From Yanjing, Deng Qingyun told Meng Qian Samsung actually raised the price, looked at several companies to run over to grab the production line, Samsung hopes to pull the price of the LCD panel production line.

"This Samsung is really meaningful, then you will come back first, we don't play with them."


After returning to China, Deng Qingyun told Meng Qian a news. "I heard that Note7's conference was recently in Gao Li, there should be no accident, it should be next week."

"next week?"

"Well, and the scene of Samsung's own release said that they also have a supply chain this time, saying that it is prepared enough spot, should be sold soon.

Also just pick the time of our Chinese Spring Festival, I don't know if this detail is. "

"Samsung Galaxynote7 ..." Meng Qian grabbed the insulation cup on the table, "Take a look at their performances, maybe it will be a very interesting performance."

From the end of January, Samsung began to increase operational investment, but also became the largest sponsors in the 2016 Rio Olympics, and pressed the wind group.

The promotion of Samsung GalaxyNote7 is even more no effort.

On January 25, Samsung Galaxynote7 national synchronous conference was held in 6 countries, including Huaxia for the first time.

This morning, Galaxynote7, Meng Qian is a little more unexpected, but it is not particularly unexpected. It is almost three months in advance.

Why is it in advance? Everyone is clear, last year, because Android fatal vulnerabilities Samsung fell sharply, the previous flagship machine achievement is very unsatisfactory.

Samsung had to launch a new generation of flagship models to save the market.

At the press conference on Huaxia, Zhang Nan, senior manager of Samsung Electronics, China, is confident in the press conference, showing multiple selling points of GalaxyNote7:

2KsuperaMoled, two-curved screen, IP68 waterproof, iris identification, film and television photography, multi-level power technology, the latest smart assistant ... According to Zhang Nan's statement, GalaxyNote7 is used to use all the top technologies that Samsung can use. .

It is a product of such a goal to turn over, but breaks Samsung's high-end route, and chooses the cost-effective route.

The price of Samsung mobile phone has always been the highest in the same configuration. This is related to Samsung's marketing positioning.

All media in the previous period guess GalaxyNote7 should be around 5999, no one wants to be such a price.

"How many three-star compatible technology on Galaxynote7 is not surprising, but the price reduction is really untrans." Meng Qian could not help but unexpected after reading the conference.

"Samsung this brokerage is really more powerful than we imagined." Fang Chen is also very surprised, "such a price, will it be a self-destruction of high-end marketing?"

"They may also think so much? Can you force Samsung to make this decision, you can only show that Samsung is really no way." Xiao Bo knows his judgment, "Android trust is not solved, Samsung The so-called hardware breakthrough is actually not very attractive to the user, and the light is marketing ... I am afraid that it is difficult to support the high-end image. "

"In fact, at this time, it will not necessarily harm the traditional image of Samsung. After all, we also started to make MINI. Apple has also begun to ventilate. This year is planning to cut prices. Samsung is just in smart phone sales and prices. The node is doing brand strategy adjustments, and it is not a matter of an opportunity. "Gu Junhui stood in the marketing point of view expressed the understanding of Samsung price reduction.

"And I want Samsung to engage in new price strategies at this time, and the other is definitely in the end of the internal industrial chain, the price is probiotics is the new core competitiveness of the future Samsung to build."

Meng Qian is more agreeing to Gu Junhui's opinion, "Note7 is a price reduction, but it is not directly competitive, but Note7 failed, and Samsung may urgently need someone to pull him."

"Meng always thinks that Note7 will fail?"

"I don't know, but I suddenly make such a big adjustment in the brand strategy, I always have a risk, and the old Xiao, do you want to run the Gao Li?"

"What do you want me to do?" Xiao Bo learned that this will really catch Meng Qian's point, mainly in everyone's view, the new price strategy of GalaxyNote7 should not be too big.

"Samsung is not a lot of excess of the liquid crystal panel production line, indicating that Samsung has not yet arrived, so it is still consumed.

