Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 829, Dimis Hazabas

Just as all giant enterprises in history, there will happen some people who have an accident, Canada's Nortel, Finnish Nokia, France's Alstom ...

However, interesting is that this world, the company who was originally earned to end the life is alive, and it should be a good Samsung, but it has become a inexpressed existence in this era.

And all changes are related to Meng Qian.

At the beginning of March, Samsung announced that it was discontinued from Note7, which was discontinued, closed the door of Note7, and closed another invisible door.

Not long ago, I still want to do Samsung mobile phone battery supplier, this will not be willing to come as a supplier, before, it is necessary to acquire Samsung LCD panel production line to start collective price, directly cut the price down. half.

Just more than a month, the market's attitude towards Samsung is like Samsung's share price, and the last straw of the turbine of the camel finally appeared.

"Never underestimate the market to abandon a brand of speed, the wall is pushing, the tree is scattered." Meng Qian sent this sentence to the company's management in the way, with Samsung's fall to wake up everyone.

Samsung Group said that it will do our best to keep Samsung Electronics. The Gao Ligui government has decided to grant blood transfusion to Samsung after review.

Therefore, Samsung Electronics is not bankrupt for a time, and Samsung Group has a gorgean government, and may never be bankrupt, but at this time, only 300 meters of market value, the scenery of the scenery is alive, so the scenery of the scenery is alive. Observations can see the difference between this.

"It's also very unexpected, I have always thought that the Sony is the weakening of the science and technology giants of Asia, and Samsung is inverted."

"Sony feels very smart, knowing that your ability is working with the wind group, not like Samsung, but also open to the wind group."

"Samsung is not allowed, Samsung's relationship between Omi's allies can be more solid, Sony is not a big order, and Samsung has taken several orders.

And Samsung has always been all allies in the semiconductor development of rice, Sony calculates a partner.

Take a look at the Samsung's products you know in Omei.

I didn't think that Samsung suddenly became like this, I really think Samsung has a potential to become the next big wind group. "

"Maybe it's a fault to be friendly, but it is really hard to imagine that the Micro-China technology company will have been weak in the mobile market."

"I think Sony is not smart, is the common point of neon companies, each of the three countries in Asia has a big dream. From the company's performance? Neon companies have always been opposite to the company companies? At least Compared to Gorges, companies should resist a little more obvious. "

"After all, there is such a history of history? Neon should be the importance of self-reliance."

"The problem is that the overall performance of neon companies now is not very good ..."

"The scientific and technological pattern of Asia is basically fixed? Huaxia must be leading sheep, Samsung, a highlights, it is estimated that it is sluggish in a short time? Look at neon companies."

The public ate ​​melon, and finally confirmed that Samsung's finisher came to talk about this matter, the attention was too? Everyone began to expect the technology market to bring new mega.

Good in the market, don't eat melon people? Mid March, I really hang a thing in the hot search.

Google Alphago robots defeated the world champion Li Shiite in the Go game, which triggered the sensation of the industry.

Google naturally won't miss such a good topic, global marketing is immediately keeping up, hate can not let everyone know this news? All experts began to interpret the significance of AlphaGo? The most important thing is that Google began to speculate in artificial intelligence new game The identity of the road

Moreover, the market can't help but take the valley song to the standard wind group, after all, the most leading in all industries of the wind group is artificial intelligence.

Alphago is a DeepMind team created, while DeepMind's founder Dimis Kazaki said in an interview, "AlphaGo is not a concept of" AlphaGo and Dark Blue is a concept? The international chess battle of dark blue and Casparov is actually a computer operation. One test of the ability, after the rules of chess? Using the powerful computing capabilities of the computer with Casparov, this is only the state of artificial intelligence is still in the early state.

However, Alphago this time is completely different. First, the specialty of Go itself is very different from chess. Go almost no rules can be said? Every step is a temporary decision based on purpose.

And it is there is no rule? The action decisions of the program itself cannot be run in accordance with the established program, but more subjective performance is needed.

Go is a quite sensible project, which is not like chess every child, and the shape of Go is quite sensual, and the judgment of the advantages and disadvantages is not the result of pure calculation. Except for human sensation, explain through computer's huge computing power and high-level artificial intelligence program, enhanced through the self-learning of the machine, which is a landmark thing.

At the same time, Go's compaction is far more than chess. If it is only an improvement of the operation, even if it is increased, it is only the change of the number, and the quality change will not be reached. Alphago's core difference is that the computer has a thinking ability, allowing computing power to achieve quality changes.

Alphago's data foundation is not the rule of Go's game, but the massive chess of massive players, through the continuous ending of learning to master the ideas of Go, this has some characteristics of human thinking, that is, do not rely on preset, Learning summary.

Alphago finally defeated Li Shi Shi, explaining that artificial intelligence has reached a new height in autonomous learning ability, achieving the amount of true significance to reach the quality. "

Dimis Kazaki's high praise of Alphago makes this human-computer war more attention, but really igniting the enthusiasm of eating melon or Dai Timis Hazabis in the last sentence of interview, "the world said The artificial intelligence field of this era, Meng Qian is the smartest artificial intelligent scientist on this planet, but I think Meng Qian is only hired a very powerful person, he himself, but so.

I believe that everyone will mention artificial intelligence, and the team that will first think is our deepMind. "


"This is the buddies that I refused to refuse." Xiao Bo saw the video of the video that came to the Internet. "

Meng Gong's rebirth is a big part of the artificial intelligence. Nature knows DeepMind, naturally know Dimis Hazabis, Meng Qian has dug in Google before Google, and the results were taken by the other. One meal, I didn't succeed.

"This brother is very powerful, very mad, I heard that DeepMind has been independently operated by Google, Google does not interfere with the DeepMind team." I thought that Meng Qian was refused to reject the other party. The world is ridicies, Gu Junhui also feels interesting. "It seems that DeepMind has signed a few years with Google. After the agreement is expirable, DeepMind wants to leave and want to stay."

"I still look at DeepMind's potential in medical treatment." Meng Qian glanced for two people. "We don't miss a DeepMind team anyway, I really want to say the world's best intelligent team, definitely in our wind group. "

"But this brother is so ridiculed you, don't you plan to respond? Online netizens shouted, there are many people say that let us fight with them."

Meng Qian is not in the provocation of the other party, "For people who are arrogant, you are more mad, or you don't take care of him."

"So you plan to take care of him?"

Meng Qian looked at the calendar. "The interview with PA is after the day, first solve the things of PA Waterloo first."


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