Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 816 Future Big IP


In fact, any polite is not completely unable to understand what Meng Qian is gambling, but Meng Qian insists that the obstacles can only choose silence, whether as a friend or a partner, his suggestion is recommended, Meng How to do it, it is a matter of Meng Qian, and any politician is not eligible to teach Meng Qian.

While Intel and other enterprises began to act, Samsung's conference of the Samsung is finally coming.

Samsung with Apple will focus on the system and application.

Really hardware, the processor of Hongmeng 9 is 10nm + enhanced AI design, and Apple is only 14nm traditional AI chip.

The camera is even more than, the back of Hongmeng is a buser camera, plus enhancing photography, and don't know how to compete.

As for the screen, don't say it, Samsung has not won, Apple does not have the ability of the self-research screen.

So both companies can only do articles in systems and applications.

Apple claims that IOS13 is the most perfect system in Apple's history. Samsung threatened that he has created the best Android system in the world, achieving a highly fluent experience of non-delayless Carton.

At the beginning of July, the two companies were transferred to the largest power to let the products quickly launched, and they were busy.

Instead, Meng Qian is a bit of a little leisurely, with Meng Fan pinching mud in the office.

"Gu Jun Hui said that you are very idle in the past few days?" Shen Jiawen came to Meng Qian.

"I have been tight in the first half of the year, and I have to relax in a few days. I have to see a psychologist." Meng Qian said Shen Jiawen to pinch the mud.

"Do you want to accompany you to Sanya for a few days?"

"I still have to stay in Hangzhou, I am waiting for some recent things."

Shen Jiawei nodded and did not ask, and the things on the work Meng Qian didn't say that she never asked more. "Is there a time you are on the No. 10?"

"No. 10? What happened?"

"Tian Xiaopeng's movie is about to be released. He gave me a few via imperative for me to join, and I also mentioned it. I hope you can go."

"Tian Xiaopeng?" Meng Qian is a bit strange to this name.

"Spring 2009, we have worked with him."

"Oh, oh, I think it, I thought about digging him to, what movie did he take?"

"The Sacred Return of Journey", we also invest. "

See Meng Qian does not speak, Shen Jiawen continues, "It is not very good for pre-publicity, the market is very low, you must have never heard, they are now expected to have a billion box office."

"Is it come to Hangzhou Premiere Xiaopeng?"

Shen Jiawen gave a very real answer, "If he knows you, you will come."

Meng Qian also laughed, this is reality, "I am idle, then turn it."

On July 10, Meng Qian took Shen Jiawen? The full-scale armed very low-key to participate in the premiere of "Great Sheng returned".

Tian Xiaopeng et al knows that Meng Qian is coming to understand that Meng Qian is going to low-key? So did not find Meng Qian before the festival.

Meng Qian is risen by this opportunity to relive over and over and over again. The film's story is basically the same as once in one world? It doesn't change? This is in Meng Qian's expectations.

After the film, Tian Xiaopeng walked on the stage, Meng Qian also didn't have to give applause? But there is no appearance, many people don't know Meng Qian.

However, Meng Qian agreed to eat meals with Xiapeng at night.

"This movie will succeed." Meng Qian gave his own evaluation.

Tian Xiaopeng will really don't know what kind of results can I have "Great Sheng return"? Just when a passenger connection? After chatting with Meng Qian, after the idea of ​​national roaming, Tian Xiaopeng is obviously slight, talking They all have a bit big tongue, I don't know if it is a good gallbladder. Tian Xiaopeng suddenly turned on another topic? "Meng Chu knows" three bodies "?"

"Triple" is the fire after the Roague Award after I got the Hugo Award in August 2015, and I would like to have a lot of hardships in July 2015, so Tian Xiaopeng is not sure if Meng Qi has heard of "three bodies".

"I have seen it." Meng Qian directly gave a straightforward response.

Tian Xiaopeng's face revealed a silk, "I don't know how Meng always thinks" three body "works?"

"The overall framework is a bit mean, and it is also very in line with the Chinese creative cultural environment. There is a place in the middle of the medium.

Tian Xiaopeng suddenly smiled, "I have something to say? Just Meng talks about the Great Breeze Group in the section of the Science Fi, I suddenly thought of this matter? I think I should have it to have it. This is the opportunity to eat with Meng, so I want to mention this thing. "

"Who knows the future? But the field can say something."

