants to backward."

This transaction confirmed both the high-wind group's lightning machine to buy, and ridicule because of the enterprises who did not buy it, the Asti is difficult to pull in the lawsuit.

At the same time, Meng Quan came to Europe. According to the media's statement, Meng Qian is shouting by the EU. It is to participate in the anti-monopoly hearing, and this big wind group has no deny, so Meng Qian has caused Europe. The media is a lot of attention.

With such a topic, Meng Qian first appeared in Switzerland's integral semiconductor headquarters.

Sure enough, a large number of media smell Meng Qian, and the news that everyone got is, and the semiconductor is 150 million euros to purchase strong wind EUV lightning machine.

Huaxia's wind semiconductor SMIC International Terminal, Neon Sony, Gaoli's Eastern Higher Class is used in EUV moment, and how can Europe fall down.

However, the media put forward doubts for the product production direction of the semiconductor, "said it is not so high in the semiconductor field of semiconductor concentrates, which is a new action in which Semiconductor purchase EUV lightning machine will have new actions?"

STMicroe is very affirmatively telling the media that a key focus of the semiconductor is a special chip.

The four words of the special chip came out. Everyone looked at Meng Qian sitting on the side. I didn't have to guess it. I didn't have to cooperate with the wind group. Even if the Semiconductor is still not going to disclose the things to cooperate with the wind group.

Obviously, the semiconductor wants to seize the chance of fighting Huami Technology Enterprises, which is a very smart decision.

With the procurement of STMic, the current EUV technology has become Intel, Samsung, Melody, and Tower Semiconductor These Asamplet's chip manufacturing enterprises have been destined to be weak. The current problem is how long they are ready.

A few days later, Meng Qian suddenly appeared in Belgium. This time, Meng Qian came to the Belgian Microelectronics Research Center. The Belgian Microelectronics Research Center is a world-renowned independent public R & D platform. It is a semiconductor industry's indexed research and development agency. Global Advanced Chip R & D Technology and Process, the Belgian Microelectronics Research Center will work with Astrol in depth and help Asak's core defects of EUV lightning machine.

At this time, the EUV photolithography machine of the wind group is equally imperfect, Meng Qim wants to use this power to say, and the domestic continues to study, and the success rate in both sides will always be higher.

In fact, the purpose of doing this thing is mainly for the optimization of EUV lightning machine, but in this big background, it has become a problem, the problem of the high-wind group EUV photoresist, Asa The EUV lightning machine also exists, but the Asti EUV moment is now not coming, and the global top institution in the Belgian Microelectronics Research cannot go to the product that has not come yet.

Step by step, step by step.

At the beginning of March, the anti-monopoly hearing finally started.

Meng Qian doesn't have to come from personally, but it is still coming, after all, he is more attractive.

"Mr. Meng, according to Asa's narrative, they have already payded all the expenses in accordance with the judgment, and the market is publicized to the wind group to purchase patent authorization, but the wind group refuses the application for Astrol, is this? ? "

"Dear Chairman, according to the free market, the patent belongs to our company's products, we have the right to choose the seller, sell and do not sell, we have the right to make your own decision."

"But you refuse to sell patent licenses, suspected of monopolizing this market."

"I would like to ask the chair, and what we are monopolizing? Our price is reasonable, our sales are publicly transparent, we do not limit any company to purchase our lightning machine, we completely abide by the rules of the free market Even we can also do our colleagues in our competitors.

Instead, I feel strange that more and more companies have purchased our EUV lightning machine, but they can not see Intel and Samsung and other global leader in this procurement list. Name, what do you think?

You say that they will be waiting today? Will it be waiting for us to be monopoly? Will it be waiting for us to have been ruling as a monopoly to give technical to Asa? Then they went to Asak to buy EUV lightning machine?

If my guess is not wrong, please stand in my angle. If you dare to authorize patents to such a target customer group, if such a company develops, I am afraid that it is the beginning of monopoly.

I still remember now, when I first started business, I always said this is a globalization of a globalization. I always tell us to promote global cooperation. I am encouraged by the encouragement of globalization to create a wind group and will globalize. One of the core basic concepts of the development of the wind group.

Therefore, for enterprises inverse globalization, we reserve the right to refuse to cooperate, and we have always been open to the entrance of globalization, we are willing to accept a comprehensive survey. "

Meng Qian's words, with a ridicule, with sincerity, people with normal logic thinking, can hear the meaning.

Who is in the monopoly, who wants to monopolize, the monopoly hearing of the wind group, and the words of Meng Qian directly rebounded.

Unfortunately, this hearing will bring interests, some people understand that they only don't understand.

"Mr. Meng, any monopoly behavior will come out to review and make corresponding decisions, but we can't make a qualitative, we need to pay attention to the facts in front of you, and the EUV lightning machine of the wind group has formed a monopoly situation. Do you agree? "

The hearing is hard to stare at the eyes, and it is very cautious, not talking, but said that EUV lightning machine monopoly, this seems to be a fact that cannot be confused.

However, Meng Qian also looked at the hearing group with a spirit and doubtful eyes. "I asked at the beginning, what do we monopolize?"

"At present, only the wind group can produce EUV lightning machine in the world. Is this not a monopoly?"

Meng Qian continued to maintain this expression, "Who said?"

Everyone is awkward, Meng Qian's answer makes them feel like a rogue, "Mr. Meng, we should positive facts, denying is meaningless."

Meng Qian pulled the microphone and pulled it on the chair to let himself make it comfortable. "I have promised that I can't say it, I can only tell you, this month, everyone will see another company to take out EUV Lithography."

Everyone's face is full of question marks.

Until someone thinks about a name, is it ...?

Just when everyone guess, Meng Qian suddenly added a sentence, "Oh, within one year, I predict that at least one company will come up with EUV lightning machine, so our wind group, I can't emo the big monopoly. market."

In addition to the world, there will be three EUV momentary businesses?

When the world is still paying attention to the struggle of the wind group and the asphalt momentum, Meng Qian directly took out the explosive information and made this market again.


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