The development of this British is in public opinion. It is aimed at various public opinion trends in Europe in Europe. The British media pointed out that the Great Wind Group is controlling European public opinion.

To this end, there is a report to the UK or launch the judicial procedure survey.

This investigation obviously does not have substantive results, because the wind group only releases the relevant news through his own media, which causes the general trend of public opinion, and the current windy group has no ability to control European public opinion, this hat The deduction is too large, it is not reliable.

But the problem is that this sentence can trigger a doubt about the wind group at this time, this suspicion does not need a final result at all.

Just like social death, there are always some people choose to suspect that it is when the wind group needs to justice the image.

And even the European Union has become ambiguous, if the European public opinion is controlled by the wind group, the EU to help the wind group, then the EU's face is going to, this is very disgusting.

"It is ready to go to Europe next year." Meng Qian returned to the room and also analyzed the entire incident after returning to the room. "Why did the British will come in this time ..."

Meng Qian looked at the latest information, gradually discovered some clues, the British launched wind group, in the country than in the UK, in fact, there is no statement in the British government, that is, some media exchange, the so-called judicial department considers Intervention, there is no substantial action until now.

"How do this feel more and more strange."

"The UK as the old allies of the rice country, also occupying an important position at the EU, and there is always a good attitude of public opinion and the overall attitude of the EU at this time." The next day, Xiao Bo in Wicks is still I feel that Meng Qian has a little more thinking. "There is no less than the country to engage in our minds before the British."

"What attitude is Wicks?" Meng Qian did not respond to the idea of ​​Xiao Bo, and directly asked Wicks.

"Very tough, he is not prepared to have any residuals with us." Xiao Bo knows very certain.

"Do you give it?"

"Of course, I gave a normal person who won't refuse, but Wicks did not have a half-hearted meaning, I didn't even see it even one second."

Meng Qian is a bit sensitive, "So Wicks really planned to die? This Wicks is also a bit inexplicable."

"I think he is now this, although I also feel very strange, but I can feel that he has an extremely strong hate, maybe, Asa is really all for him."

Meng Qian wants to continue to ask Wicks' situation, "Right, I let He Yianting check the list of the voice of the British, check it down, found a company."

"Which company?"


Xiao Bo recalled quickly. "When Mi Dynasty, Miki was in the new era of semiconductor alliance, it seems to bring the ARM."

Meng Qian turned to the head to watch Tian Wen, "There is no new discovery on the side of the country?"


Meng Qian fell into the holding cup. "Do you think that they have the same side of a fish, while still paying it to himself?"

Tian Wenchang is looking at Xiao Bo, "It seems to be a bit this meaning, will it be a state in which one will be deliberate."

"The problem now is that we don't know which state is performance."

"I think the most important question is also Gilson in them, which leads us that we are very passive now. If we don't go all right now, there is no room for leaving us." Xiao Bo looked.

Meng Qian thought about it for a while, put the insulation cup in the table, "No matter how, first apply, you want to let Gilson have been succeeded in the most important thing."

Next, Siemens also increased the participation of Alstom's incident. One heard that the wind group had to invest in Alstom. Siemens did not say to acquire Alsmond. They also put forward the willingness to invest in Alstom. Help Alstom go out of trouble.

France is more and more feeling that Alsmond is expected, not only starts pressure on the EU, but also is already preparing to sue the Rice Court.

At the same time, the German branch of the Great Breeze Group has officially prosecuted the Justice of Jeldons, and Xiao Bo is also a strong statement before the media.

And the news that Miki, the news, is all, believe in judicial justice, no more statements.

At the beginning of June, the second trial began, however, this time Wicks chose a question directly from the beginning, Waita, Wax is a pair, I have a problem, I have a problem, I have a problem, I have a problem to find the rice court. Attitude.

In the end, there is really no way, the wind group has only said that the Asti's commercial confidentiality is confident.

"Waiting for the next day, the US secretary theft Wicks should be there to be a way to deny, but in a few days, it is the hearing of Gilson ..." Tian Wenchang used your eyes to know you.

"People are active in others in the hands of others!" Xiao Bo couldn't help but rude, "Meng Da, do we have to further?"

"If you really go, we have to shoot."

"Meng Zhong." Seeing the three people are silent, and the He Yuting in the side came in. "Domestic public opinion fermentation is faster than the phenomenon, this influence has begun to develop overseas, especially the Netherlands, feeling."

After things have been troubled, although Meng Qian doesn't want to talk too much in domestic netizens, the news will only spread in China and gradually be fermented until some netizens start to the overseas media.

Meng Qian took a panel to see an eye, more and more Huaxia netizens have begun to condemn Asak's defamation, Meng Qian's consciousness through the platform, and there is no way, some groups have begun. Organization is prepared to help the wind group play in the Western public opinion.

A slightly accidentally, the anger of Huaxia netizens actually affected the official of the Netherlands.

"What happened?" Xiao Bo knows and Tian Wenchang watched the news.

It turned out that the Dutch official media made a vocal for this incident. It means that the Netherlands is a good trading partner. The Netherlands will not destroy this friendly. The Netherlands want to be able to work with Huaxia companies. Development.

"Does the Dutch official media?" Three people were a little unexpected.

He Yaying explained someone to everyone. "The domestic netizens are too fierce, directly contributing a few websites of the Netherlands, and hangs Asak's major websites for exposure.

But more importantly, a part of the netizens moved to the anger of Asak to the entire Netherlands. "

He Yiping said that everyone is actually understanding. "Our Huaxia is the largest trading partner in the Netherlands, as More Netherlands companies have to care.

This official media happened, and it is also a one-fold choice. It is not enough to go directly to the country, but also the component ... "

"Wait!" Meng Qian's consciousness interrupted He Yaxing, "Behind the Dutch official media ... Is there anything in the government?"

"Shouldn't." He Yuting is not very confirmed, "I haven't heard what is the targeted news of our official, just ... Oh, there are several media in China, it is also specially explored this matter."

"Is the" Everyone Daily "vocal?"

"No, but" Economic Daily "and" Science and Technology Daily "vocal."

Meng Qian suddenly shouted the table, "Old Xiao, said with Gu Jun Hui first, the first one is not moving, you will go to Wicks now, I want to see him, Old Tiantian, you let Sun always don't move first, Everyone is waiting for me to notify, and only listen to my notice. "

"Meng, what happened?" Tian Wen did not understand Meng Qian.

"We may be played." Meng Qian did not consciously pressed the sound.

"Is it played? Who is playing us?"

"I also want to know who is playing us, and I am not 100% sure, I want to see Wicks."


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