Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 842 Magic Stability

This year, B20 has six major issues, respectively, financial growth, trade investment, infrastructure, small and medium-sized enterprise development, employment, and anti-corruption.

With the official beginning of B20, everyone starts to put forward their own ideas for all issues, the overall communication atmosphere is very harmonious, after all, this is a meeting that makes the world better, everyone will not fight here.

Coupled with the recently led by Huami, it is pushing globalization, although the direction of globalization is not the same, but the globalization is consistent, which makes the meeting to be more harmonious, feeling everyone is going well. Globalization comes tomorrow.

However, behind the back of harmony, it will not pay attention to other people, especially between entrepreneurs, will pay attention to what other entrepreneurs are talking about, after all, for expert scholars, entrepreneurs, often related to some interests.

It is obviously Meng Qian, but Meng Qian is very general in this B20, because the whole process is basically a very official attitude.

As a representative of the Chinese private enterprise, this is not a ritual, but how much is some disappointment.

Instead, some of other Chinese companies suggest that people are more concerned.

For example, a very active horse, proposed an electronic world trade platform.

This is what Masaka has come to Meng Qian home to talk to him. The electronic world trade platform is a concept that Ma Wei puts forward in March this year is a private enterprise drive platform designed to help the platform of SMEs.

To put it bluntly, the horse must engage in a large international platform in the world. Although the development process will definitely encounter a lot of my questions, it is better to solve it, first let this platform, Ali seizes a leader .

Moreover, the horse is looking for a good reason for the construction of the electronic world trade platform. He said at the scene. "In recent years, trade freedom is increasingly limited.

The WTO has become a major organization, and small businesses are now getting worse, there is almost no space.

In this way, the world will kill a group of people's entrepreneurial innovation, so the world trade urgently needs to establish a new mechanism, as a supplement to the WTO, so that SMEs even have a chance to participate. "

This is the horse, I can always blow a big cattle forced what he wants to do, and it is true that it is true.

The final electronic world trade platform was successfully incorporated into the B20 policy recommendations, will be submitted to this G20 summit.

In addition, Haier's Zhang Ruiming put forward the recommendations of further open global R & D center construction, Zhang Ruiming said that in the process of Hayel globalization, he felt the absolute advantage of cooperative research and development, especially in the cooperation of emerging countries, can be maximized. With the power of capital and talents, Zhang Ruiming recommends that all areas should further open the R & D center, thus promoting the development of overall science and technology.

Huawei's obstacles believe that the whole world should strengthen the importance of developing countries, especially the communication infrastructure of developed countries. Ren policies say that the communication infrastructure of some countries will not understand the rhythm of global information development. It has led to severe polarization, which greatly affects the development of global trade.

After that, more and more Huaxia companies have begun to propose their own suggestions.

However, regardless of the establishment of the global trade platform, the establishment of the Global Cooperative R & D Center, or the poverty alleviation construction of communication infrastructure, etc., these things in fact are what the wind group began to practice.

But today, these words are not out of the mouth of Meng Qian, but for other Huaxia companies, it is the mouth of China's annual intensiveness in China in recent years.

These details, everyone looks in the eyes.

Everyone first realized that Huaxia arrived in 2016, but not only the multinational giants of the wind group, followed, and everyone found that the overall idea of ​​Huaxia Enterprises still did not change.

The rice country is implemented in the contracting strategy. It is simply that I put the focus on the energetic country and the company, and the developed countries will strip the world's most powerful companies.

Then use excess energy and resources to radiate backward countries and companies, but in fact, they don't expect them how much they can.

In their view, the technology war is not better than the real war, and a group of companies with no core technology gathered together, and there is no significance of unity.

But for the company, there is a big bug now is a batch of core technology, which is headed by the wind group, is still difficult to draw, the only comfort is the troubles of these companies in Huaxia.

Because Huaxia's strategy is that it seems to be contrary to them, the company's company is in the roots of developed countries, radiates the route of developing countries, and they believe that the Huaxia Enterprises are in the foundation of developing countries. Radiation of the route of developed countries, and they even think this is the helplessness of Huaxia Enterprises.

From the performance of China's business in China today, Huaxia Enterprises did not think of a good way to change the strategy, or put the focus on SMEs and developing countries.

In the silent influence of this year, from the past global thinking, Huaxia Enterprises seem to fall.

The evening dinner, everyone is still happy, after three patrols, looking at some slimmented Meng Qian suddenly lifting the wine glasses against the company's business delegation, "In fact, I think, now our Chinese Enterprises really should speed up the footsteps of cooperation, so that globalization is faster. "

The company's corporate delegation showed calm, but in the heart, he guess Meng Qian wanted to do, then nodded to recognize Meng Qian's ideas.

At the later dinner, Meng Qian often talked about the things of Huami corporate cooperation from time to time, and even the more you talk, this made the company delegation did not understand.

"Meng Qian seems to be serious ... in a slow relationship?" After the dinner, some people can't help but feel that Meng Qian may come true.

"You have to say other Huaxia companies, I believe, the problem is this Meng Qian, I have always been with us, how many times don't stay, this is too abnormal."

"Maybe really considering the globalization factor? Really completely torn face, it is really good for anything in this era."

"If you want to talk about it, you can talk about any point?"


I don't want to see Meng Qian. In fact, there is no one to see what Meng Qian is going to do. Even if he is the closest wife, after all, Meng Qian's secret, I have evolved to say that no one is true. The point is.


The G20 is very smooth, and the "20th Group Leaders' Hangzhou Summit" will soon began to be interpreted by various expert media.

Digital era, industrial transformation and upgrading, green environmental protection, the support of underdeveloped countries is still the main melody of this world.

In addition, soft girls finally confirmed into SDR, will officially introduced from October 1, 2016.

The most unexpected thing is that the electronic world trade platform proposed by Ma Yu has actually become one of the key contents of the final "commission". In addition, the WTO has been established in the first multilateral trade agreement "Trade Conservative Agreement" will Approved before the end of the year.

From these two things, multinational trade, multinational e-commerce will become a big trend in the future, and then, is the high dependence of multinational logistics.

However, everyone is more careful or the "Huami Investment Agreement" confirmation, which has become the focus of the world, and China is also relaxing the investment restrictions of the other companies in the country, and decided to deepen the cooperation between the two countries.

As this news came out, it is the possibility of Microsoft Intel with the wind group to discuss cooperation.

The whole world suddenly begins to look forward to the era of grooming cooperation may begin.

If Huami really competes lightly, it is obvious that more people are conducive to globalization.

With such a large environment, Huami Enterprise began to build a group, and more open and more inclusive globalization seems to be in front of you. Everyone needs more groups, to communicate, go to study, and cooperate.

In October, the world seems to have entered a magical state of peace, even if it is the UK, the UK has also started low-profile.

This world seems to have a lot of melons, suddenly become unusually harmonious, until everyone is slowly realized, the biggest melon is coming in 2016.


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