Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 844, Chapter 844, Experts

In 2016, Toshiba had a big event. Toshiba has a lot loss in the nuclear business of Toshiba, and caught up with the Toshiba financial scandal and premium acquisition. Toshiba has collapsed from capital to reputation. It has not been able to make up the gap. His last core industry, semiconductor storage business.

In this time and space, perhaps because of a larger external pressure, this thing began to break out a few months in advance.

At the same time, the development of this thing also has some other difference in this time and space. There are two things in another time and space in Toshiba to sell the semiconductor business, one is never sold to Samsung, the other is never sold Huaxia business.

This aspect is because neon is suppressed on the inertia of Huaxia. On the other hand, it is also because Huaxia companies have gaps in this field, just because you have a gap, you can't sell it to you. Once you sell it, you will be gapped by you. Make up.

Therefore, there is no one in the home appliance industry neon enterprises to sell to Huaxia Enterprises. Because Huaxia has this technology, then sell it, but if there is still no skill, it is absolutely unable to sell.

The current difference is that this time and space in China has a purple light, and the technology is actually there, it is the problem of inertia to suppress Huaxia, but no matter how this is a little negotiation.

Therefore, when Meng Qiao met with Li Runwei, Xiao Bo came to Toshiba.

"According to the current acquisition plan, although neon countries have saved the control of the Toshiba semiconductor industry, it is actually a short-term benefit. From the long run, there is no problem, but it will become a bigger The hidden danger. "Xiao Bo found in the face of the Okawa.

The current main acquisition plan is the same as another time and space, that is, Toshiba first peels out the semiconductor storage industry to set up a new company Toshiba storage, and then find Bain Capital to acquire, but actually a bunch of people to acquire, Among them, neon national official funds will also end, plus several neon companies, and the total shares of neon countries have more than 50% and hold control rights, and Toshiba accounts for a little shares in Toshiba storage. .

This is actually not the acquisition plan of Toshiba, because Toshiba not only lost its own control, but also is not very good for Toshiba storage under the chaotic business and capital control.

But there is no way, the neon government offensive requires preservation of technologies, and Toshiba is also fighting.

However, this matter is not in two absolute, because the middle neon official government is also posing, and the Toshiba storage almost sold to the western data. In the end, Toshiba and the western data talked to the details of the negotiations.

"What is HD?" The Great Breeze Group is willing to shoot at this thing, at least Xuchuan is very happy to talk.

"There is a data in my hand, I want to first ask Mr. Xuan Zhi to help me confirm that from this report, after selling the semiconductor storage business, Toshiba has now added 60 billion neon currency. ,Is it?"

The Tangkawa is hardly hesitating, and after all, it is a listed company, regardless of the issue of financial falsification, and does not admit that it can't cover the fact.

"Mr. Xiangchui knows that the red envelope we went out in the beginning of the year exceeded 1 billion neon currency."

Xiao Bo knows how much is a bit uncomfortable, but it is necessary, so I immediately "apologize", "I hope that the Tangku Zhi should not mind, I just stand in an objective point of view, Toshiba is now Matter is one of the six e-commerce companies in Neon, and our six major electric companies will pick up a lot of profits. The profit is almost more than 7 times. Of course, I refer to Toshiba after selling the semiconductor storage business.

Urban selling assets is something that many companies will experience, but it has a commonality, and those enterprises that can renounce new students through the sale of assets. That is to find clear future, high profit points, can be sold in Toshiba is only left. The high win point, after selling the semiconductor storage business, can Toshiba can Toshiba can find an industry that is more than 50 billion neon coins in the year? Even just a direction? "

Xiao Bo knows the focus, and Toshiba is now sold, and it does not find a core profit point, and finally can only treat the small area circuit system as a key direction.

Toshiba's top of the six major electronic enterprises in Nika, and the facts have not completed a three-flow enterprise.

The Tangkuchi is actually very helpless, because Toshiba's decline is like the epitome of the neon electronics industry, he doesn't know what to do, "So if we sell semiconductor storage to the wind group, Mr. Xiao can promise us what?"

