Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 787 Mende in the eyes of Moore

Meng Qian's response allows the anti-monopoly hearing to become extremely ridiculous. The EU's anti-monopoly investigation has completed a free propaganda to the EUV momentary moment of the wind group, which prompted more people to pay attention to the recent things. Many ordinary people know that the EUV lightning machine is a whisper, however, and the wind group has an EUV moment mean meaning.

And such a large-scale propaganda, Meng Qian has no money ...

Unless Meng Qian said at the hearing, it is clear that Meng Qian has not lied, at least this month will be real, that is, Canon, when Meng Qian said at the hearing. After the sentence, Canon took the initiative to say that he was another EUV momentary player in Meng Qi, and Canon can take the product from the player this month.

When Meng Qiao gave the evaporated dried lightning machine technology to obtain the vapor deposition machine, it made Canon became the third frontier player in the era of immersion, but Canon found that after the hard research and development. Omei companies will slowly sell Aswheel lightning machine, Huaxia's lightning machine is round by wind group and Shanghai microelectronics, and even several companies here are the cooperation of wind groups. Partners, priority priority purchase of lightning machine.

Although Canon has no market, but many people have forgotten that Canon is also one of the three players of the momentary moment, Canon has become a small transparent.

But obviously Canon does not give up the illuminating machine, they always insist, because Canon has long convinced that the wind group will never let Asak develop EUV, this business smells they still have.

In this case, if you can cross Asa, Omei is almost one of the Great Wind Group and Canon, Canon's opportunity is coming.

"Is Canon's EUV lightning machine Is there a high wind group's technical authorization?" Costiannik first confirmed this matter.

"Yes, not only technical authorization, the light source technology and the lens of Huaxia are sold to Canon, but there is no restriction."

"What is Meng Qian thinking? Obviously there is a chance to monopolize the cutting-edge moment, clearly have the opportunity to control the semiconductor market lifeblood, take the initiative to make the monopoly to make Can I think ?! He is doing a business or doing good deeds Ah ?! Even if Meng Qian is the big shareholder of the wind group, can you still be? "Kz Annik felt that everything scored unable to explain, and even Meng Qian was a neuropathy.

"Will Meng Qian is investigating anti-monopoly law?"

"Take the abandoned cutting-edge momentary monopoly to prevent anti-monopoly law surveys is absolutely impossible, and the anti-monopoly law is originally a kind of pressure. It is really difficult to confirm that the wind group monopoly at this time is very difficult. This is just a The front means.

Meng Qian has recently attached to this tough, but also not to fight this lawsuit? Meng Qian's practice is absolutely problem, but I don't know where the problem is! "

"Maybe Meng Qian is influenced? We learned that Canon has joined international organizations led by all the wind groups, and complicated with the standards of the wind group, maybe Canon's key reasons for technical authorization? Help Great wind group Improve standards? "

"Do you think a Canon can help the wind group?" Old Moore suddenly appeared in the conference room. "How many allies around the wind group, Meng Qian carefully intended?"

"Mr. Moore, how come you?" Costanik got up and greeted.

"I want to listen to your opinion." Old Moore is serious, then looks to the people who just talk, "Do you think Can you enter the rules of the Great Breeze Group really important? In order to allow Canon to enter your own ecology And give up the monopoly status of the EUV lightning machine, maybe? Can Canon? "

Old Moore's question makes everyone silent, and the old Moore has a path of hate iron, "" Things are all on this, how do you still don't understand, Meng Qian is the most important thing in Huaxia? What is the matter of things. "

"I also ask Mr. Moore to advise." Kz Annik asked in his heart.

"He changed the thoughts that Huaxia bought as bought, and promoted the spirit and courage of China's independent research and development!

All that I can do now, you don't feel very familiar, Canon is doing it is not as good as buying, since you have been investigated, don't find that all core technology and core equipment of Canon have bought from Huaxia ?

Everyone sells a photolithography machine, the profit is a big head to make Huaxia companies, especially the wind group earned, Canon seems to be EUV lightning machine players, in fact, he is not an assembly factory without any core technology!

His assembly is still different from the assembly of Asa wheat, because Canon's ability to core technology and core equipment is not affected, their EUV lightning machine, completely attach the wind group, completely attach Huaxia Technology.

Now understand the change in this? From the lightweight machine, Huaxia became a country created, and neon has become a manufactured country.

However, the deep changes are that the neon companies have guarded us at the time of our technology, and the Chinese companies have always thought about how to achieve autonomous, but you will understand Canon's internal development. Planned? Do you understand the domestic emotions of neon countries?

This technique dependent on the wind group is very low. They are saying that in the past, it is not as good as buying, and it is representative of the restriction, but under the rules of Meng Qian, it is better to buy It does not mean that there is no limit.

