
Meng Qian gave Alstom a life-saving straw, and Alstom is also willing to seize this life-saving straw.

When public opinion further broke out in France, Alstom finally stood up, "For the truth, we are willing to pay everything, Alstom will never leave France unknown!"

Even if France is gradually black, no matter how the degree, the native of any country has patriotic feelings, seeing Alstom's strong statement, the French heart is happy, and Alstom's statement is not straightforward The content of "revealing Alstone" is true, but at least no denies, this is a side prove.

"Alstom is our French star company, absolutely can't let General electricity take away!"

"This is a dignified problem, we can't allow universal electricity to our land to invade our company!"

"Alstom must have just went to the end, the French people are your backing!"

"Alstom is really acquired by General Electric, which will be a symbol of our French industry, and we must not allow such things to happen. Alstom must take the pressure, we have to hold the final face of the French industry. ! "

French public opinion is driving the event to an irreversible direction, and General Electric's shareholders also feel another change in the situation.

"How to make a guy every time Silicon Valley with the wind group, can always be implicated to us ?!"

"Silicon Valley is so troublesome with the wind group, I am afraid that we really want to affect our acquisition of Alstom. Meng Qian is too knowledgeable to mediate in Europe."

"Alstone will further apply to the EU, we have to do work well in front of them."

"The situation is not very wonderful, it seems not only Alstom, or not just France."

"What do you mean?"

"The news that just confirmed, Germany has also begun to press the EU."

"Germany? What is the relationship with Germany?"

"This time, it is a German ..."

When Meng Qian is docked with Alstom, Xiao Bo is in demand for the help of German government with the high-rise of the French branch of the wind group.

The top of the overseas branch of the wind group is basically the locals, especially CEO, so for Germany, this is a German citizen.

France's Alstom, China's national treasure bank, these recent rapid fermentation public opinion naturally impossible to circulate only in France, but throughout Europe and even foreign countries throughout the world.

European countries can now be an attitude of watching, but Germany can't work.

After all, things are in Germany.

When negotiating with Germany, Xiao Bo was seriously took out the transcripts of the German branch of the wind group. More than 10,000 direct jobs, with international enterprises such as German National Research Institute, German University, Germany SAP, etc. have a deep cooperation.

It is the result of all employees of German branches to Germany.

If we really make mistakes today, we will stand out to admit mistakes, but today we have not made mistakes, and it will never ask for full.

Gilson is the CEO of our German branch, and it is a integrity of German citizens. We must protect his normal rights and can't let him suffer. "

The strong attitude of the wind group, the fact that the German branch of the wind group is actually influential, plus a group of German branch's high-rise voice, making Germany have to express.

Wait arrival in mid-May, the wind group high-profile sued Asaho suspected of providing false evidence to malicious commercial competition, requiring thorough checking Wicks, the lawsuit will eventually come.

At the end of May, Wicks and the German branch another high-level to the book, Meng Qian, etc.

"There is a detailed comparison of evidence provided by Great wind groups in Asample, this is the R & D record of the wind group. This is the R & D record provided by Aswheel, and then looks at Astrol in the rice court. The evidence provided, there is a clear vulnerability, the wind group has stealing the technology leading to Astrol, this is? "

"Is this not normal? Technical will always have the same, the technique of stealing the thief does not necessarily guarantee your company?"

"First, in accordance with the evidence provided by Asa, this business spy is not an acquisition of these technologies, but a long-term dispersion, and the company knows the characteristics of commercial spies, and the wind group let How big is a possibility of commercial spy without targeted stolen technology?

Second, we have also discovered a coincidence, all of these top-bearing technologies are the technology that the Great Breeze Group is still not discovered. Can we reasonably suspect, this is the technology that deliberately picked up after compare the wind group patent? How to check the technology of patents, it doesn't rush it? "

"You said it is a coincidence. There are a lot of coincidence in this world." Wicks is very calm.

"Then when Mr. Wicks is willing to share, after the Asti claims that the Great Wind Group has stealing technology, Intel provides $ 3 billion funds to Asper."

"Normal business investment, our Asak has recently encountered some troubles. The world does not understand, we need funds, and Intel is willing to invest, it is so simple."

"So, Mr. Wicks, Asa as a Netherlands, why didn't I send it to the Dutch Justice Department?"

"Because in theft of theft, we include some of our cooperation details with the company."

"You are not a key." Tian Wenchang was pressing the sound. "The real reason is Intel has become the largest shareholder of Asak after investing in this 3 billion meters and has the largest control of Asak. "

Wicks's expression has changed a fleet change, but this change Tian Wenchang saw that Meng Qian also noticed.

"I can only say that it is the reason." Wicks is always a pair, I don't recognize what kind of attitude you can, make people feel that Tian Wenci is like a fist to play on cotton.

"Mr. Judge, I want to invite our witnesses." When everyone felt that Tian Wenshang didn't have any way, Tian Wen said suddenly said witnesses.

And when this witness appeared, Wicks' eyes had a significant change.

The witness and Wicks said a word after the eyes, let others feel unexpectedly, "My name is Shi Liang Jun, is an commercial spy in the Shanghai microegrade in Shanghai."

Everyone's consciousness looked at Wicks, and Wicks looked at Meng Qian in the first time. "This Meng Qian not only deliberately letting our infringement for so many years, but also deliberately raise us. Business spies? "

So cleverly discovered this business spy this time. Wicks is not believed, and the big probability that the Great Breeze Group has long known that there is such a spy.

Shi Liang Jun provided a clue at the scene. "I have been in Shanghai for five years. I have seen the Great Breeze Group's stealing technology mentioned in the Asa's statement, some of which are definitely false, because following I have been providing a vulnerability in the time of Astrol.

Some of this techniques mentioned here are the first research in Shanghai, all of my docking records with Ascery can illustrate this. "

The words of Shi Liang Jun have changed the situation, and Tian Wenchang once again questioned Wisc. "What is the explanation of Wicks?"

Wicks quickly made himself calm down. "The research and development of technology docking and technology is not necessarily synchronized. I don't think this problem can give it."

Wax adopted a delay tactics, then schematically showing the lawyers, Wax's lawyers began to play horses, making today's trials difficult to continue.

Finally, Tian Wen said with Meng Qian, and did not attach the result of this day.

After returning to the hotel, Xiao Bao took the initiative to ask, "Now, in any case, the thing of Asa Bad our technology can be sitting, I can take this as a capital to chat with Wicks."

"Do you feel that this thing doesn't seem to be too strong?" Meng Qian put forward his own feelings.

Xiao Bo knows and Tian Wenchang regarded it, "Where is it wrong?"

"I don't know, I always feel, Ignore what is ..."

"Meng Chi, Meng Zhong ..." At this time, He Yuting runs to the three-person exchange, "the news on the British, they suddenly launched us."

"On the British?" Meng Qian took a tablet and saw a news, I thought about Xiao Bao's shoulder after a few seconds. "You go to Wax, talk to him."

"Talk about the reconciliation?"

"Yes, talk about it, you have to pay attention to his reaction and tell me his reaction, and if you think it is difficult to determine, you can give Wicks a good condition to further test."

Xiao Bo is not very understanding Meng Qian's idea, but it should still be down, "I know."

"Old Tiantian, you contact Sun, let him think about it, can see if it can be exposed to Gilson, if you can't get it, see if you can explore a little Gilson's news."

"Well, I will communicate with the old grandson. Are you discovered?"

"I can't say it now." Meng Qian is rare frown, "But I just think is wrong."


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