"I with the old Liu, oh, that is, the author of" Three Body "is an old friend, so I have always paying attention to one thing, that is," Triple "shooting.

In 2009, Zhang Failun director took the copyright of "Three Body" and began to prepare the three-body shooting work. In 2013, "Triple" officially established, just two days, the entire shooting has been completed, but ... There have been a lot of things in the past two years, and subsequent production has encountered some trouble. "

"What trouble?"

"Three Body" follow-up needs a big money, especially the "three body" in these years is increasing, the market and readers have also improved the requirements of "three physicals", and Zhang Gu is now not found. Satisfied investors ...

He recently price is 200 million. The result is that there is no money to "three body", understand the "three body" no money. If you go, "three bodies" is likely to put on hold, now the three-body needs A powerful team came to take over, but it was a man in the country. Some people have come to talk about this.

But old Liu said, he didn't want to give "three body" to the Mi country team. They didn't black, and the white individual hero will ruin "three bodies". He still wants to find the ability to find the ability in China. The shooting of "three body" continues.

And this team is more than just someone who has money, but also some ... deeper influence. "

"Does Zhang do?"

"Auditing is also something that needs to be considered."

Meng Qian looked at Tian Xiaopeng, "So you want we to connect to the" three body "project? But this thing should be Liu Zuo home to talk to me, how to always open this mouth."

"Old Liu is going to see Meng, but I want to see Meng Mong, it is not easy." Tian Xiaopeng said very real. "I think unfortunately, I think" three body "is a very good sci-fi theme, and it is a very good Chinese The sci-fi theme, because it is like the old Liu said that the cultural kernel of the "three body" is definitely the Chinese core core, which can clearly reflect the difference between China's culture and Western culture.

I think if our Huaxia team can take a "three body", it may open our Chinese science fiction movie era ... "

It is said that Meng Qian also asked a very real problem.

Tian Xiaopeng smiled bitterly, "We have found it ... it is refused."

"Rejection? Why?"

"Maybe, we have too high for" three body "shooting, after all, ..." Three Body "does not have such a big name, if you take" three body "as a small cost movie to shoot, really It's better not to shoot. "

"So we are the business that has money but does not understand" three body "."

Meng Qian said, and the results were shocked by Tian Xiaopeng. "Meng Qi, I ... I don't mean this."

Meng Qian did not expect his joke to scare Tian Xiaopeng, busy shooting his shoulders, "Tian Gui didn't use so confused, joke."

Meng Qi actually understands the reason for the company, is not the company's people who have no eyes, but the company has the sci-fi movie that is ready to release, but also to open the door of Huaxia Science Fiction.

"Three Body" seems to be good in the company team, but after all, after all, I haven't arrived at the extent of the fire, the company has my own science fiction, indeed, there is no reason to smash too much money to shoot "three body", After all, "Three Body" If you really gave the big wind entertainment, the big wind entertainment will not take 200 million films. Such a subject, how can you have a burning 2 billion, then a little is not necessary.

Looking at the eyes of Tian Xiaopeng, Meng Qian deliberately asked, "If we are willing to pick up the" three body "project, how is the copyright of" three body "?"

"The meaning of the project is to buy the" three body "copyright in Zhang Failifan."

Meng Qian is a matter of "three body" IP. In 2009, Zhang sailboa spent 100,000, I bought "three bodies" copyright, this thing is later mentioned again.

However, Zhang Fan is in the "three body", but he does not have much money, the resources are not deep enough, "three body" is not attracted to big capital before the fire, "three body" is required Too much money capital is hesitant, especially when it is fired, does not put "three body" into Huaxia Science fiction movie benchmarks to become a human sinister.

Therefore, in July 2015, I went to the "three body" project. It is still a very cost-effective sale. The future IP is very valuable, and Meng Qian has its own confidence, "three body" wants to shoot in China. To make readers are satisfied, big wind entertainment is the biggest possibility.

Looking at Tian Xiaopeng and looking forward to the expression of still worried and uneasy, Meng Qian did not slip, this sale is definitely earned, and Meng Qian also has this interest to shoot "three body".

"I can talk to the team to talk about the" three body "things, but I have a condition."

Tian Xiaopeng was excited to put the wine cup, "Meng always said."

"Zhang Fan Director, and Tian Gui you, if we have a need, you have to help us to shoot" three bodies "."

Tian Xiaopeng's brain card has a card, and after the reaction, we will play a wine glass, "Meng Qi, I respect you!"


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