"I can give you two commitments, first, high shares, we have to count the current liabilities of Toshiba before, you should have at least 30% of the shares, and Toshiba is naturally going to operate. 30% of the guarantee can bring long-term stable income for Toshiba. As for us to ensure the profitability of Toshiba storage, I believe that Mr. Xuchuan is clear.

Second, the intelligent infrastructure renovation, Toshiba in the infrastructure direction is actually no problem, but the future is the future of intelligent infrastructure, this is just doing, then we can do this together, perhaps, Toshiba can find the first Two high profit points. "

The Tangkawa is unavoidable. This heart is inevitable, because some things he is very clear, neon national will leave the technology is of course right, but the cost behind this thing is Toshiba this century-old brand may It is necessary to completely not fall, and it will never turn over.

Sanjing Terminal has no investment in Toshiba. Sony and Toyota are covered there, and the three wells will have no reason to Guandong.

This is something that is a small family for everyone, but what can I keep the technology? More than Samsung is more than the technical ratio, but it is more than violet than sales. This little family is really necessary.

Take the meaning of the meaning, and confirmed the heart of the Tangkawa, Xiao Bo is no longer pressing, and after the back of the Tangchuzhi needs to communicate with more people. The whole thing will need more external forces.

Regardless of the Samsung Electronics, the Samsung semiconductor storage business is also difficult, and it is necessary to face the intervention between the two sides of the official government, but in the face of the intervention of rice, this is certainly going to try, because as long as It can be made of one, China's status in the semiconductor storage industry is completely different.

Now the LCD panel is already dominated by Huaxia. The CMOS sensor is also dominated by Huaxia. The battery industry is also in the forefront. If you take a semiconductor memory chip, the wind group can focus with Intel.

Soon after Xiao Bo was left, I saw a news here, and the rumors of the wind group should acquire Samsung semiconductor storage business.


"I just gave the Tangkawa, and the people of the wind group did find them, and it did raise the intention to acquire Toshiba storage, but only experienced the first negotiation." Li Yun was confirmed to follow Li It took the gas.

"The news on both sides is obviously the wind group is released."

"I always feel that this news is not to give us two companies. This matter we can confirm each other."

"The problem is what you think is the word of the Tangchuzhi?" Li was in a key, "I think about what the wind group is now in his hand. The whole smartphone market has been taken down by Huaxia Enterprise, the rest , Nokia is a wind group, Motorola is a deep partner of the wind group, and now there is still apple to live.

At the time of the computer market, the wind electronics and Huawei won half of the world, HP is now the technical partner of the Great Breeze Group.

Now whether it is a mobile phone or a computer, how do our products do? The market has been taken in the hands of Huaxia, especially the wind group, is what Meng Qiao is negotiating with us.

So even if the two companies know that the news is what he is coming out, do you think the TCP does not have a heart? Compared with the technology in neon, it is not good for neon officials.

Others play prisoners, putting two people in two unable to touch space, and Meng Qian directly put people in playing prisoners, Ming Hearing prisoners, he is showing off his absolute control! "

"If you look at Meng Qian, I will talk about Meng Qian to find us, he is not to acquire us, because even if you can't buy it, we have been a tool ...

This Meng Qian has begun to do with us, and you will be in place ...

And he, while using us, it really took out a win-win strategy. "

Li Yunyu is also very uncomfortable, but the more I want to think that Meng Qian is a bit too much.

"This Meng Qian is too big!" Li was completely anger. "But this also exposed Meng Qian's arrogance, just like the neon people of the year, he really did not take rice Put it in your eyes.

Today is November 9th? "


"The result should be coming soon."

The neon is here, the Tangkawa is soon going to the government a dialogue, and the government has no statement, and it is also a result of first waiting.

Xihu tea building, the people of the West Lake will be a fun than one.

"How is this possible ..."

"This year is really a big year."

In the early morning of November 9, 2016, at 1:40 on November 9, 2016, a similar doubt all over the world, as I didn't believe that the UK really referended, all predictors were once again faced.

Miki, ushered in a new owner who is unexpected.


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