
Since Meng Qian has put forward the concept, I naturally began to work. Today, the reason why so many companies will come here to come here, of course, not a simple brush, come, come, just start working.

Under the lead of the Great Breeze Group, many international organizations directly landed on the conference, and nearly a thousand companies were actively responded, and they gave them directly.

Meng Qian gave the prototypes of multiple international organizations, including the Global Semiconductor Strategic Alliance, especially the most concerned global semiconductor strategic alliance, received more than 1,000 companies in the world in just three days or Institutional application.

And Meng Qian has more and more, how fast the Semiconductor companies in the rice country is.

Semiconductor companies, including Intel, IBM, gathered together.

"This Meng Qian is getting more and more unearth, then soon, the semiconductor industry can really change the sky."

"You don't think this of this Meng Qian is a bit unprepared. He seems to have anything ... room is never hugging in some things.

It is said that this era has changed, this is a constant generation of intersection, and even when we have to have more concerns, Meng Qian is like a crowd, and the rules that continue to decades. Is he really not afraid to make this world? "

As the core character of the Create Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Strategy, I was invited to the scene, I couldn't help but the sonic, "he is not a bull, his goals are clear, he is going to come, from the beginning, Meng Qian The goal is us. "

"What did he want to do?"

"You didn't all replied, he wanted to break the rules that contorting for decades, letting this world, then create a new rule.

He has a saying that he is true, he is only 34 years old, his ambition is big.

He wants to build a new game rule, this purpose has been hidden.

But I also want to ask you to ask you, have you ever thought about why there will be such a person to support Meng Qian, now including more and more Meng Qian supporters in our rice. "

Everyone did not speak, and the old Moore asked more straightforward. "You don't think that the rule of the past does have problems."

Some people are silent, and some people can't help but nod.

"In fact, it is not only just cooperative and competition, and there is a more important thing, and the contradiction between nationalism and globalization is more serious.

The recovery of nationalism is already in a well-known thing. Whether it is our rice, or the UK, or Asia's Huaxia? Nationalism is obviously not a good thing for globalization? Even Europe has already Some media began to worry about the outbreak of a new round of World War after seeing nationalism of the UK.

The wind group is a very strong enterprise in a nationalist. Meng Qian also avoids this matter in public cases? As he often said that patriotic is the basic cultivation of people? So his new globalization is very important to resolve the nation The contradiction between mice and globalization, did he use action and philosophy to pass an idea? I really want my country to be strong, I am indeed supporting the national rejuvenation? But we are strong, you are strong, everyone is strong.

One of the most important foundations here is that all of the strong wind groups can definitely be implemented, but will affect the development speed of the company, so he presents such a new platform idea? He doesn't grab The weak, but he got a resource from the weak through his way.

Once this step continues to develop, once the natural contradiction between nationalism and globalization, then new rules may have really emerged.

Because Meng Qian solves the contradiction between this era, and the wind group? There is an influence and appeal in the technology industry! "

Old Moore mentioned the idea and stimulated everyone's nerves.

"Then we must apply a little limit to the wind group."

Old Moore helpless? "Meng Qian is nausea to take our old thoughts.

What should we do now? It is instead of him.

I have already said a lot of times, everyone's interest entanglement is too complicated? But this is also our chance? The essence of the business company is always capital? Meng Qian can never change this fact, he can change The rules of the world cooperation, but he can't change the basic principles of the capital world.

Meng Qian is a great young man, but his biggest weakness is too ideal, the interest relationship of the accumulation of a hundred years, and he can break it for a few years. "

Kz Annik carefully looked at the old Moore, "Mr. Mo is meaning ..."

"Meng Qian knows what the contradiction between this era is, we also know, then he wants to be a spiritual leader, why can't we go to be a spiritual leader.

I also said that Meng Qiao can make this all these years, the key factor is due to the strong strength of the wind group, if the strength of the wind group is not strong enough, the light is going to output such a new globalization concept, so it is good However, someone will not take care of Meng Qian, which is the fact.

No matter how great your thoughts, everyone chooses whether you are powerful.

And at least, we still have the absolute strength of the wind group. If you believe in my opinion, I think we are now accelerating some adjustments, just under the pressure of the wind group, we may be more sacrificed. Things, but this world can have new rules, and there should be a new rule, just the founder of the new rules, always have a division you me. "

Old Moore always looks very thorough, everyone is willing to believe him.

During this time, Miki companies quickly combed the recent everything happened, and the purpose of depth analysis of Meng Qian did, and gradually started their actions.

For the reactions of the old Moore, there are many entrepreneurs in Huaxia, so they have worry about Meng Qian, such as the Chinese people, and after the meeting, I will follow the first time. He gave a meal.

"Your thing is a bit big."

Meng Qian didn't care, "I didn't say it before. Under the jungle law, when you can't keep it, the offense will become the best defense."

"I can understand your helplessness." Ren Zhengfi served Meng Qian, "But the offense is to speak with strength, there is still this stage of the gap in strength, how to do it is really difficult.

Just ... I am worried that you may make a bad breath this time. "

"Oh? Please ask for it."

"On the surface, your further new globalization is in the Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Strategic Alliance for the rice country, but in fact it has risen to a height, targeting a kind of thought, this idea includes Walson Agreement.

The Walson Agreement is a landmark organization that combines weak people as a basic principle of agreement.

You are very easy to trigger the national team, the company is fighting with corporate, how to fight, but the company will fight with the country, not to mention such a country.

And eight years ago, in the West Lake Tea Tower, you also said that the rice will spend a lot of effort to promote globalization. In this process, they may even go to compromise some things, I believe that the company is absolutely not a fool, they will not be positive Going with you against your mind, they will only promote globalization.

Even, they will hide the nationalism, as long as they give enough benefits, they have the advantage.

I guess that Mi State will continue to increase the leading globalization, and will never engage in the extremely extremeized rice countries on this festival. "

"You are right." Meng Qian did not deny everything that is polite, "I am not betting."

"Gambling? What?"

Meng Qian turned the wine glasses in front of the face, got up, slightly some of themselves, "Mi Dang changed quickly."


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