But if galaxynote7 is really a true, things are not the same, to stimulate Samsung. "

"Okay, I understand."

On January 31, Samsung GalaxyNote7 began to sell globally, it turns out that Samsung's new price strategy is effective.

What is the difference between the current users of the current brand, the price is cheap is a very important consideration.

Although there is still no sales in Huaxia in Samsung, but in the traditional market in Samsung, such as Omei and other places still set off a small snapped tide.

The question of the Android system is mainly safe. Although the fluency is also poor, it has not been too bad in 2016, and this world is there, there is a group of people not care about privacy, and one The approvers always believe that the crow in the world is generally black, even if Hongfeng has nothing to think is that Hongmeng is not safe.

In addition, Gaoli has started a support for domestic products. Everyone saw Samsung's crisis, although young people still want to go to work, but buy a Samsung mobile phone to support a lot of people or willing.

Of course, it is very important to be Note7 does do it.

Even the technology media said that GalaxyNote7 is better than apple, and such comments have been recognized by many people.

In just one week, GalaxyNote7 has more than 2 million sales, Samsung officially released the latest forecast, GalaxyNote7 year sales exceeds 40 million.

Similar to "Galaxynote7 sales, online channels are completely out of stock" is contained in the sky, Note7 has become the first explosive electronic product this year.

Note7's big sale, let Li have a breath in the heart of Li Yunrui and others.

Li Yuxi also chose Xiao Bo knows that I have been in my own time.

"I heard that Mr. Xiao is going back today?"

"Well, tomorrow is our New Year's Eve night."

"Unfortunately, the day after tomorrow is the celebration feast, I originally want to invite Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Bao is surprised, "Then, the product will open a feast for a week?"

"One inside the feast, and then said, with the performance of Note7, it is basically forecasting the development of the following development, this Xiao always should be very clear."

"This is, it is indeed congratulations to Samsung, but it is not what is nothing to say in Note7, mainly to impact the market."

Li smiled and laughed, indicating that Xiao Bo will continue.

"But it is good to stabilize the market, but now Samsung is a good opportunity. At this time, Samsung really doesn't consider this opportunity, choose a better product plan?"

"The product of the wind group is very good, but I think that you have a saying that you have a saying that this world cannot work less, and you can't compete.

The partner of the wind group is much more, but the competitors are a bit less. "

Xiao Bo knows that it is a tender smile. "You really still feel that Samsung is still in one ... Can you follow us?"

Xiao Bo knows that Li is changing his face, "Mr. Xiao is coming to provocation today?"

"I just think that the truth is more valuable to Samsung. The troubles of Samsung now is not a problem with a mobile phone. You should be very clear. Now Note7 has changed some things, and no more crashed, the opportunity to do real breakthroughs, Samsung's next way go?

Even if it is necessary to fight price, I am afraid that the foundation of Samsung is not enough? "

"Mr. Xiao, don't underestimate our Samsung."

Xiao Bo smiled softly. "Since Mr. Li thinks this, then ... I hope our competition can bring some energetic to the market."

After leaving Samsung, Xiao Bo gave Meng Qian to a phone call. "Samsung is still in our opponent, and is the kind, equality opponents."

"That's really there is nothing to talk, you come back."


On February 7, Huaxia's New Year's Eve, Gaotai Time at 6 o'clock, Li was on the Samsung Electronics to open an internal celebration, Note7's success is greatly, he needs to fight everyone, have sent a lot of red envelopes, Li It's even a bit a bit.

With a little drunk, Li was playing a lecture of the wine glass in the face of the wine glasses, and said that the mobile phone suddenly came to a news. He opened a look, more excited, "see No, even the "Los Angeles Times" is talking, our Note7 is hot! "

Many people have seen the latest news, but everyone's discoloration changes.

Li Yunyu is busy with Li Yunwei, "Note7 is hot ..."

"I know, hot!"

"Not ... is a fire ... exploding ..."

Li is in, "???"


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