Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 843 Confirm Big Brother

At the end of October, the Goroma came first, and a girlfriend got a girlfriends, the wind and rain, which attracted the global eating melon, and called it as a Gaotuo realistic version of the paper house.

Perhaps the girlfriends have an absolute traffic that occupies Gaoli, so that there is almost no one concerned.

Samsung is under the hard work of the last half of the year, and the day is not much better. The liquid crystal panel production line is basically sold. It is taken away by Huaxia with neon enterprises, but this blood transfusion anti-enough after a period of time.

It is really that Samsung has now lacking powerful competition. As a result, the public opinion of Huami relations in the October market began. The investor is more unlikely to Samsung. It is a very low share price to plummet, so that this is not rich Samsung snow add .

As a result, the Gaotai is now in such a farce. Samsung began to consider the sold memory business.

However, the memory business is very important to Samsung, and I want to sell and I can't bear it. Samsung is very entangled.

At this time, Meng Qiao sent a invitation to Li and Li Runwei.

Li was in the heart of Li Runwei. In fact, he didn't want to go. They always believe that Samsung has today, all gave you Meng Qian.

But in front of the reality, everyone has low proud skull, because I don't know what Meng Qian wants to do, they still come.

Meng Qian received two people in the office, just met, "I want to acquire Samsung's memory industry."

Li was tight, and it was a little bit directly to the face, almost biting the dental road, "We have not said to sell."

"Here we are three people, say something," Meng Qian shrugged, "Samsung now also keeps a good profitability in the memory industry, I really want a fund, except for the memory industry, you can take out What to attract others?

Sell ​​the wafer factory directly?

Besides, don't you find a company company? "

Li Yu is really looking for the western data, and the rice companies in Apple are talking, and there is no hard anti.

Li is a little stable in the emotions. "Mr. Meng should also be very clear, even if you really want to acquire our memory industry, how big will the resistance behind?"

"I know, so I just have to share."

Li Yuxi and Li Run also made an incredible expression, Samsung selling a memory industry is actually just time problems, but the key is how to sell.

Whether it is from Samsung's hopes or from the highlights of the Gaotai, the best result is definitely not selling technology without selling control only selling some shares, with a portion of the shares without actual power.

The problem is that the current Samsung situation is very bad. If it is a company, it must be controlled and technically. If it is a pure investment agency, it will not be able to acquire Samsung memory industry, which is afraid that the next mixed LCD panel is the same.

The wind group belongs to the competitors. According to the reason, it is certain that at least the technology, as long as the shares are unreasonable.

"What does Mr. Meng mean?" Li was unable to understand, so he could only ask.

Meng Qian is a soft smile, "I want Samsung Electronics Shares."

Li was shrinking under the pupil, pressed against Meng Qian's hatred, "Mr. Meng is laughing."

"If I am really just to be a memory industry, I will directly find Mr. Li Runwei, and I will come to Mr. Li, I haven't thought of this layer?"

In fact, Li is really not thinking about this layer.

Meng Qian did not need to have an urgent gesture.


Such a precise number makes Li in a very sensitiveity, Meng Qian did not sell Guan Chi, then said, "Of course, if possible, I am willing to eat Belled in Samsung's shares."

"Beled ..." said that Li in the exports will naturally understand.

Belled is the third largest shareholder of Samsung Electronics, a rice fund, accounting for Samsung Electronics, while Samsung Electronics is a very standard pattern, financial valve + domestic annual gaunt + USA fund.

Whether it is Samsung or Hercules or a Korean companies that everyone named the name, they basically have the rice funds in their equity structure, and generally the third largest shareholder.

And this thing means anything, everyone is clear.

It is silent in the entire office.

Meng Qian quickly broke this silence. "What is the most needed now? If I judge what is wrong, it is the opportunity to turn over?

If so, don't we do your best? "

Li was calming again, "Mr. Meng said."

"For the present Samsung, even if you give you one or two billion meters, how do you plan?

The landscape of the LCD panel now is basically already fixed, although the semiconductor's pattern is still large, but the current semiconductor investment costs, Samsung chase? Anyway, one or two billion meters must definitely not look at it?

As for mobile products, two kinds of self-satisfaction, Android still hope? Even if Android is acquired by Microsoft, is Samsung still hope?

What I said is a bit, some industries have, our Chinese business spend many years to catch up with you, and you will take a difference between time and cost chase.

So the current Samsung, the choice is more important. "

"Mr. Meng can say something specific to something?" Li was clearly trying to listen to Meng Qian in his wound.

"Then fall to memory itself, from product evaluation, Samsung's semiconductor storage products are currently the world's first, Western data ranking second, Toshiba ranked third, Ranked 4th, but from the market share The market share of the fourth purple light product accounts for 35%, and the two should be very clear. "

Of course, they know why, but they don't want to pick up, Meng Qian continues, "This is a user-driven era, the user has a world, Samsung lost is to lose this place.

So if we become a major shareholder of Samsung, many industries can start using collaborative management, such as Samsung's memory, since the product is so good, with the user, not afraid to do it.

And from the perspective of research and development, more abundant capital, richer talents, better technical foundations, can you promote better product leadership, right? "

Meng Qian clearly got out of management rights, Samsung Electronics has many shareholders, but it is a shareholder of Gaoli Government, Samsung Group, and Miki Capital, Meng Qi thinking this shareholder.

Li is also confirmed, Meng Qi is really not to rush to the control and technology of the memory industry, because he is directly rushing to control Samsung Electronics!

"Samsung has experienced what you have experienced for more than half a year. Samsung is not a meaningful change. You are more clear. I am looking for sincerity. As for the Samsung, how to make decisions, of course, You are doing yourself. "

Meng Qian also didn't force it. It is indeed putting the attitude. Li Yuxi and Li Runwei naturally will not give a clear response on the spot, and the way the guests can maintain the decent.

Just just getting downstairs and goes into the bus, Li's face has become very poor, "this Meng Qian, killed us, now I still want us to attach to him!"

Li after leaving the wind group, there is a kind of humiliation, there are always some people in this world, I would rather be died in the battlefield, and I don't want to kneel down to the opponent, he called a big brother to let him live. Go down.

Meng Qian seems to be helping Samsung, but through the mention of the mention of rice capital and suggestion of post-management rights, this is to let Samsung recognize the wind group as a big brother.

Li Yu is obviously a person who is very difficult to accept this result, but Li Yun seems to be a bit hesitant. "However, recently, the attitude towards us in the country is really tough, and if we really hand over the control of the memory industry to the company, It is a no-hole that is not good, and we are now in their eyes, it is fat on the desktop. "

"Do we have the same for Meng Qian?" Li was angry with Li Runwei, "And Meng Qian took us to the table!"

Li Runwei saw that Li Yu's attitude would not immediately mention this, but a question, "But Meng Qian's requirement is quite strange, in fact, even if our Samsung Group can promise, Miki and our Gao Li Guo I am afraid I will not agree, I shouldn't understand this. Is there a way to set the rice? "

"Oh, he thinks that we have already abandoned by the country, and he feels that there is enough temptation in his hand, and some self-righteousness is."

I saw that Li was so violent, Li Yunwei no longer said, silently followed Li to return to China together, but just after the plane, a message immediately passed to two people.

In the absence of neon, Toshiba, it is possible to sell the semiconductor storage industry to the wind group.


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