On June 6th, the first three days of the Jilson heard, Xiao Bo came to Meng Qian's room, "Wicks didn't see it."

"What is it?"

"If you can't find it, you can't find any way."

"Will not be ..." He Yaxing muttered a sentence.

"That is not yet." Meng Qian's consciousness shook his head, "It is not to see Wicks, and some things cannot be confirmed."

Everyone is silent.

"Meng Da, let me go to Xiaomo with Xiao?" Tian Wenchang broke the silence.

"What do you want to do?"

"You are also guess now, relying on guessing is not a way, I think we can come to ask them directly to ask what they want, just like you said, even if Guilun is really pleasant, only this thing is not Maybe our wind group is dead, but it will be disgusting us.

No matter what you guess, this is a chip. Since it is a chip, I will talk to them. "

Under the night, Meng Qian's eyes became more and more profound, "But if you go, we are equal to the admission, this is a unfair bow and compromise."

"Can Gilson really pleaded the follow-up trouble, there will be a lot, we have to consider the overall situation, and now you are not a way.

Perhaps we can solve this problem with a more cost-effective way. "

"Old Tiantian, you are a lawyer, so you are used to the best solution thinking, I can understand that I can stand in the high-wind group, business development is not a lawsuit, because there is still a long way behind, I don't want to take risks. But we can't leave a pit in the future development path.

We would rather die, and we can't surrender. "

Tian Wenchang was in a glance with Xiao Bo, and the two no longer said, three days later, Gilson's hearing finally came.

The hearing that was concerned with the science and technology circle and even the world, but gave the world a "movie experience" in the world, Gilson had a quiet answer, and the relevant judiciary directly Given the conclusion of innocent release ...

"What is this, what? Say the big wind Silicon Valley Wars Guards? Is this?"

"Play? Just release it? Dare to play these two months?"

"Is this TM in Silicon Valley in acting or a wind group in acting?"

"Don't say it, there must be any transactions behind this, or how can you put it like this, and the wind group will surely sign anything inequal."

"It's hard to catch the handle of the wind group, it is not good to use it. It is not the style of the company."

"You say that this will start from the beginning is the big wind group in the small top. The law is the suspect is there. From the Chinese legal suspect, maybe it is to use our emotions?"

"How do you determine that the Great Breeze Group puts pressure to Silicon Valley through private channels?"

When netizens were more than a ring, the disappeared Wax appeared, and this time he appeared was to announce a thing, Wicks will resign to the CEO of Asak.

However, because there is still a lawsuit, Wicks must wait for the court to decide and then resign the procedure, but this matter is finalized.

"Sure enough, this is the news that Meng Qian looked at Wicks resigned in the conference room." Intel will be officially taken along the Asti, since then, Asa is no longer a set of Netherlands The rice country of the coat, Asperi will become a pure rice country company. "

"How does Meng always judges all this, give us another time." Xiao Bo knows how much will be known.

"I saw that Wicks felt strange at the attitude of Wax in the court. His look is not like a rogue that is preparing to be embarrassing, but it is a terminally ill, it is a poorly preparation.

I can't see a little hope in his eyes. If it is really rogue, his eyes are actually full of hope, because he will hopes that he can achieve its own purpose through himself.

Then the British hair, let me suddenly realize that the back of this thing is that the company is around, a biggest feature of the long army jurisdiction in our mouth is the government and business cooperation, but this time I didn't see the government and the company. With the cooperation, just the cooperation of the enterprise and the judiciary, so I specially let the oldaunte to check this time law enforcement agency.

At that time, I was thinking that this thing will not be turned into a long arm jurisdiction in our understanding, but deliberately disguised into the long arm of our understanding.

Because such a camouflage will be worried, because we care the monument, care about the truth, once the Gransson has made all the negative impacts caused by the company, on the other hand, this is the case, because of Alstom Things, because the long arm jurisdiction history, our first in the maintenance will let us not consciously find countermeasures in this direction.

In this process, we may have to be inspired.

For those who plan to plan this matter, they can touch all our reactions, and they can try to make some of the commitment.

For example, our new globalization, we said that for such a new globalization, saying that for such a long way to win, if we will break some past promises in order to save Gilson.

Once we make some excessive reactions, this will become their handle to deal with our.

For them, because in fact this is just a camouflage long arm jurisdiction, it is not so incredible, looking back through the fair hearing, governing Gilson, and will not leave any trouble.

On the contrary, because of our power, they gave Wicks a best reason to leave Asci, and aswhel, it was incorporated into Intel's capsules. "

"So starting from the beginning, Asa, oh, Wicks is a discard, they have prepared to abandon Wicks and have to take Asci to their own hands, and now they are troubled. So big show, turn our group, I have thrown our many means, you can study it well, and finally, they will not carry out the name of the long arm, only leave a mystery of the world.

Anyway, for them, I got Astrol, and it is possible that we can break the new globalization, and may even force us to show some bottom cards. "

"There is still a little, just like the old Tian Tian can't help but negotiate with them. If you go, they will negotiate with you very seriously, and then we will pay some costs, exchange, only It is Gilson who will be unnowned to release. "

"Then why didn't you continue to put the play, continue to force us?" He Yazing asked.

"It's not said, this is not a real long arm jurisdiction, then there is a degree, at least in a state, the rice companies cannot overcome the law, and after the hearing will enter the more open judicial process. At this time they can do very few. "

"So this truly benefit loss is Wax, he is willing to be a discard?"

"Yeah, why is Wicks who will be willing to be a discard ..."

This answer, now who can't say it, Xiao Bo knows how to transfer the topic, "But in addition to Wicks actually there is also a loss of damage, that is, the Netherlands with General Electric, but for this behind-the-scenes planner, they What is the relationship between death and death? Anyway, it is not dead, and it is not dead. "

"Fortunately, Meng always feels uncomfortable, otherwise we will at least show more base cards, even, I will not endure to negotiate with them, especially if I have a new game, we have so many years. Working is white. "

"I don't think there is anything, and we are playing this time. Another purpose for the opponent is to provoke. He is reminding us that it is really useful to use some means. We are actually not too easy. The response method. "Meng Qian's eyes have begun to appear anger," You look at this. "

"This ..." Meng Qian gave them a day, the day in Guilinson, Intel went to Canon purchased a lightning machine.

"This is an additional provocation, because we have said new global fairness, we must sell the lightning machine to them, they use this action to remind us, although this time has not allowed us to break their own New globalization promises, but I hope we will continue to hold new globalization, they will continue to use this idea to find vulnerabilities.

The behind-the-scenes planner we encountered this time is a person who has explored our new globalization. He is using our new global thinking to play us!

This is a opponent worth paying attention to. "

"It can take it to the acquisition of Astrol to make a big megeta, this planner is really resistant, but it will eventually reduce so much loss, or fortunate."

However, Meng Qian is serious about Xiao Bo. "This time we lose, there is no reduction in losses, everyone, including me, two days to make a comprehensive reap, since the opponent is challenged, I want you to tell you If there is still a next time, what can we do.

If it is still like this, the wind group does not have the ability to withstand the wind of the wind.

In addition, I am not intended to end this time. "

Meng Qian's eyes became an abnormality. "I am not afraid of losing, winning the defeat is always very good, but I don't like it."


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