Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 828 accepts reality

"Plus-burst bamboo!" China time 6 o'clock, before dinner, Meng Fan was excited to looked at Meng Qian ignited firecrackers.

Wait until the firecrackers, Meng Qian hugged Meng Fan to go back to the room to eat, Xiao Bo knows the call.

"Happy New Year, Xiao Xiao."

"Meng Chuan Happy New Year."

"How come this year to call me?"

"Meng Zheng, Note7 is accidental ..."

Meng Qian's eyes are moving, listening to Xiao Bo, after the matter, after the matter, "first in the New Year, I will say tomorrow."

"it is good."

Back to Samsung, Li's wine is waking a message by a message.

As I once, a note7 user's mobile phone exploded on the plane. It is not the same as that, this time is explosion in the flight, and it is unfortunately in the baggage bag. It has triggered a lot of riots.

There is still a different thing, and the seventh day of Note7 is available.

It's nothing to do in people, but things are bigger, so that this thing is reported in the "Los Angeles Times".

"I don't know why the mobile phone will explode. This Note7 just bought it a few days ago. I was on the plane, I put the mobile phone in the bag, and I didn't have to smell a scorpion.

When I opened the package, I found it burned it in the inside and hurriedly called the flight attendant, and then they told me because my Note7 explosion caused, but I didn't know what happened now.

This mobile phone is bought at Samsung Direct Store, I don't know why it will explode. "The parties quickly spread on the Internet in front of the media.

Then, it is a thing from the global Note7 users to explode the Note7 explosion online.

After the Spring Festival, Note7 was sold in a short half a month, and Note7 was exposed to 50 explosion. In fact, 10 rushed to public transport, everyone is clear, the real explosion is absolutely less than 50.

On February 16th, Singapore Airlines took the lead in making a notice, prohibiting the use of Note7 users, followed by Airlines, New Zealand, Emirates, and China's Airlines Hainan Airlines issued the same announcement.

Note7 gradually boarded a blacklist of global airlines, and events were further promoted.

"The reason for the explosion is clear.!" Li was in the office.

Li Runfei faces. "We have entrusted the third-party institutions in Germany and Migram to test, and the fastest may wait for the next month to come out."

"So what is the next plan?"

"First call." Li Yun said very reluctant, "more and more explosion events, although I don't know why, but I can only call back to my mobile phone.

As for public opinion, we want to take a pressure to press it. "

"Hurry and let them make it clear!" Li was really helpless, the Note7 explosion of the last generation can only be a shame, this Note7 explosion is simply a Samsung's life, "You must do every way now. To change the direction of public opinion, Note7's explosion now affects not only Note7 sales, but also other mobile phones, even all other electronic products. "

"To talk about this, Sony sent people."

"Sony? Pai people come over?"

"They want to be our battery supplier."

"Sony will take the time! They are not forgotten that their own explosive doors!" Li was ignited in a little quiet emotion.

"That ... The Great Breeze Group is also coming, and the wind group also wants to be our battery provider."

"Give me a trip! Things are not found out, they are active."


Samsung began to recall mobile phone, and Huaxia's mobile phone companies have announced last year's results.

Mobile phone sales data in the world's major institutions have also come out.

In 2015, Hongmeng sales were 23 million, the first time became the world, and the only brand without a low-end function became the world's first brand.

Then, Huawei sales 200 million, ZTE sales of 160 million, Xiaomi sales of 110 million, OPPO sales of 93 million.

Huaxia brand won the global sales of smartphone before five.

The sixth place finally turned to Samsung, sold 73 million throughout the year, but this sales basically sold out in the first half of last year, Andrews a deadly loopholes, Samsung sales plummeted, a total of 20 million mobile phones sold in the second half of the year.

Continue to see, Nokia has a seventh place with 60 million, Apple is 82 million to eighth, and Meizu is a ninth place with 39 million, Motorola is the 10th place.

Because of this explosive door incident, in 2016, the 2016 mobile phone sales prediction, the expectation of Samsung is directly below 20 million.

Of course, this prediction of the professional institution is definitely not the opening. This is the conclusion that Samsung's mobile phone products itself combines user reputation, production capacity, corporate scale, corporate capital, etc.

More organizers have exploded Samsung's current debt ratio of up to 50%.

I haven't been interesting to Samsung's liability to Samsung, and everyone knows that Samsung's liability is as high as 50%.

The prediction of market sentiment and professional institutions, the direct result is the stock price plummeted.

From February 22nd to February 26, Samsung stock price plunged 50%, directly triggered a big earthquake in the Gaotuo stock market.

"Middle East assets are abandoning us." A document is in front of Li Jianxi and Li in the face of Li, "they are selling our stock!"

"That guy actually even greets!" Li Jianxi felt betrayal, "How much we have made them earned in the past!"

"Not only the Middle East assets, Huaxia assets are also accelerating the sale of our stock, but even Israel's funders also started.

Moreover, in addition to the pressure of the capital market, there is still a hassle now, and the channel merchants ran to the company to decline. "

"Why?" Li was standing directly. "It's just a mobile phone explosion. We have worked with these channels for so many years. For the explosion of mobile phones, they give up with our cooperation? Isn't other business? "

"This is the problem." "Li Yunwei whispered on the side," There is no channel chamber to discover cooperation with a company because of a mobile phone problem, and no user will give up the problem because a mobile phone will give up on a brand. trust.

Note7 just gave everyone an excuse ...

We have said before, Note7 is too important for us, yes, it is really important.

Among this critical moment ... "

Li Yunyu paused the opening after a moment, "I have another news here, I have already contacted Intel and Qualcomm yesterday, they don't want anything to do."

The office is falling into a dead.

For a company, capital, partners, channels, users, this is a very important four elements. When these four are beginning to abandon a business, it is a company to go to the head.


"Chairman, Great Breeze Group's Xiao Bo knows, and Sony's Pingjing has come again. It is very important to talk to you. Do you want to see it?"

The father and son made a decision after Li Jianxi, "please come in."

The inquiry atmosphere of the inquiry, in the face of the fathers and sons of the look, but the one, "two, bystanders clear, saying that you may not listen.

Maybe you think that Samsung with 1997 is very similar, but in fact, it is not like, the Samsung at the time is trapped in the 97-year financial tsunami as many companies, and the large environment is very important.

But all the problems faced by Samsung at this time is on Samsung himself. It is your product. It is your marketing problem. It is your asset structure.

Note7's explosive door, unveiled all kinds of problems you want to hide, Samsung, which is reality. "


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