The user's sense of resembling the Android system has naturally transferred to the Android phone, and the first rush is almost the Samsung, which is almost equal to the Android phone.

Nowadays, I still insist on the mobile phone with Android systems, and the only sold is still a Samsung.

However, Samsung's big hassles come.

In July, I started a wide range of promotion, and I just prepared to grab market results in August.

Samsung first issued a statement that his mobile phone has already hit a patch does not have a safety hazard, however the effect is slight.

Samsung's Li was running with Li Runwei with the right to go to Google discussion.

"The biggest crisis in the Android system is actually there is alternative." Li is in a needle, "so we now rely on the market's negative emotions of Android, and we should find a problem from the opponent."

Page's mood is obviously not very good. Google's restructuring itself is very pressure. As a result, it has just been restructured. "From applying, our real opponent is a Vientiane system."

"Vientiane system ... Although Vientiane is good, the stability is always the biggest defect in Vientiane, can we do some articles?"

"Difficult, mobile phone manufacturers have systematic optimization, now the mobile phone system can really care about the user."

"What do you plan?"

"Give time."

After the Google came out, Li Runwa, who was seriously looked at, and did you have any opinion on Google now? "

"Google makes me feel too tight." Li Yun said his feelings, "If you pull a little, you may ..."

"Android continuously, the search engine has no big surprise, and the technical breakthroughs are slow. The so-called Google miracle may have been shattered." The right is Huali said his own view, "We can't help but hopic In such a company. "

Li was looking at the Google Building, and the eyes gradually became firm. Pick up the mobile phone to dialed a number, "Mr. Nadra, yes, I am in the country, just from Google, you said before. I feel that we can talk in detail, well, I am looking for you now. "

Li Yard and others on the bus and go to the Microsoft Building. On the other side, Cook came to the wind group.

What did you talk about both sides, and will gradually uncover the answer.

At the end of August, Android mobile phone sales continued to fall, Samsung mobile phone sales fell below 10 million, Samsung entered a quick down channel, just at this time, a message suddenly appeared in the market, "Microsoft or acquisition Android".

This era, some news of the news with or words is to test the user's response.

"How is the acquisition of not acquisition, no other mobile phone system can be used."

"The fatal problem of the Microsoft system is not compatible and ecological. If Microsoft really acquires Android, it should still play a positive meaning, after all, Microsoft's system team is the world's first ..." global first-class. "

"Android is now open source, the Microsoft must also open source after the acquisition? How do Microsoft be more in an ANDS?"

"Microsoft simply acquires Google, the mobile phone system has developed to 2015, how much change can you change, how is Microsoft? Computer system is not good now."

In the Google Conference room, Nadla looked at Page, "You also saw it, the market is about to the disappointment of Android, do you think Android is so good?"

"Time will fade everything."

"Yes, time will be diluted, and problems is that the Android system may not have so much time, and users will have a comprehensive resemblance of the Vientiane system when there is still a memory."

"Vientiane is not so perfect." Page must insist, "Vientiane also exists."

"What problem? Is it a listening hat to Vientiane?"

"Nothing is not!"

"You are already crazy." Nadra is highly high. "You really can't see the current situation, before everyone meets, how to say, with strong wind group and Huaxia Media The influence of public opinion, you carefully drag the water! "

Nadra took a fierce quarrel with Puqi, and finally Nadra leaving Google with anger, and dialed Li in the phone. "You come to Google a little stress, you go to find Pei Chat. "

The phone of the phone is a bit of stiffness in the tone, "Mr. Nadra, we may now go to Intel chat first."

"what happened?"

"ARM anti-water."

"What do you say ?! How is this possible?"

Nadra is really surprised. After all, I have just cooperated with ARM in front of ARM. After that, how long is ARM? This is.

But when Nadra came to Intel, everything has an answer, ARM really cooperates with the wind group.

The reason is very realistic, mobile phone processor process.

The struggle of mobile phone processor has always been more intense than the CPU process of computer CPU. Therefore, the leading leader of the mobile phone processor 10nm process is a profound thing. More importantly, the wind group gives at least 2018. The year-old 7nm processor's commitment is produced.

"I heard that the wind group directly signed the gambling agreement with ARM." Li said in a full-eyed message.

"Now the orders of Hongmeng architecture are basically windy semiconductor in the foundry, ARM orders are made of Samsung, TSMC, and our Intel, once the wind group cooperates with ARM, once ARM chip companies start looking for wind semiconductor foundry ARM chip, semiconducent generation Ganggang must have a huge change. "

"Intel is not adding to the investment process?" Nadra couldn't help but ask.

Kz Annik's expression is very entangled. "If we are in the past, we are of course confident, but now the biggest variable is EUV technology. If the wind group really puts the EUV technology to 7nm process and achieved success, How to increase the investment, because the difference in the two years is in this, how do we chase two years of gaps.

We can only try to increase your two-hand preparation in the 5nm process, but stand in ARM, they will not come with us. "

Nadra had to admit a little, "From the perspective of interest, ARM chooses to cooperate with the wind group to be a very smart choice."

"The Great Breeze Group also caught an important partner."

I looked at the two for half a day, Li was asked urgently, "So what should we do now?"

"I will contact ARM, then contact the chip company, ARM is an architecture provider, order or watch the chip company."

Kz Annik can't do too much now, until Li is returning to the country without a letter.

Sitting on the plane of returning to China, Li In the market, Li was looking at the market reaction after the wind semiconductor cooperated with ARM. Now the Hongmeng architecture accounts for 95% of the mobile phone processor with ARM architecture. Brought a certain guess.

Now in cooperation, everyone feels that the architecture market is stable.

"I still have to have hard strength ..." Li was unsearous with it.

When the plane returned to the company, Li was shouting Li Yun to his office to talk to him. As a result, Li Yunyu saw that Li Yu was in a hurry, "How did Apple cancels orders?"

Li was also stunned. He also waited for Costiannik to change the situation after contact with ARM. "No reason, Apple how? Curk is not to die to the head? Why ... Intel is not going Press the pressure ... "

Li Runwa is acknowledged, "Apple has justified the statement, the chip foundry they will hand over to Intel and wind semiconductor."

"Intel with big wind semiconductor? Is it excluded from us?" Li was very strange. "Now that the company is working with the wind group, plus our influence in rice, they must need us, at this time we They are very important.

Especially in the fields of liquid crystal panels, memory, they can only rely on us, otherwise the wind group is a big, they ... must have us need us ... "

When Li Li is constantly being confirmed, the right is Soupeu to run away from Li Zhongyi's office. "The news received, the LCD panel market is there."


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