The next day, the news about Google restructuring is still hanging on major platforms, and the high of the heat said that there is no money.

The World Hacker Congress is in the wind and fire in the testic attack of the four major mobile phones.

It turns out that there is a vulnerability in each system. In the face of an international hacker, absolute system security is not true.

However, although everyone has a vulnerability, the severity of the vulnerability is not the same, and the system has some small loopholes. It is also normal. The key is how big is the harm to the user.

Under the four major mobile phone system test attacks in the World Hacker Conference, Android once again broke the key vulnerability.

These include lock vulnerabilities, payment vulnerabilities, and App Remote Vulnerabilities. These Andrews vulnerabilities have originally broke out in one time, and then one by a public relationship.

As a result, all the vulnerabilities are now concentrated together, and the Android system is directly horated by some hackers more than the other three systems.

At the same time, the network of Android fatal vulnerabilities was pressed, and the Android unsafe network heat gradually got up, because suddenly, a large number of people began to concentrate on the discussion.

"Android has always been the worst mobile phone that is doing security issues. The more critical is that Google doesn't know what is really the reason for the technical level. It is to die, I really don't understand technology. It is also very convinced that Google is, but Android is really disappointing, I think I will not choose Android again. "

"It is also quite responsible for the security problem. Vientiane also open source, how is it? How do you have no Android? Android now says that it is a big loophole in the first quarter, a small vulnerability is not separated?

It is Google that I didn't put safety as a matter, and I spent how to study how to use Android system earning advertising fees. "

"Since Google I felt a bit wrong after Google in the search engine technology, I even doubt that they were about to lap the money, and the question once again, but we were forgiven, Google. Don't you know how to cherish it? Do you have to satisfy the consumer's patience and good meaning? "

"Previous Page said that Google will never be a matter of sorry for users. I really believe, but look at Hongmeng Vientiane IOS system, then look at Google, I'm thinking, I feel that Cookbe is more real. At least people dare to admit that è is homosexuality. "

"System security is really not so difficult, the key is how much money is you willing to go in, and willing to give us a lot of profits that should not be earned safely, Android has given us answer, so, then say goodbye to Android. "

"I am looking forward to Android, now there is more disappointment for Android, I can't expose myself in an unsafe, my privacy should be respected, so I will not choose Android, I want to choose security "

The explosion speed of public opinion is very fast? It is a bit more reactive to many people. After reading the relevant topics after hot search, I have studied the original Committee of the matter to understand the original Committee.

And in Google internal? Marketing leaders analyze market public opinion in the first time.

"Mr. Pec? This is absolutely someone driving behind, we have transferred the entire thermal related data development trend chart? You see, it is clear that some people have concentrated on our public opinion attacks in some characteristics.

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This thing is a spoiled water army attack incident! "

"Can you find the source?"

"This is a bit difficult."

Obviously, they can't find evidence, so Google uses the most direct response? Use the water army to fight the water army? High price hire a batch of water to reverse public opinion.

However, let the entire Google PR team did not think that they did not achieve effective results in accordance with the water army public opinion in the past experience, and even the direct white? Almost no effect.

On the Internet, the voice of the Android system is not only reversed. It has become more intensified, and even some people began to question Google to reverse public opinion in the use of water troops. I have a bigger disgust for Google.

"This is not right." Google's marketing director looked at all of his experience. Everything I felt completely unsatisfactory? "How can there be so many people ... Do we expect wrong?

Is it true that the public opinion of the concentrated explosives is really true?

Don't anyone ask the water army? "

Doubt? Announcement, panic? It is spreading in Google.

Instead, it is another side, and Meng Qian, will be ready to go home early and play with his son.

"I heard what the water army said at the door, how do I seem to have heard the" Great Sheng Return "? Are you going to talk about Android?" Shen Jiawen, such as Meng Qian, is curious about Meng Qian in the office.

"Do you think" Dasheng returned "why can you so fire?"

"Good work."

Meng Qian means a deep smile, "You really believe that" Great Sheng returned "is purely relying on fire?"

Shen Jiawen couldn't help but stunned, "No?"

Meng Qian smiled and pinched her face. "The" Great Sheng returned "also has the water army to promote, but this water army is a bit special, they are called tap water."

"Sundery water? What do you mean?"

"How to say, the most shown in tap water is that the literary case is more real, it is difficult to distinguish whether it is a water army, and even has certain literary literacy, and interested.

However, for me, tap water is more important or another special.

In the current outbreak of the Internet, wine incense is also afraid that the alley has become a common phenomenon. You don't do any marketing. If you have a good work, you will be more and smaller. The fire is a standard poison chicken soup, and take the film and television circle. Do you have 10 more film works in one year, and you can let the audience remember 10? Is the rest of the work?

There is only very few parties that are really good, so you don't need any marketing.

But anything can not be in extreme cases, in general, good works, even the opportunity to expose, or to take the initiative to take the initiative to recommend people after watching the work, can make a lot of climate ? How many traffic is taking billions of traffic fighting?

Everyone in this world is very busy. There are not many people have idle work to explore the work, most people are waiting for the recommended recommendation, which is the passive situation in the market.

Marketing itself is not shameful, can make good wine in deep lanes, how can it be shameful?

But why everyone has some uncomfortable impressions on marketing, because now more and more marketing resources are used in inferior currenches, and the good currency is very difficult, but also because of the lack of marketing ability. It's definitely uncomfortable to step by inferior currency.

There is no absolute thing in everything. Under this era, there is indeed some good currency because of the marketing, and the water army that these marketing needs to use, it is tap water in my eyes.

So a feature of tap water marketing is that users can accept this marketing, because you have taken a good work, even, the real consumer is not to care if you are marketing, everyone is willing to put the focus in the work itself.

And this biggest benefit of this marketing is to persistence.

In terms of inferior currency, it is a fire, and once the fire is speculated, it is often fired for a while. "

"I understand, this Android incident is actually a reverse idea, using tap water to market Android problems, because Android is indeed inferior currency, there is still a lot of problems, so when consumers are aware of this problem, although there is The feeling of being held by big public opinion, but because Android is really a bad, everyone does not tangle the water army's non-water army, Android is not good, then it is not available, anyway, there are other systems can choose.

Even if you realize that you are marketing, you don't use a better system, and you will not be angry. "

Meng Qian couldn't help but pinched the face of Jia Wen. "My wife is smart, although we have used a lot of tap water theory, but Android is in fact not losing public opinion, Android is the defect of product itself. "

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