The problem is that clear rules have changed, since now it is better to buy, it is no longer a kind of passiveness that needs to worry, why is Meng Qian that has been promoting the independent research and development of Huaxia? Why do Meng Qian still wants to fight in China? why? ! "

Old Moore's question made the scene not only silent and becomes suppressed. "Today's neon companies can be this attitude, then there will be such a day, it is better to buy the thoughts to start in Omei, will there will be one day, Everyone began to buy China's technology and equipment?

At this point, do you understand? "

Everyone's expression follows the seriousness, listening to the old Moore interpretation.

"Go back to the illuminating machine itself, the tip photolithography is not suggeting, especially the YUV lightning machine is more dependent, and the EUV lightning machine will definitely not supply, if this market is monopoly, I will want to purchase the EUV moment. It may be a team for two or three years. It can be updated after two or three years later. What does this mean?

It means that under the monopoly situation of the EUV lightning machine, the EUV lightning machine enterprise is fully able to choose a cooperative chip processing plant to control technology lead by equipment monopoly, which is a monopoly cluster.

If Meng Qian can break the two EUV moment businesses, you can break the industry leader of traditional monopoly clusters, and monopolized cutting-edge lightning machines sell to monopoly cutting-edge semiconductor companies to form a higher level of monopoly. Will not happen.

If there are three EUV photolithography companies, production capacity is three times, and more semiconductor companies have the opportunity to use the latest optimized top photolithography.

And under such a situation, Intel bought or not to buy a wind group EUV lightning machine will not have any changes to the large environment. "

"That wind group has wind semiconductor, not more using equipment monopoly to promote his manufacture of monopoly?" Some people couldn't help but ask this question.

"Yeah, you will have this doubt, others will have this doubt, there will be this doubt, then everyone will see an answer, because the purpose of the wind group is not monopoly, because the wind group is a respectful competition. Enterprises, because the wind group puts forward new global thinking.

But don't forget, the wind group put it down!

Everything is in Meng Qian's layout, he seems to be noble, and it is necessary to step by step. He has long been a patent to press Asa wheat. He even deliberately put it on the violation of Asak in the past few years, everything Everything is in order to let the Astrol react now.

He also made a good time, we will hardly reject the picking machine, so he should get it, understand?

At this time, we will return to the initial problem, is the wind group can see Canon? What qualifications are Canneas attached to Meng Qian?

You can imagine that if Meng Qian is copying the situation of the illuminating machine to more equipment, how many Canon enters his rules around the world, and what happens after these companies enter his rules? "

Old Moore pauses waiting for the answer, Costiank replied, "Enterprises like our Intel have no opportunity to use the absolute leader of the equipment to consolidate technology and technology.

Moreover, because the monopoly of Meng Qian's lightning machine can be handed out, other equipment vendors are more willing to enter the rules of the wind group, whether it is for Meng Qian's trust, or for the needs of the moment. "

Old Moore said, "At this time, we will do the class again, the semiconductor is like this, other industries, other technical other equipment? If the wind group can be fully smashed with the monopoly circle main system technology Leading rules, in the future, everyone must have a hard to fight hard, fight technology, and this is back to the topic of the top, now the Chinese, all people are talking about independent development! "

Old Moore said that this briefed Côte d'Ivan, on March 5th, in Huaxia Guanfu Work Report, Yun Zhilian + was labeled as a strategic development goal, and Yun Zhilian was mentioned in Huaxia. Height, at the same time, Huaxia once again emphasized independent research and development and intended to release "Huaxia Zhigang 2025".

"Now, do you understand why Meng Qi is going to pull two EUV lightning machine companies?"

Meng Qian's goal is not a discourse or semiconductor dispute. He is rushing to break the old rules to create new rules. Under his new rules, its fairness and opening can attract more people's support. Its technology leads more profits, the market is getting bigger and more, and it has made more and more, and it has changed the rules, created new order, in this new order, it does not limit any People, don't want to limit it, because everyone is clear, this new order creater is.

Perhaps the entire industry will make more fair, but the entire industry will never have a chance to fight the wind group, and it is said that no one will have the opportunity to fight Huaxia Enterprise.

At the same time, Meng Qian has brought the biggest beneficiary of China 's enterprises throughout the country.

Meng Qian seems to have been pulling two EUV lightning machines. It seems to be open. The fact is that the monopoly, the technology is his, and the profit is his, the market is his, the rules are his, the rules are his, the voice is It is him, but Canon earns a little slight profit, it has become a piece of Meng Qian.

Only the monopoly under this so-called new rules, Meng Qian called the new globalization coexisting with cooperation competition, in my opinion, this is actually a soft monopoly, and from a long-term impact, this soft monopoly ratio Traditional hard monopoly is more scary, because this soft monopoly can make people give up resistance.

This is Meng Qian, this is your opponent, you must first understand what Meng Qian is going to know how to deal with him! "


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